It doesn't really matter what gender the fanservice is- i'm still against it. It's something that is mostly unique to Japanese things, that serves to remind you "Oh yeah, they need to sell this stuff to TERRIBLE people who are only going to buy the game if this 30 seconds is included". It's not something common at all in Western media- just look at Game of Thrones. They filled the first season with Sexpositon and nudity, and people noticed it, for better or for worse. There is significantly less of it now, after the show runners took the feedback of "Well, it's really awkward to watch this with my parents/wife/friends", and realized that it was turning people off of the show.
There are thousands of super talented artists on Pixiv and the like to create all the "fanservice" type stuff for your show that you should not need to put it in the actual product. Hell, you can even take the Koga Yun approach, who has written several super interesting doujins for her own series, Loveless. If you have no interest in it, you will never encounter it. That's the way it should be
Let's not pretend using male/female sexuality as a selling point in a product is an exclusively "WACKY JAPANESE" thing, its a common practice across all cultures. Lets just not forget that America, as great as it is, is a place that FREAKS THE FUCK OUT over exposed pasties but can't/wouldn't want to pass competent gun regulation laws if the fate of the universe depended on it. Even then, being more sexually conservative than many other places in the world, we STILL use "sex" to sell our products ALL THE TIME. Just not our cartoons because cartoons are almost exclusively aimed at children here
The "fanservice" in KLK is a blantant meta-parody/reconstruction of the concept of the female/male gaze that it's hard to even call it fanservice at times.
Nah I'm not buying that at least not for the series as a whole. Occasionally I feel that's true especially when they play up the clothing theme but they play it pretty straight pretty often (like the most recent episode for example). They get some degree of accolades for how extremely even-handed they are though. For a product CLEARLY TARGETED AT MALES, there is more male nudity, male partial nudity, male ass-shots than any other male-targeted show I'm familiar with to any degree.
On an unrelated note, the Metal Gear Rising: Revengance OST is AMAZING. If I'm looking for a good action game does that fit the bill?