Imperial Bishop
Did you make this gif?
I chuckled
"You have 371 unanswered voice messages."
I chuckled
Sometimes I just wish people would shut up about klk but that's just me being irrational, and I know I don't really have a reason to even say that .
I like Dark Souls, but if NeoGAF got From Software's dick any farther down it's throat it would hit stomach acid.I wouldn't mind dark souls if the fan base wasn't so horrible, no every game doesn't need to be a "super challenging" , "trial and error" , "grim dark " power fantasy , thanks .
I like Dark Souls, but if NeoGAF got From Software's dick any farther down it's throat it would hit stomach acid.
Did you make this gif?]
Having people talk about something a lot that you aren't interested in can be annoying , personally I think the anime isn't that great (not that bad beyond a few things) but the hoopla around something when you're an outsider can be a bit grating and intimidating .
Sometimes I just wish people would shut up about klk but that's just me being irrational, and I know I don't really have a reason to even say that .
Kinda how I felt about Attack on Titan.
I know they are only character-limited tweets, but all I really know about the show is basically every episode causes a "HOLY SHIT WOW SUCH HYPE" reaction on my Twitter timeline.
And that lowers my interest in ever watching it each and every time I see it
Part of it for me is being even remotely excited about the series in question while it is still airing in Japan and talking to pretty much anyone who is also excited about it. I never went crazy go nuts over AoT like I have on KLK, mainly because me (and probably a ton of others) were hoping for something as absurd and fantastic as TTGL. It just didn't shake out like that.
The more I do see of it, the less hope I have of seeing it on Toonami, but if it doesn't show up, I won't be all that disappointed. Censor bars and blurries everywhere, especially the what was shown in the latest episode.
Cleverly placed hair be damned.There was actual face in ass going on there and a stark naked Ryuuko at the end covered in blood.
It's similar in that it does build to something and it gets stronger as it goes on.
I enjoyed Breaking Bad but couldn't stand the OT at times especially with the Skyler hate.That said, I was the same about Breaking Bad forever, and then I finally watched it, and I understood why all people could do was just cum praise out of their mouths for it.
That said, if anyone even tries to say that KlK is anywhere near Breaking Bad, i'm blocking them
I've been on the KLK will never air on Toonami bandwagon since...episode 3.
If it does happen I want you to post all the LEGIT SHOOK gifs you can find as I'll be Quaking with Fear.
I kept my head deep in the sand with BD:FF (a game not a show) and that worked out great. I haven't done it with a show since the early 2000's but I had mixed results back then.
KlK was very good but I don't understand why you guys say "people being excited about/for it makes me less excited" what kind of logic is that?
Speaking of AoT. Did they share any samples from the premier at anime Boston?
I kept my head deep in the sand with BD:FF (a game not a show) and that worked out great. I haven't done it with a show since the early 2000's but I had mixed results back then.
I did play the demo when I learned it was completely separate from the game so the only thing it spoiled* was character classes and a few enemies.
*I play FF V five times or so a year. I've also played FF 3, FF X-2, FFT, FFTA,FFTA-2, FF Dimensions and 4 Heroes of Light. I think I have a GOOD IDEA of what the character classes would be.
KlK was very good but I don't understand why you guys say "people being excited about/for it makes me less excited" what kind of logic is that?
Okay, this is only my perception, so please understand I don't mean to be critiquing a show I've never seen.
But Kill La Kill seems to emphasize extreme wackiness, lewdness, fanservice, and shock value, all things I don't really look or care for. Those sorts of things don't resonate with me much. So people saying 'HOLY SHIT OMG" and "this will never ever air on TV" only strengthen my perception that Kill La Kill not a show I would personally enjoy, because of the nature of the reactions to seemingly every episode, not solely because people are excited for it and liking it.
Again, my perception. At least, I hope there's more substance to the show than that, but it's hard to tell based on reactions.
Okay, this is only my perception, so please understand I don't mean to be critiquing a show I've never seen.
But Kill La Kill seems to emphasize extreme wackiness, lewdness, fanservice, and shock value, all things I don't really look or care for. Those sorts of things don't resonate with me much. So people saying 'HOLY SHIT OMG" and "this will never ever air on TV" only strengthen my perception that Kill La Kill not a show I would personally enjoy, because of the nature of the reactions to seemingly every episode, not solely because people are excited for it and liking it.
Again, my perception. At least, I hope there's more substance to the show than that, but it's hard to tell based on reactions.
I own but never played 4 heroes of light, one class I wasn't expecting in BD is avampire class
Well you go through the entire game based on the FF V Job system and you don't have a singlejob you know it is coming. That and there are only two characters left with a job and by process of elimination and a bit of critical thinking you'll put it together.Blue Magic
Because people are building it up as an amazing show setting me up to be disappointed when I watch it even if it is "good".
Honestly KlK from what I saw has equal parts male and female fan service and its kind of meta fan service without spoiling the plot
Okay, this is only my perception, so please understand I don't mean to be critiquing a show I've never seen.
But Kill La Kill seems to emphasize extreme wackiness, lewdness, fanservice, and shock value, all things I don't really look or care for. Those sorts of things don't resonate with me much. So people saying 'HOLY SHIT OMG" and "this will never ever air on TV" only strengthen my perception that Kill La Kill is not a show I would personally enjoy, because of the nature of the reactions to seemingly every episode, not solely because people are excited for it and liking it.
Again, my perception. At least, I hope there's more substance to the show than that, but it's hard to tell based on reactions.
I did play the demo when I learned it was completely separate from the game so the only thing it spoiled* was character classes and a few enemies.
*I play FF V five times or so a year. I've also played FF 3, FF X-2, FFT, FFTA,FFTA-2, FF Dimensions and 4 Heroes of Light. I think I have a GOOD IDEA of what the character classes would be.
It doesn't really matter what gender the fanservice is- i'm still against it. It's something that is mostly unique to Japanese things, that serves to remind you "Oh yeah, they need to sell this stuff to TERRIBLE people who are only going to buy the game if this 30 seconds is included". It's not something common at all in Western media- just look at Game of Thrones. They filled the first season with Sexpositon and nudity, and people noticed it, for better or for worse. There is significantly less of it now, after the show runners took the feedback of "Well, it's really awkward to watch this with my parents/wife/friends", and realized that it was turning people off of the show.
There are thousands of super talented artists on Pixiv and the like to create all the "fanservice" type stuff for your show that you should not need to put it in the actual product. Hell, you can even take the Koga Yun approach, who has written several super interesting doujins for her own series, Loveless. If you have no interest in it, you will never encounter it. That's the way it should be