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Toonami |Mar14| No Time for Sissy Pig

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Man God

Non-Canon Member
"Infiltration: The Set-Up!"


Night has fallen and the kids are watching over Anko. Shino asks how she is. Ino isn't sure. Shino reminds them that the ship sets sail in the morning and they should head back to town. Naruto is worried about Isaribi but Ino counters, who cares about her she's the demon of the sea. Naruto knows, but... Ino wants to know what the deal between the two of them us. She saved Naruto's butt, that's all. Anko is remembering her experience at the lab, looking at the mermaid and doing some dishes. She broke one. Orochimaru asks what happened and she says it slipped out of her hands. She promises to get it all cleaned up. Orochimaru tells her that the work they are doing here is sanctioned by the Hokage and she leaves. Back to the Genin talking about how Isaribi saved Naruto. Shino says that doesn't really matter; she's in league with the evil ninja and their mission is to protect the money and stop the Demon of the Seas. Ino agrees and says she's obviously the demon. Naruto doesn't argue with this saying that they should still go after her to learn more. Ino says that's crazy and he doesn't even know where she is. Shino interrupts saying that's not true. The evil ninja are clearly connected with Demon Island. "It's a barren crag where the demon of the ocean is supposed to live. Demon Island." says Anko. She's awake! Ino asks if she is alright and she says she is. Moreover she knows that this "demon" used to be human and was made in a lab. Naruto is shocked.


Isaribi and Glasses Ninja are in an undersea cave and it leads to a back door to the lab. He admonishes her and she detransforms so we finally learn the reason for the bandages, she has patches of scales where they are. She remembers the villagers mistreating her in a sad FLASHBACK. Anko and the gang are discussing her revelation. The people weren't kidnapped by any demon ten years ago, they were abducted by Orochimaru for his experiments. He's mixed up in this somehow. Ino wants to know where all this is coming from and Anko goes into her own sepiatone FLASHBACK on the raid of Orochimaru's Leaf laboratory by the third hokage and his
departure from the village. His lust for knowledge was insatiable and he started searching for FORBIDDEN Jutsu. He had been all over the world in his missions though and had set up labs outside of the leaf village. "One of them is here." reiterates Shino. Ino wonders about the people who disappeared. Human guinea pigs. Naruto is pissed. What's the next move? Bust into the lab and go crazy. Anko agrees as they get in the boat Naruto is providing the grunt work as Ino asks Anko what she knows about the island. Orochimaru was her Jonin squad leader back in the day. The kids are surprised! Her curse mark is active!


Orochimaru uses his evil sense, he knows someone is coming. The scientist asks what to do and Orochimaru is going to leave it to him. The scientist isn't happy with that arrogant response and promises comeuppance for Lord O. The ninja make it to the island and Anko leads the way. They scout out the cave opening with Shino's bugs and he says they are good to go. Scientist is talking to Isaribi and says that sending her to Mother Island paid off as they know now of the earlier shipment. She wants to know if she'll ever be normal again. She's been gathering informating, she's been pillaging them. The scientist can't believe her nerve. She's the best specimen he's ever created, his magnum opus and besides total obedience was a condition of their agreement. Soon he'll have all the data and honor his promise, as long as she doesn't give him reason not to, and he wants her to go entertain their guests. She leaves. The other ninja claims he really is cruel and he laughs.


Naruto and crew find the lab and he wonders what they are doing
here. Shino pauses and says "Birds...or fish" as someone yanks a pull rope and the three fall down a trapdoor! Buh Gawhd it's Isaribi, that Jezebel! Anko has her, Kunai drawn across the throat. Don't mess with the Leaf. She moves and Anko cuts open the bandages as she gets away. A door opens and something with big red eyes is looking right at Anko. Make that three somethings. Those adorable kitties want to play. The other three ninja land on their feet as glasses ninja laughs. Don't these guys ever get tired of playing hero. Shino remembers who the fuck this is, he fought the sauce in the Chunin exams! Ino remembers, it's Kabuto's partner. The man agrees. Shino brings up that he is a Chakra stealer. Naruto remembers him doing it to Sauce (but not to him two episodes ago) and says he is going to clean his clock. Shino tells him to hold it; your style will just see you giving this guy incredible chakra. His long range attacks will be safer and besides they need to chase after the girl. Glasses dude tries to
go after Naruto and Ino but is stopped by Shino's parasitic insects.


Anko has beaten the three chimera but she is clearly exhausted and her curse mark is pulsating in pain. She's moving on though grasping the wall and finds the throne room. "Found him." Nope. It's the scientist. Welcome...or perhaps long time no see. His name is Amachi. He's surprised she came back after what happened back then. She doesn't remember. She wants to know where Orochimaru is. He says that Orochimaru split awhile ago and is surprised that the mark reacts this strongly with him gone over two weeks. Anko doesn't believe him. Naruto and Ino bust in. Well, well, Anko is all growed up now bringing her own genin to this abomination of a lab. Naruto wonders who this clown is and Anko makes introduction. Amachi is a medical ninja stooge of
Orochimaru, conducting research for him. His master is gone. Naruto cuts a promo on his crazy research and him going down. He scoffs at that; his research is fantastic. This girl has adapted to an aquatic environment, she can breathe underwater and has advanced strength and agility. She's the prototype of an underwater Ninja core, an amphibious assault squad if you will. He has plans for world domination via controlling the shipping routes! Orochimaru will rue the day he crossed him. Naruto says those are people's lives he is messing with Amachi thought someone Naruto's age would understand unrealistic world domination plots and he calls them all guinea pigs, who cares what they think. Naruto goes to punch him but Isaribi stands in the way. Naruto tells her to move but she won't.


We head back to the battle of sunglasses. The villain tells him to stop running in circles after dodging some bug beams and uses a chakra shock wave to keep Shino in place as he runs up and puts him in his full nelson chakra draining lock. Naruto is confronting Isaribi and asks her why she is protecting this moron. She knows but he's the only one that can turn her normal again, he promised. She removes her bandages. Naruto is shook. She has scales under her eyes. People judge others solely on their appearance. They stay away when she's covered in bandages, imagine how they'd act if she was covered in scales! She just wants a full Elric, she wants her body back! She'll do whatever it takes to get the philosopher's stone. Naruto cuts a promo on her, you're still a human no matter what you look like and you only act like a monster when you rip and rob innocent people. She tells him to shut up and starts crying. She doesn't want to hear anymore and wonders why everyone is so cruel to her. He tells her he does understand, they are exactly alike! She doesn't believe him, you're human after all. She wishes she was like Naruto. Scientist dude tells her not to cry and that he'll have her back to normal anytime now. Anko tells them to get down as the wall next to them explodes. The other ninja is here and he thanks Isaribi. The scientist and the fish girl leave as Naruto tells the girl to wait, it's not too late yet. The stretchy arm ninja challenges them. Sunglasses ninja gloats, one more for Amachi's collection.


NOPE. Insect clone. They're both chakra thieves so this fight might take awhile as he disappears with a smoke bomb. Shino wants to know what his game is. Naruto is being squeezed by Stretch Armstrong while Ino warns him, she's clearly up to something. He loses control of his limbs. Mind Destruction Jutsu, success. He starts stretching out of control. He calls this unfair but there is no such thing as unfair in the world of shinobi says Naruto. Ino agrees and they go and pick up Anko. Shino tells them the building is going to collapse. Scientist is in a boat being steered by Isaribi. He calls the building old and says it'll make a fine tomb for that bunch. Sunglasses ninja pops his head out of the water and says one of them didn't make it. Oh well. They don't need a lot of brawn to rip off some ships..
NEXT EPISODE: "Despair: A Fractured Heart"


Amikami, what's your opinion of Mako? Best girl to best-ist girl?

Bestest girl. BFF of forever. I seriously can't get enough of that girl. She is probably the cutest cute person in anime every.

Satsuki and Ryuuko are pretty great though. I really like all the females of this show.

Kill la Kill episode 16

Uuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Yeaaaaaaaaaah. I think a couple of you guys might have confused ep 15 with 16. I was referring to the part where it was commented that Satsuki wore Juunketsu well. Sorry Fox, I’m gunna have to go on team “over-reaction”. You asked what it says about you. I don’t think it says anything. It might be what you would expect of a villain. For me personally, even as a villain, that was really shocking and a strong reaction of any kind is probably what the writers might expect. They probably weren’t looking for necessarily negative reactions at that. That scene will drudge up a lot of emotions but if you are indifferent, doesn’t mean anything. It’s a show.

Holy shit. That scene between Ragyo and Satsuki was beyond creepy. Ragyo straight up took advantage. Purification ceremony my ass. That’s the shit some pope or gay curer would say. And now I wonder if this is where the tension comes from if I wasn’t just imagining the tension in the first place. But Satsuki was straight up molested by her own Mother to me. Maybe that is over-reaction but that was just…I think that’s was the most shocking thing yet for me. Now that Ragyo has shown the life fiber core, I completely expect an uprising from Satsuki soon.
So this episode is particularly plot heavy, so I have to spoiler basically everything.The revelation about Ryuuko’s father, Senketsu, and Life Fibers in general were pretty astounding. Truly Kill La Kill starts now.
Next big revelation I’m expecting isn’t hard to come up with. Ryuuko’s got life fibers stiched right in her, I bet. Now it would make sense going back, why there was a big deal made of her being strong even without Senketsu.
Holy shit this is getting really intense. Wish I had time for another but I have to get going. And dammit Aikuro,
Can’t get through a serious explanation without your clothes slipping off. lol
Insect clone has to be the most disturbing clone ever , also fishnet body mesh will never not be ...awesome

also yea amikami, i kinda wrote up about that 2 pages ago, it is pretty uncomfortable to me. Anything else about KLK kinda pails in comparison .

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I have no idea why the formatting is so fucked up on the text here. Notepad is having a field day with it. Or perhaps it is the actual text box.

Sasuke might appear in this episode. It's so rough though that you can't tell it's actually him. Plus this episode reveals that is all a flashback anyways...or does it.

This arc has been great so far...until the last three minutes of every episode where stuff happens with no explanation to bring them to the next episode. It's sad really as this shit has been better than most canon arcs.
I have no idea why the formatting is so fucked up on the text here. Notepad is having a field day with it. Or perhaps it is the actual text box.

Sasuke might appear in this episode. It's so rough though that you can't tell it's actually him. Plus this episode reveals that is all a flashback anyways...or does it.

This arc has been great so far...until the last three minutes of every episode where stuff happens with no explanation to bring them to the next episode. It's sad really as this shit has been better than most canon arcs.

so how does this arc compare to the rest of the filler

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Kurenai is the Twenty of the Jonin.

Anko is the Nomura character. All leather and belts but goes the extra mile with the full body fishnets.

so how does this arc compare to the rest of the filler

This is top three filler arc material along with the very first one. The best Naruto filler remains the one off comedy episodes though but this stuff has been quality. The animation also made a rebound. I'll put them all in order in my grand write up in April.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I don't even think I've ever seen Kurenai fight. I think Guy fights Itachi in the first series?

Kurenai is a genjutsu specialist. Almost all the villains in Naruto are immune to Genjutsu. You see the problem here.

EDIT: She's also by far the worst character in the EIGHTING fighting games.


Kurenai is a female. Almost all the villains in Naruto are immune to female fighters. You see the problem here.

EDIT: She's also by far the worst character in the EIGHTING fighting games.


Okay I understand its a Shonen series made for little boy so there's going to be a bias for males....but it was just perfect bait for that joke

Man God

Non-Canon Member
You're not wrong. The female empowerment moments, excluding the
Naruto Shippuden Arc Toonami is currently on
all end in horrific failure.

Sakura can't hold off the sound three for minutes.
Ino and Sakura knock each other out.
Tsunade crumples under the Talk no Jutsu of Orochimaru and Her and Shizune get bodied by Kabuto.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I'm cooking dinner for my folks and then a friend is coming over, so...

Is someone entering a high caused by accelerated piloting of an automobile?
This is top three filler arc material along with the very first one. The best Naruto filler remains the one off comedy episodes though but this stuff has been quality. The animation also made a rebound. I'll put them all in order in my grand write up in April.

so what you're telling me is that some of the best filler has Anko in it. coincidence? i think not.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
so what you're telling me is that some of the best filler has Anko in it. coincidence? i think not.


It's not just that Anko has a great look or is hilarious in her brief canon time during the forest of death, she has this great history with Orochimaru that goes criminally wasted in the canon material. This filler arc corrects that in a big way. Her FLASHBACKS are genuinely creepy and the fact that she absolutely idolizes this man who victimized her comes through in every scene they have. The VA for this is top notch as well. I do sort of remember the rest of the arc
cough two more episodes, cough cough
not living up to this part though and I've already mentioned that all three episodes have these abrupt moments at the end that do their best to ruin the rest of the episode.

EDIT: MM isn't exactly wrong with his joke either. Ino gets some really interesting moments in these episodes. This is her first big role since Tony the Tiger though and she is sort of an afterthought behind Anko and Shino here. This filler might have some absolutely absurd plots but it does a great job of filling everyone out. Besides Lee and Shino though, those two are always as great as they were going to be. I guess Shikamaru is on that list too. Shino gets what amounts to Boba Fett treatment in the manga though.


Looks like the filler actually aired on Cartoon Network until the last couple of episodes, which means I probably saw them all at one point. I remember I started watching around the time Neji and Kiba were fighting the Sound Four, then backtracked from there.
............has Ino actually had an interesting moment in the canon material for the original series?


There was that time that


helped in the fight against their zombie master during the war

Man God

Non-Canon Member
............has Ino actually had an interesting moment in the canon material for the original series?

The bit where Ino-Shika-Cho are arguing about intervening with Sakura and the Sound Three.

I also actually liked the Sakura/Ino fight in the anime but there's not that many people here who agree with me.
The bit where Ino-Shika-Cho are arguing about intervening with Sakura and the Sound Three.

I also actually liked the Sakura/Ino fight in the anime but there's not that many people here who agree with me.

Maybe if you edit out all the flash backs and skip the first 2 minutes of them standing there or not fighting then yeah the fight is decent for a youtube edited fight. When watched over the course of 2-3 weeks with flash backs a plenty it drags ruining any good will the fight has.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
was that the one where Inner Sakura was the reason for not losing?


Ino's plan with the hair was pretty smart too.

The pacing on that fight is completely fixed by marathoning it. I never watched it weekly until I joined you fine ladies and gents last year. Weekly it would have been rough.


The bit where Ino-Shika-Cho are arguing about intervening with Sakura and the Sound Three.

I also actually liked the Sakura/Ino fight in the anime but there's not that many people here who agree with me.

I like it too, hell I also like the flashbacks of them as well.

A lot of people think girls falling over guys disinterested in them is sexist, but I've seen it happen all the time. Hell, I've seen shows that are considered empowering to women do that.
I like it too, hell I also like the flashbacks of them as well.

A lot of people think girls falling over guys disinterested in them is sexist, but I've seen it happen all the time. Hell, I've seen shows that are considered empowering to women do that.

I don't think it was sexist or empowering just was an annoying plot point that they spent WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too much time on. They spent almost an entire episode beating into your head "THEY WERE FRIENDS AND NOW THEY AREN'T BECAUSE OF A BOY"

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I like it too, hell I also like the flashbacks of them as well.

A lot of people think girls falling over guys disinterested in them is sexist, but I've seen it happen all the time. Hell, I've seen shows that are considered empowering to women do that.

MM knows the score. I knew tons of girls in middle school who exacted exactly like those two. It's a very believable scenario for a fallout right down to the boy not noticing or caring about them in the slightest.


Well, I've only seen the Sasuke Retreavel arc in the anime so I have no idea about the animes pacing. That being said, this series does have way too many fucking flashbacks.
Well, I've only seen the Sasuke Retreavel arc in the anime so I have no idea about the animes pacing. That being said, this series does have way too many fucking flashbacks.

The fight starts in episode 41 and ends at the end of episode 42 if you want to check it out



There was that time that


helped in the fight against their zombie master during the war

Wait, I actually own the volume for this that someone gave me a gift. Funny thing is that it says WATCH ON DISNEY XD on the back. Anyways, just skimmed through it.

She briefly fights Asuma while in Choji's body, during that time Shikamaru uses her body to beat some random fodder up
it's less about sexism or realism to me than it being utterly tedious and droll, stereotypes often create themselves from realistic occurrences too.There is also something to be said about their obsession with said boy encapsulating everything of who they were for a good part of the show, so stating it even ruined their friendship feels a bit groany. But yea mostly it was tedious and droll.
it's less about sexism or realism to me than it being utterly tedious and droll, stereotypes often create themselves from realistic occurrences too.There is also something to be said about their obsession with said boy encapsulating everything of who they were for a good part of the show, so stating it even ruined their friendship feels a bit groany. But yea mostly it was tedious and droll.

By a good part you mean virtually all of it? Ino kind of just falls off the face of the Earth and comes back with no personality other then "I'm a girl" and Sakura continues to be the worst character ever


By far my vote for worst fight in the Chuin Exams is Naruto's fight with Neji. Neji continues to say that everything is determined from birth and Naruto disagrees, only for Naruto to beat Neji with the Ninetails chakra he was born with....proving Neji's point.
By far my vote for worst fight in the Chuin Exams is Naruto's fight with Neji. Neji continues to say that everything is determined from birth and Naruto disagrees, only for Naruto to beat Neji with the Ninetails chakra he was born with....proving Neji's point.

he wasnt born with it, it was just put in on his date of birth. now the LATE SHIPPUDEN SPOILERS
the kekkai genkai that makes him naturally more inclined to have more chakra and be more capable of being a jinchuriki
something something spoilers , thats kinda proving the point


Sasuke should have fought Neji, they could have bitched about their families issues all day.

Then Garra interferes with his ANGST.

Time to whip out the alcohol.
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