Imperial Bishop
I kinda don't feel like investing in a Vita just to play a Persona game.
Any good Vita game recommendations?
Any good Vita game recommendations?
I like p3s story more. While P3 plays more like an oldschool SMT with some really randomly-cheap encounters, the parts that arent gameplay are much more rewarding. This could just be me though.
Freedom wars, Toukiden, Soul Sacrifice, Gravity Rush, Danganronpa, Warriors ports, FFX HD, along with some jrpgs that are apparentlyI kinda don't feel like investing in a Vita just to play a Persona game.
Any good Vita game recommendations?
Woo spring break! Goodbye pants!
Enjoy it while it last. Felt like I lost something important when I finished that game. I haven't felt that attached to a game in ages.
Best Persona game isBest Persona character isPersona 2EPNanjo
P2 for life. P1, P3, P4 all suck for different reasons, but P2 was so nice they made it twice.
You know what, fine. I won't play ANY Persona games.
Thanks ManGod.
Well, I don't agree with any of that!
You're telling me the dungeon isn't the worst thing ever?
In comparison to other persona games? No.
P4 is extremely hand holdy
P4 is extremely easy on all difficulties.
P4 has dull repetitive combat.
P4 has one of the most poorly designed dungeons ever.
The cast is fine and the story is pretty good, though it can get a bit too animu at times. It's not what I'm looking for in a Persona game though.
This is my first game in the series so maybe my perspective is skewed but I don't think the game holds your hand. The velvet room was very confusing to me until about the 20 hour mark when I started learning how to fuse more efficiently and deal with skill cards. I'm playing on normal difficulty and the game isn't easy in the slightest, it actually gets quite frustrating until you unlock and learn to farm gold hands. Combat is not dull, you are constantly learning new abilities, testing out different personas, and trying to exploit the weaknesses of a varied cast of enemies. Dungeons are not designed poorly, it seems like they're randomly generated and the themes are amazing.
All of your critisicms seem like nitpicks that don't add up to creating a bad game that sucks. Maybe there's a disconnect because I'm new to the series but I find your arguments flimsy at best.
"Only played Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne" crew represent
I played P1 and P2 after P3/P4. Being able to attach personae to all characters is a big deal to me, plus actual honest to goodness dungeons. Also didn't miss social links and calendar structure at all really.
The direct battle system is actually a little bit clunker than the later games, but a higher level of player agency when it comes to party coordination outweighs that from my perspective.
I played P1 and P2 after P3/P4. Being able to attach personae to all characters is a big deal to me, plus actual honest to goodness dungeons. Also didn't miss social links and calendar structure at all really.
Do P1 and P2 force which characters are in the party or can you freely choose who you want? A concern I had about Persona Q and to a lesser extent P1&2 is that I generally like using every character in the party evenly but I don't know if I'd have the time/patience to maintain a full roster of characters each with a full roster of their own persona.
Do P1 and P2 force which characters are in the party or can you freely choose who you want? A concern I had about Persona Q and to a lesser extent P1&2 is that I generally like using every character in the party evenly but I don't know if I'd have the time/patience to maintain a full roster of characters each with a full roster of their own persona.
Do P1 and P2 force which characters are in the party or can you freely choose who you want? A concern I had about Persona Q and to a lesser extent P1&2 is that I generally like using every character in the party evenly but I don't know if I'd have the time/patience to maintain a full roster of characters each with a full roster of their own persona.
The social link aspect is really important to me; I think that's what hooked me when I was under-leveled and getting my butt kicked in the first few dungeons. I love hanging out with my friends to gain a little more insight into their personality; it also awakens new abilities for their persona which gives you an extra incentive.
So I've been sick again this week and took a decent chunk out of Hunter X Hunter (I think I have six episodes left)
It's good, but man did the last arc drag on.
I thought it paid off in spades so I never had an issue with it focusing on a lot of side characters. And I watched that entire arc weekly!
It's the Cell Saga of HxH to me. Everything works but man, I wish it had taken a few fewer episodes to get everything done. I do love this incredibly tiny by comparison arc that comes after it though.
P4G is by far the most beginner friendly SMT game, though for someone who's played any of the games before even if it was just a version of P3 or the original P4 a lot of the changes to make P4G much easier. Being able to pick the skills you want from fusion vs random skills, skill cards to further make your persona the way you want, the new version of shuffle time with far better rewards (the PS2 version all you could get was a new persona no bonus exp/gold/etc), enemies/bosses given new weaknesses and generally lowered in stats, rise assists more in battle to help you out (free healing, bonus damage to all out attacks, can revive characters), and your allies getting buffed with new skills from their social links, and the ability to search for new persona fusions as opposed to doing it manually.
It's an easy game compared to other SMT games, but the learning curve of an SMT game is still there for first time players and it's still an SMT game which means it can still kill you quickly if you're not careful. A lot of the new mechanics that Golden brought to Persona 4 aren't very well designed around the original game which for series vets or people who played the original P4 they can quickly exploit these to make the game comparatively very easy. The game still isn't always the most beginner friendly in ways like not letting the player know they can use an escape item to return to the hub area, heal/save the game and make new persona, then return to where they were in the dungeon without losing progress.
To piggyback off of this, I've only been leveling Yosuke, Yuki, and Chie. I wish there was an option to automatically give out EXP to every playable character but they'd also have to bump up the amount given out per battle. I don't have the patience to grind levels for Teddie and Kanji so they're useless.
There are no reserve characters. However p1's final slot can be several different characters depending on choices made early on. P2EP has a character slot that can be 1 of 2 choices.
You don't change party members in either game. In P1, you can pick basically once if someone joins your team. If so, that blocks off someone else. In P2, you have the same members except for a stretch in the middle of the game.
If you do go back and play P3 FES or Portable I think you'll have a similar issue I did when I played it. In P3 you can only social link with the female party members and the social links themselves have no impact on the dungeon crawling gameplay outside of giving your fusions extra exp. It makes the two halves of the game feel more like separate entities when compared to P4/P4G
Y'all should play Romance of the Three Kingdoms 8 if y'all want important social links
What would be more important then gaining morale in battle to defend the Han Dynasty
Later this year, will bring big changes to the block.Have we had any updates regarding Intruder?
I kinda don't feel like investing in a Vita just to play a Persona game.
Any good Vita game recommendations?
What system? I've always wanted to get into those types of games based off of the name alone.
Welcome to the club. We got t-shirts."Doesn't play or know about any of these types of games that you're talking about" crew represent!
Wait where you guys going?
So waddaya think, December?Later this year, will bring big changes to the block.
So waddaya think, December?