who wants to hang out with me
Yo let's grab a brewski
If any of you come to chicago, o/
Next time im going to chicago, i'll hit you up bro
who wants to hang out with me
If any of you come to chicago, o/
I need to actually play Onechanbara, got the OST in my car. Hoping to start Estival Versus tonight, & need to make room in my car to put the CD I got with that in there. 70 tracks is pretty awesome, especially considering the LE is the same price as a normal PS4 game.
I'd go back to Splatoon, but my enjoyment has kind of been dampened by the fact someone I know CONSTANTLY would be like "DID YOU PLAY THE SPLATFEST DESPITE NOT PLAYING THE PREVIOUS ONES?! WHY AREN'T YOU PLAYING THEM? YOU COULD MAKE SOME TIME!? I WAS PLAYING SPLATOON TODAY, YOU KNOW!!!" which just makes me not want to play it because I wouldn't feel like I was doing it because I wanted to but because I was being asked constantly.
who wants to hang out with me
If any of you come to chicago, o/
Is it possible to hang out over the internet?
Oh yeah, I enjoyed the single player & liked that the amiibo let you replay stages with different weapons, which can change up your strategies on how to beat a level/boss, but again, I think it's just the people claiming this is just THE greatest thing Nintendo has made & despite saying numerous times "no, I've moved on to other games", get asked on the newest Splatfest which I don't follow or whatever. I want to talk about more than just one single game, especially since it's been a long time since I last moved from it. I don't mind, say, talking about new Mario Maker updates or the newest costume, but I don't talk about it every single week.I played a few minutes of Splatoon at a local GameStop and liked what I experienced. Once you get the hang of the controls, it's a blast.
No ragrets.
The way content was distributed and the fact that the gamepad was mandatory led me to burn out on Splatoon really quickly. I loved the first week or 2 with the game, and put 6ish hours into the multiplayer before getting bored of the same maps over and over again. I just checked my WiiU software log, I have played the game a total of 2 hours since launch month. I just never cared enough to go back for the content drip they were feeding out. Hell, I bought the Amiibo's for it before realizing that they were limited to single-player only content!
I really hope the sequel is a completely different game/genera. They built a great world, now do something different and unique with it. Treat it like a #2 numbered NES game and make it super different.
The way content was distributed and the fact that the gamepad was mandatory led me to burn out on Splatoon really quickly. I loved the first week or 2 with the game, and put 6ish hours into the multiplayer before getting bored of the same maps over and over again. I just checked my WiiU software log, I have played the game a total of 2 hours since launch month. I just never cared enough to go back for the content drip they were feeding out. Hell, I bought the Amiibo's for it before realizing that they were limited to single-player only content!
I really hope the sequel is a completely different game/genera. They built a great world, now do something different and unique with it. Treat it like a #2 numbered NES game and make it super different.
BTW, why the fuck do I still own my WiiU
You should definitely regret the two on the side
Boy I sure hope JoJo replaces Parasyte.
Boy I sure hope JoJo replaces Parasyte.
Incoming Senran Kagura anime.
Incoming Senran Kagura anime.
The dub by Funi is so ridiculous.
In a good or bad way?
Like, bad bad way. So bad, that you're automatically diagnosed with CTE. Brain damage warning.
"I may be dumb, but this fight isn't over."
"What better way to express my gratitude than..."
What is this comment referring to?
click on the image
click on the image
everything you imagined