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Toonami |Mar16| Oh yes. I poop.

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Man God

Non-Canon Member
You would say that you filler loving deity.

I feel like a monster for sort of introducing him to the "smartest anime in years" but its fucked up hilarious at the same time how obsessed he got with it.

I sware if I created the IRL american Kirito I'm gonna be his manager.



Gives all the fucks
I tried so hard to get back into FE with Awakening but I resorted back to "I MUST RESTART EVERY TIME SOMEONE DIES BECAUSE I WANT TO KEEP THEM ALIVE & LEVEL UP ALL THEIR STATS" even with the "casual" mode.

Aside from the Project X Zone games, I think SRPGs just aren't for me, excluding titles like Valkyria Chronicles where I have much more control over my character, how I attack, & such.


Gives all the fucks

Also they'll get a critical hit that'll 1-hit ko you despite having a weaker weapon & lower chance of hitting you.

& this will happen as they spawn RIGHT NEXT TO YOUR UNIT

If it wasn't for that SMT4 eShop promo for buying both games, I don't think I would've given it a try.

Also they'll get a critical hit that'll 1-hit ko you despite having a weaker weapon & lower chance of hitting you.

& this will happen as they spawn RIGHT NEXT TO YOUR UNIT

If it wasn't for that SMT4 eShop promo for buying both games, I don't think I would've given it a try.

That's an awakening only thing. For some reason they thought that reinforcements should get to move the same turn they spawn.

Every other FE game has reinforcements that arrive, then need another turn before they can take an action.


Gives all the fucks
I've heard Birthright was made even easier, sounds like it might be the one where I might bother to play it all the way through.

I played the GBA one as a kid & made it to chapter 20-something, but I only had about 5 units left, so I pretty much was screwed, so I started over & swore I'd keep everyone alive, but it was freakin' difficult, so I gave up & lost interest in future titles.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
That's an awakening only thing. For some reason they thought that reinforcements should get to move the same turn they spawn.

Every other FE game has reinforcements that arrive, then need another turn before they can take an action.

Not true. There's a few other games where in different difficulty levels they also attack as soon as they come.


No Scrubs
I've heard Birthright was made even easier, sounds like it might be the one where I might bother to play it all the way through.

I played the GBA one as a kid & made it to chapter 20-something, but I only had about 5 units left, so I pretty much was screwed, so I started over & swore I'd keep everyone alive, but it was freakin' difficult, so I gave up & lost interest in future titles.

Awakening is easier than Birthright, but that's due to not being able to constantly pair up your units and run rampant all over the map. Plus the maps are more interesting.


Mechanically Fates is far superior to Awakening.


Its a shame that online got broken so quickly.
combat is great

everything else, mainly the story, isnt

Currently I'm of the belief that the Fates' story is a complete waste of potential from what I've seen so far. Maybe the end game of Birthright, the second half of Conquest and Revelations will change my opinion of it.

Also you and SkLa should have gotten the reference if you're playing Birthright at least. Groans of increasing discomfort are still there.

Why the fuck does Shura not have a support conversation of Azura? Or interact with the person he helped kidnapped?


Currently I'm of the belief that the Fates' story is a complete waste of potential from what I've seen so far. Maybe the end game of Birthright, the second half of Conquest and Revelations will change my opinion of it.

Also you and SkLa should have gotten the reference if you're playing Birthright at least. Groans of increasing discomfort are still there.

Why the fuck does Shura not have a support conversation of Azura?

Revelations is where the Fire Emblem story actually begins. Birthright and Conquest were lacklustre, and I expected more after they touted the writer behind the new story.
So we had a moment this season where a ship didn't go the way some fans wanted it to.

And the meltdowns are....interesting to say the least.


25 | 26 | 27

A tad longer write-up this time and a few more images, sorry. This episode is so far the most interesting, and there are a lot of moving parts here.

Right so Roberta, while nuts before, still had some semblance of sanity in her dedication to avenging Mr. Lovelace. After seeing Garcia though, she has - in short - gone totally deranged. At the onset of the episode, the US Army closes in on Roberta, forcing her to retreat, and they 'rescue' Garcia from the situation. Roberta, on the run and now in a full-blown craze, collides with Revy & Friends ... and what the fuck.


Roberta easily dispatches the Friends (non-lethally), Revy is smart enough to get out of the way. Fabiola can't hold herself back and confronts Roberta, pleading her to stop. Roberta is obviously totally broken at this point, and calmly asks Fabiola to grab the newspaper so that the young master can read it when he comes in (yep, lost it). Roberta meanders away while Fabiola doesn't pursue her. Now heavily distressed, Fabiola was clearly not ready to see Roberta this way and is unable to really comprehend what has happened.

Meanwhile, Rock is still sitting on the sidelines, mulling things over. He kinda acts like a narrator, predicting how he expects events to unfold (on which he is accurate). He figured Garcia would somehow end up in the custody of the Americans, and he plans to use that to get the US out of Roanapur.

In an earlier write-up, I said Rock only cared about helping the Lovelace family. Seems like that was partially true, but not completely. He thinks about the situation at hand, his chat with Chang, and how he can use this to his own advantage. It's actually kind of interesting, because the viewer is intentionally not given the full picture of what Rock is thinking, only a chunk of it. Rock even displays a little bit of doubt here and there, so it seems more genuine than just some guy with a master keikaku plan. A small, appreciable amount of inversed dramatic irony.

Garcia comes to his senses and realizes he's in the midst of Americans. These are the people who killed his father, and forced Roberta to 'leave him'. He takes matters into his own hands.


"I'm no bystander. This....this is all YOUR fault. YOU'RE the ones who ruined our lives. YOU RUINED EVERYTHING!"

(That line and others are actually really well delivered by the voice actress. Usually kids characters saying stuff like this are a bit annoying but I felt it came across well here.)

Oddly enough, and this is true for the whole episode, the US squad is not demonized or anything like that. I figured they'd be painted as detestable idiots or something like that but it isn't the case. They behave and act like human beings - a genuine and believable army unit. The head guy (who I'll call Major) seems especially thoughtful of the current situation and how events are unfolding.

The Major, hearing Garcia's plight, even gives him the chance to right the wrongs, but the scene is soon interrupted simultaneously by Hotel Moscow and Lovelace's head maid who has completely lost it now.


Having finally found her target, Roberta starts to go for the kill, but Hotel Moscow arrives on the scene. Despite being 'mortal enemies' with the US, they help to protect the Americans. Roberta calms down once she sees Garcia and retreats.

(Garcia has another flashback here with another really corny metaphor, probably the main thing about this OVA that rubs me the wrong way. It seems like the writing is trying to be insightful or clever but it just comes across as silly)

This is the favor Rock asked about two episodes ago. Balalaika can't stand the Americans, but due to the favor she owes Dutch, she seemingly has agreed to help get them out of Roanapur by stalling Roberta with paratroopers stationed all over the city's rooftops.


The episode slows down a little here. Rock's plan is starting to work, it seems. Eda (the Nun and secret CIA agent) shows up next to the car and has a little chat with Rock. We learn a little bit more past-history in the conversation: Chang and Balalaika have been at odds with each other for some time now. While they currently hold a sort of dual-truce, Rock explains how Chang is really the one running the show. Several years ago, he shot Balalaika with what would have been a mortal wound, if not for Dutch who saved her life.

It's also revealed the Rock commissioned supplies and assistance from Eda for his plan to solve the Roberta problem (which is why she showed up here). While he's at it, Rock shrewdly implies to her that he knows she has more influence and power than she lets on. He even goes as far to suggest that he knows Eda is one of Chang's main sources for knowledge and materials in the city (something that Chang doesn't even know).

While I don't think Rock has fully realized the Eda == CIA, he suspects something along those lines.

Throughout this conversation, Rock's motives and ambitions appear to be a little more involved than just subduing Roberta for the sake of saving her. He's starting to understand how the city of Roanapur functions, how Balalaika and Chang think, how the gang truce works .... and what he can do to manipulate that. He gives Dutch a call with some unexpected words.

"Dutch, when all this mayhem comes to an end ... we can make a real killing here." Dutch can't believe Rock is saying this.


Things get a little complicated so I'll bullet the main points. Rock's goal, that we know of, is to get both Roberta and the US Army out of the city.:

  • Hotel Moscow acts as the US Army's protection while they are in the city.
  • Garcia was given instructions by Rock to lead the US Army (who he is still with) to the harbor.
  • Rock gathers a bunch of equipment and documents from Eda to help in this plan.
  • Rock coerces Dutch (with a little help from Chang) to participate, using the Black Lagoon as transport to get everyone out of there.
It's important to note that Chang and Rock are at odds now, but this cooperation works out for both of them. Essentially, Rock is manipulating all the major players in Roanapur in attempt to somehow further his own standing and influence in the city while at the same time, helping the Lovelaces.

His actions even cause Hotel Moscow to injure Revy (& friends), in order to keep the US Army safe for now. You can imagine that the 'players' (as Rock refers to them), especially Garcia, Fabiola, and Revy, are not too happy about being used by Rock for a plan they didn't know about.

(At this point Rock's end-goal is still not 100% clear)


Some gunfight and rocket-propelled grenades later, Roberta is forced - once again - out of commission for the moment. Rock's deals with Hotel Moscow and Eda pay off for now as the US Army, Lagoon Company, Garcia & Fabiola all leave on the Black Lagoon.

Balalaika gives a spiel emphasizing how it was her elite squad that allowed the Americans to live - which I guess is the second best thing for her if she's not allowed to kill them. There's a tiny bit here inserted about her past in Afghanistan, but it feels oddly embedded into the episode. I think I recall something about this being much more fleshed out in the manga?

Anyway, this should bring things back to normal in the city at least. Chang's happy. Nobody thinks Roberta is actually dead (except maybe the Americans). Eda seems to be in agreement with Rock's plan, and helps Roberta get to the same destination as the Black Lagoon. I'm not sure if Rock is expecting Roberta to get there so quickly, or if this is Eda acting alone because she has a score to settle with the NSA, but I figure that'll clear itself up in the next (last) episode.

Fabiola and Revy have a little spat on the ship. They discuss Roberta, everything's that's happened, and most notably ... Rock.

Fabiola states she was probably wrong to put her trust in Rock, and she asks what Revy sees in him. Revy implies that Rock is in over his head, and should probably be 'laying on a beach somewhere'. Fabiola presses some buttons, outright stating that she thinks Revy admires the 'innocent' qualities the Rock (used to) possess and refuses to see past that and who Rock actually is now.

So, this is a conversation between two women mostly centered on a male character, but it's about as far removed from failing the Bechdel Test as you could get in that situation. Fabiola has some choice words for Revy:

"You really are dumb, aren't you?"

"You little BITCH! Who are you calling dumb?

"You don't even KNOW how stupid you are! ... The funny thing is, you think Rock is completely innocent. But he's not."



Gives all the fucks
Girl Who Leapt Through Time coming to DVD/BD on June 7th, Funimation to release a "Hosoda Collection" Edition for that, Summer Wars, Wolf Children, & The Boy and the Beast (also coming June 7th).

Seems the Hosoda Collection for GWLTT will have a 52-page artbook & an hour long interview with Hosoda. Not sure if future releases will have artbooks as well.

Part of me hopes Funimation makes a bundle with all the movies together, the same way there was that (expensive) Ghibli Collection that was put out.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Probably the coolest revelation that should have been obvious this whole time in those episodes is how powerful Chang really is. Hotel Moscow ain't shit compared to the Triad there.


My friend also really likes it a lot, but he was in a really bad spot with a gf breaking up with him and he needed to self insert himself into a harem.

Also, he only really liked the first season. He didn't even watch the call of duty arc

Honestly, there are worse shows then SAO and worse shows have aired on Toonami. Nothing in Naruto that I've seen has been good enough for me to warrant thinking thats better. Nothing in Akame Ga Kill made me think it was better then SAO. Hell, Beware the Batman somehow was worse.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
There's bits of Shippuden that blow SAO out of the water but otherwise I agree.

A lot of SAO's charm was that as a group we collectively decided it was the worst thing of all time and doubled down on it each week, turning moments that would fall flat or go uncommented on lesser shows into apocalyptic five minute hate style posting.

Like, oh no, a bad guy is a rapist and is doing this all for sick pleasure and to get a rich comatose bride and further his evil research. Oh no, tentacled slug monsters in a Japanese anime!
My friend also really likes it a lot, but he was in a really bad spot with a gf breaking up with him and he needed to self insert himself into a harem.

Also, he only really liked the first season. He didn't even watch the call of duty arc

Honestly, there are worse shows then SAO and worse shows have aired on Toonami. Nothing in Naruto that I've seen has been good enough for me to warrant thinking thats better. Nothing in Akame Ga Kill made me think it was better then SAO. Hell, Beware the Batman somehow was worse.

The Immortals arc!

Though I suppose that's not much compared to the rest of the show.


I decided Akame ga Kill was worse than SAO about ten episodes into that, and not just because the dub. Akame ga Kill barely even has a premise let alone a compelling narrative or characters.


Nah, Beware the Batman will go down as a forgettable series at best.

SAO's concepts were better than the actual product. Akame ga Kill is "meh" at best.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I don't think I ever came close to falling asleep during AGK! though so I guess I can't describe it as boring.

BtB, Naruto Shippuden Non-Canon episodes, IGPX, T-cats, Samurai Jack, Symbionic Titan absolutely hit the snooze button a few times.


Gives all the fucks
Akame ga Kill is offensively boring.
Pretty much. I think I said it before, but SAO is hilariously/entertainingly bad, where as AgK, save for a few moments like JUSTICE GIRL, is just boring & generically bad. I have no motivation to go back to watch it compared to the train wreck of certain episodes of SAO & how we constantly talked about how it had some interesting concepts but just screwed them up.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I also appreciate AGK! for just how generic it felt.

It was to me the platonic form of the swords and shields with anime superpowers dark but not really fantasy story.


Gives all the fucks
It's like the perfect "intro" anime to get into when you're a teen because it's DARK AND EDGY and different compared to the cartoons you're used to, but then you look back & realize just how generic it all is compared to what you watched over the years.
I also appreciate AGK! for just how generic it felt.

It was to me the platonic form of the swords and shields with anime superpowers dark but not really fantasy story.

You would enjoy those things. AGK is basically a show made up entirely of filler. Generic characters, generic plotlines, generic villains.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
It's like the perfect "intro" anime to get into when you're a teen because it's DARK AND EDGY and different compared to the cartoons you're used to, but then you look back & realize just how generic it all is compared to what you watched over the years.

Even then I'd recommend Bleach or SAO.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
You would enjoy those things. AGK is basically a show made up entirely of filler. Generic characters, generic plotlines, generic villains.

In some ways you're not wrong. I find myself drawn to broad fantasy every few years. It's part of what keeps drawing me back into Fairy Tail, though as dark as AGK tries to be Fairy Tail manages to be bubbly sweet 90% of the time and when things do get dark or emotional it handles it much better.


I missed the most recent shikamaru arc because of work. Everyone says that arc is the best right?

Hopefully one day I'll see good Naruto. One day...
swords and shields fantasy anime huh

i watched the first episode of seven deadly sins but completely forgot to continue it

i should fix that


Also, another issue with SAO is that it is way more hyped and way more "loved" by people then Naruto, AGK, or Beware the Batman was. Naruto fans are accepting of the fact that the show kind of blows most of the time. SAO is an anime that a surprising amount of people not only like, but absolutely love. Hell, my sister said she enjoyed the show.


Also, another issue with SAO is that it is way more hyped and way more "loved" by people then Naruto, AGK, or Beware the Batman was. Naruto fans are accepting of the fact that the show kind of blows most of the time. SAO is an anime that a surprising amount of people not only like, but absolutely love. Hell, my sister said she enjoyed the show.

I think people forget how big sao is lol
Also, another issue with SAO is that it is way more hyped and way more "loved" by people then Naruto, AGK, or Beware the Batman was. Naruto fans are accepting of the fact that the show kind of blows most of the time. SAO is an anime that a surprising amount of people not only like, but absolutely love. Hell, my sister said she enjoyed the show.

Disown her.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Same thing basically happened with Death Note and Code Geass. Though funnily enough for whatever reason CG didn't really hit as big over here as they thought, kind of a retread of Gundam Seed in that regard.


She watched half of Tiger & Bunny with me and half of Baccano with me last night. She was very confused by Baccano, and Tiger & Bunny she said her BF would like. She says she's watcing Fairy Tale right now, and I told her to watch One Piece

Code Geass wouldve been more accepted if it was a G Gundam clone
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