So what would happen if she discovered OreImo?
Shes my big sister though
So what would happen if she discovered OreImo?
The ultimate "anime my female relative/friend/acquaintance has seen" anime.The only anime my sister watched was Inuyasha.
Nothing tops GXP for me.
So bad some members have willed it out of their memory.
The ultimate "anime my female relative/friend/acquaintance has seen" anime.
Nothing tops GXP for me.
So bad some members have willed it out of their memory.
Nah, man, pretty sure guys watched it as well.Sailor Moon, bro.
Man, I don't think Sailor Moon could've made girlier trading cards.
Nah, man, pretty sure guys watched it as well. was those mini-skirts. IT LURED THE TOONAMI DEMOGRAPHIC IN.
Also, another issue with SAO is that it is way more hyped and way more "loved" by people then Naruto, AGK, or Beware the Batman was. Naruto fans are accepting of the fact that the show kind of blows most of the time. SAO is an anime that a surprising amount of people not only like, but absolutely love. Hell, my sister said she enjoyed the show.
There was a Yu Yu Hakusho tcg, and a Zatch Bell tcg
the craziest one of all was that there was a Yu Gi Oh tcg
I had a nasty ass DBZ Card Game deck but literally had no one to play with
it was a Majin Dabura deck that could also run Pikkon if I needed a 5 transformation character.
DBZ trading card was a really good card game, but it was really difficult to understand how to play it.
There's 2 card games ive been wanting to play with others, DBZ is one, and that old baseball card game always looked fucking fun as hell
MLB Showdown? I think they made a huge mistake designing that game as a D20 game. There is a decent chance it could have taken off with young kids back in the day, but a D20 was the ultimate nerd symbol that would drive you away back then.
For DBZ, there was a GBA version of the game that was really poorly designed (ie, Goku was an Anger deck, but it only had up to a lvl 3 Goku so it could never actually win via Anger vs most of the other decks in the game)
My friend also really likes it a lot, but he was in a really bad spot with a gf breaking up with him and he needed to self insert himself into a harem.
Also, he only really liked the first season. He didn't even watch the call of duty arc
Honestly, there are worse shows then SAO and worse shows have aired on Toonami. Nothing in Naruto that I've seen has been good enough for me to warrant thinking thats better. Nothing in Akame Ga Kill made me think it was better then SAO. Hell, Beware the Batman somehow was worse.
There was a Yu Yu Hakusho tcg, and a Zatch Bell tcg
the craziest one of all was that there was a Yu Gi Oh tcg
Oh man, I can't remember the last time I thought of Zatch Bell.
There is a twitter account @animetcg which posts dumb pictures of licensed US anime card games. I never knew Inuyasha had a TCG, or that all the cards were fucking hilarious
Card to describe my sex life (I got rid of my collection, but kept 9 copies of this card in my magic trade binder because the name combined with the art was fucking hilarious
Other shows you haven't heard about in a while
Chalk Zone
The Life and Times of Juniper Lee
Super Duper Sumos
Danny Phantom
Oh man, I can't remember the last time I thought of Zatch Bell.
Fool! You forgot the most important one of them all!
Check out that flawless snatch.
Zatch Bell was cool.
Other shows you haven't heard about in a while
Danny Phantom
Fool! You forgot the most important one of them all!
Check out that flawless snatch.
trading card that portrays my sex life
Was it? I never really watched it. I remember thinking it was like Pokemon, only with small children.
....Actually that sounds kind of awesome.
Zatch Bell game had a cool mechanic where instead of a deck, you had a tiny "spell book" binder that held 30 cards, 1 per page, that was used as your deck. Different game actions would have you turn X pages and have access to different cards. Never played the game, but the idea of a TCG not using a randomized deck was really cool to me
That's fascinating. Would you have a hand?
Shes my big sister though
Was it? I never really watched it. I remember thinking it was like Pokemon, only with small children.
....Actually that sounds kind of awesome.
how about sisters who act like normal sisters
how about sisters who act like normal sisters
B-Dubs. Black Lagoon OVA question:
(I'll tag it just in case)
Is Balalaika's backstory about her time in Afghanistan more fleshed out in the manga? It felt ... jarring .... in the 4th OVA episode, and was wondering if there was more to it than that. I think I recall you or another mentioning it some time back but I might be misremembering. Note I have not seen the 5th OVA episode yet.
how about sisters who act like normal sisters
You mean the thing in OVA 4? That's pretty much how it happens in the manga.