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Toonami |Mar16| Oh yes. I poop.

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Ignore the Fairy Tail guy in there

Also OPM for Toonami!

This looks like artwork from a bad 90s comic. Except for Saitama he looks badass.
Isn't Ed supposed to be shorter though?


To answer the broader question, though, humans are born being able to understand and form every possible phoneme that people can use to formulate speech, but they quickly learn to specialize in the phonemes of the local language around them. ...

Fascinating. Thanks for answering. That makes sense. I guess I was right that Japanese speakers struggle more with English than vice versa. I suspect Arabic would also be crazy hard for English speakers to pronounce judging by what I've heard. As for Japanese, the few times I took a stab at learning some I always struggled a bit with their "tsu" sound.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
The last few episodes of Champloo are my favorite, starting with the one that everyone will hype up because it's the best episode.

So far though this rewatch confirms something for me, I prefer Mitchiko and Hatchin to Samurai Champloo.


Michiko and Hatchin is like a way less good version of Samurai Champloo to me. I mean, I still think Michiko is decent. Champloo just hits way more often, and that soundtrack...



Left my backpack in my aunts car when I got dinner with her YAY FOR GIANT SHIPPING COST FOR 2 DAY cause project and it's cheaper than 8hr of gas ;_;

using old laptop for toonami I guess X_X


Damnit, why the hell does the Australian Grand Prix have to be on the same time as Dimension W...

Screw it, it's the start of the season, so nothing matters in the beginning.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Want to know another cool thing about Fairy Tail?

I'm knee deep in the middle of a filler arc and would have never been able to say for sure it was one without looking it up. Show is damn consistent.


For the past week, I've been watching the following video on YouTube over and over. I'm a sucker for good anime OPs and I've got to say that One Piece has had some great ones. I've really enjoyed these.

One Piece Openings 1-18 HD

Now, let me start by admitting that I've been very spoiled about future One Piece events already enough that I just decided to do a Wikipedia deep dive and watch all of the OPs. Having not seen any more of the series than has aired on Toonami, I'm none-the-less pretty caught up on the major future events in the series. I know most people wouldn't like this but I'm actually someone who doesn't mind spoilers as I find far more enjoyment in watching things play out regardless of whether I know the outcome.

Having said that, I've decided to rate each the One Piece OPs. I consider any great anime OP to be the combination of three components:

* Animation - Quality of the art, character design and animation fluidity.
* Song - Quality of the song. Is it catchy? Would I listen to it on its own?
* Style - Amount of creativity, overall look and how well it syncs with the music. Also, does it tell a story or introduce characters well?

So, without further ado, here are my ratings. Each stat is ranked from 1-5 where 1 is bad and 5 is great.

OP01 - "We Are!" (Animation: 3, Song: 3, Style: 4)
"A simple but nice introduction to the whimsical nature of this series. I like how the camera pans over the battle showing each character's moves off, informing us of each of their talents. This would be a staple of later OPs. Otherwise, it's pretty basic and while the song is no doubt iconic to long time One Piece fans, I don't share have that nostalgic feeling."

OP02 - "Believe" (Animation: 3, Song: 4, Style: 2)
"This OPs song sounds like a great late 80's anime theme (think Ranma 1/2) so I was surprised to learn it came out in 2001. None the less, I like it. However, this OP lacks style by just showing too much reused footage from the show and that boring trope of the characters just running along the beach which feels uninspired."

OP03 - "Hikari e" (Animation: 3, Song: 5, Style: 4)
"A really fantastic song. Very catchy and fun. The animation style is nice especially that very long camera pan that moves over the Merry showing everyone on board. I also liked the stylized art at the beginning but the OP's art still is kinda primitive compared to later episodes in the series."

OP04 - "BON VOYAGE!" (Animation: 3, Song: 4, Style: 5)
"I like how this one opens with all of the character close ups. This is also the debut of the CG Going Merry. But by far what makes this OP great is that charming as fuck group heal kick. Every time I see that I just grin. The song is catchy and I dug all the little cuts back to previous major events which helps bring nostalgic feelings for these characters."

OP05 - "Kokoro no Chizu" (Animation: 4, Song: 4, Style: 5)
"I have a nostalgic feeling toward this since it was both the first shown on Toonami and my first real Japanese One Piece OP I'd seen. Lots of great pacing. The visuals fit well with the music and it includes humorous scenes from upcoming episodes. The song is pretty good with a nice mix of soft and hype moments."

OP06 - "Brand New World" (Animation: 1, Song: 4, Style: 2)
"The style on this one is very weak. Not only are the character designs looking off model but what goes on just feels on the lazy side. Definitely one of the weaker entries."

OP07 - "We Are! (Straw Hat Version)" (Animation: 3, Song: 3, Style: 4)
"Same as the original OP however the novelty of having the cast sing is kinda lost on me as I'm not attached to those voices. Overall, meh."

OP08 - "Crazy Rainbow" (Animation: 4, Song: 4, Style: 5)
"I know a lot of people despise this OPs rock rendition of 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' but I actually do enjoy this song. It grew on me right away. The animation in this OP is very strong with lots of slick camera moves and the overall style and shot composition is fantastic. Lots of brief funny moments to pick out."

OP09 - "Jungle P" (Animation: 4, Song: 4, Style: 5)
"The currently airing OP on Toonami. The animation quality is okay but not great. The song is pretty forgettable IMO, even with the include "rap" part which is kinda fun. Style is also lacking a bit in this one. Just lots of pans of characters and only a few moments that give insight into their personalities."

OP10 - "We Are! (2008 Remix)" (Animation: 2, Song: 4, Style: 1)
"While I think this remixed version of 'We Are!' is a much better song than the original, this OP is lacking in both animation quality and overall style. It's pretty dull with all the characters just walking and running around. That's pretty much it. That very long pan across an image of all of the past side characters a nice touch and the only redeeming visual to be found. The rest is rather forgettable."

OP11 - "Share the World!" (Animation: 3, Song: 3, Style: 5)
"This song didn't sit well with me at first but after further listens, it grew on me. The animation in this OP is nice but where this OP really shines is its style. Aside from the character pans in the middle, the rest is pretty great. I love the character profile shots in the beginning of all of the Straw Hats and the preview of epic battles to come."

OP12 - "Kaze Wo Sagashite" (Animation: 2, Song: 1, Style: 2)
"Ugh. This is by far my least favorite of the bunch. First of all the song doesn't feel like it belongs in this series at all, especially in the second half of this OP where serious stuff is happening to happy-cheery music. The animation is weak and the overall look of this is just bland."

OP13 - "One day" (Animation: 2, Song: 4, Style: 3)
"I consider this the 'Naurto' of One Piece openings. This just feels like it would be an OP from that series in overall tone and music choice. As for the music, it's alright. Animation suffers from really off-model looking characters and boring shot composition. Style wise, I kinda appreciate the somber tone of this one but it's otherwise pretty paint-by-numbers and plays it safe."

OP14 - "Fight Together" (Animation: 5, Song: 5, Style: 5)
"Wow! This is by far my favorite. I love everything about this OP. The song is fantastic. I need this on my iPhone. That opening shot of the group walking against the globe looks fantastic and shows off each character's personality in silloette alone. Then it cuts to a beautiful image of the Thousand Sunny in a somber scene and as the beats of the music plays, we get the best looking title card of the series so far. Those shots of Luffy looking lost and flashing back to very emotional scenes in time with the music are great. All of the character moments in this have real heart and charm. Then it cuts to a series of pivotal and emotional scenes from each Straw Hat Crewmember's past that every fan of the series can appreciate. Talk about nostalgic! The style of this OP is fantastic as not only is it shot and perfectly edited with the music, it effectively conveys (almost without words) how a somber and lost Luffy can gain strength from the loving family of friends he's surrounded himself with and that they will indeed 'Fight Together' through the dark times."

OP15 - "We Go!" (Animation: 4, Song: 3: Style: 5)
"The first
post time-skip
OP and it does a good job of introducing us to the Straw Hats and some of their
new abilities
. The song is kind of a bit over-the-top for my tastes, to be honest. It isn't bad just a bit bombastic. The animation throughout is solid but where this OP shines is in its style. Effective use of camera, shot composition and those stylish-as-hell shots of the main cast at the end each with their own signature "One Piece". It's pretty good."

OP16 - "Hands Up!" (Animation: 4, Song: 5: Style: 4)
"Another one of my favorite songs of the bunch. I'd listen to this one anytime. Animation quality in this opening is really fantastic with each of the characters looking probably the best I've seen them. The music fits very well with the action on screen and I like all the foreshadowing of events that are on display along with the throw-away cut-aways of random adventures they might have gone on (or did they?).

OP17 - "Wake up!" (Animation: 4, Song: 4: Style: 5)
"This OPs song is very celebratory sounding, which is fitting for its '15 years of One Piece' aspect. The animation is again very good and the characters in alternate outfits is kinda fun. Pacing is fast and fits with the music well showing new characters and events of the arc. However, it isn't one of my favorites because it feels a bit too formulaic and less artistic. BTW, there are two version of this one with just different insert shots. I like the second one slightly more."

OP18 - "Hard Knock Days" (Animation: 4, Song: 3: Style: 3)
"The currently airing OP in Japan. This is probably my second favorite One Piece OP after 'Fight Together'. The song is just fantastic... another one I want on my iPhone right now. The animation on this one is a little lacking to other OPs but it makes up for it with great style. Lots of great action that fits with the music perfectly. Seeing more amazing new moves from the cast is pretty bad-ass and ends with a fantastic shot of the crew enjoying themselves. Still, it's the song more than anything that makes he love this one."

I'll end this lengthy post by just saying that watching these openings has inspired me to look into going back and actually reading the manga or possibily watching the show. Also, I don't consider the "Pirate Rap" to be a true One Piece OP. Sorry. :p

Man God

Non-Canon Member
You have good taste...except for knocking the 12th opening. That's one of my jams!

Also Hands Up is the opening we'll likely never, ever see on TOONAMI.
OP06 - "Brand New World" (Animation: 1, Song: 2, Style: 2)
"The style on this one is very weak. Not only are the character designs looking off model but what goes on just feels on the lazy side. Definitely one of the weaker entries."


Completely disagree. Brand New World is in my top five One Piece openings.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Funny thing is I've also been watching this video for weeks now as it has the only non distorted version of Fight Together on Youtube I can find. It's even got a fun little ending.


One Piece has a lot of good openings. The only one I straight up don't like is Crazy Rainbow. Thankfully that one is behind us.


.I'll end this lengthy post by just saying that watching these openings has inspired me to look into going back and actually reading the manga or possibily watching the show. Also, I don't consider the "Pirate Rap" to be a true One Piece OP. Sorry. :p

I don't disagree with you on that.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Pirate Rap is divine. It perfectly boils down early one piece.

Practically the only thing 4kids got right.

Also the first four openings were dubbed, most of which I find superior to the original Japanese. A good deal of the endings as well!


Also Hands Up is the opening we'll likely never, ever see on TOONAMI.

Why's that?

Completely disagree. Brand New World is in my top five One Piece openings.

FWIW, I incorrectly rated the song on that one (now fixed). I do like the song. The rest, kinda lackluster.

Funny thing is I've also been watching this video for weeks now as it has the only non distorted version of Fight Together on Youtube I can find. It's even got a fun little ending.

Funny coincidence.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Funimation couldn't even get the rights to Hands Up for their US simulcast. The hopes that they have it sorted out in the next five years or so for the dub aren't great.


I hope we can get Hands Up by the time it should air on Toonami. Otherwise we'll be stuck with We Go for like 100+ episodes. it's a good OP but no OP can last that long unless it's Departure!

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I hope we can get Hands Up by the time it should air on Toonami. Otherwise we'll be stuck with We Go for like 100+ episodes. it's a good OP but no OP can last that long unless it's Departure!

I remember the week We Go was supposed to end...and then it didn't.

Luckily it was right around the time I took one of my six-eight months break from the anime so I got to marathon most of where Hands Up should have been.
Viz and Funimation have panels at C2E2 today. If they announce anything decent and I end up going that would be pretty cool. Idk if they usually announce bigger things there.
I just need a Prison School bluray set tbh.


Unconfirmed Member
My top 5 OP OPs are probably:

1) Fight Together
2) Kokoro no Chizu
3) Share the World
4) Hikari e
5) Brand New World

Some of those can move around a bit, though 1 and 2 are pretty solid.

Also, I hate how much Funi has to butcher some of the OPs just to get their garish gold logo into the title screens.
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