Also, there will be no Chiller this week due to a funeral I have to go to
Sorry I haven't been posting as much, ive been sick and depressed recently, and its tough for me to shitpost while in this state
Also, there will be no Chiller this week due to a funeral I have to go to
Sorry I haven't been posting as much, ive been sick and depressed recently, and its tough for me to shitpost while in this state
I had Wii U since launch. I do not regret it, great experiences.
I hope to get NX at launch.
I had Wii U since launch. I do not regret it, great experiences.
I hope to get NX at launch.
I had Wii U since launch. I do not regret it, great experiences.
I hope to get NX at launch.
Also, there will be no Chiller this week due to a funeral I have to go to
Sorry I haven't been posting as much, ive been sick and depressed recently, and its tough for me to shitpost while in this state
Kai is such a fucking Old Reliable when it comes to ratings. I have no idea what Toonami does when it's over other than Super.
Got my package from [as].
Got my package from [as].
Nah, he's focused on letting there be an official figure of Rule 63 Luffy, complete with Oda's "style" of drawing the females.Oda is so wrong there.
He's needs to focus on more important things.
Like the booty.
Shocking: heterosexual 18-to-45 year old man lieks b00biez, more at 11.I like Oda's female designs, but dude clearly loves boobies and is not afraid of showing that love off.
Those Batman v Superman reviews though
Almost like Zac Snyder sucks
Those Batman v Superman reviews though
Those Batman v Superman reviews though
Let's put it this way.I'm gonna take a wild guess. They're mixed, aren't they?
I loved 300. I was 18.
So apparently this is a line that Batman actually says in Batman vs Superman.
“He has the power to wipe out the entire human race. If we believe there is even a one percent chance that he is our enemy, we have to take it as an absolute certainty.”
its said in one of the trailers
I was 17 and saw it with a group of friends in high school. I specifically remember we had one girl with a group of like 7 guys and watching the naked-oracle-lady-whatever dancing scene felt pretty awkward at the time, sitting next to her.
>sees movie all about people being tortured & killed in awful, disturbing ways.FUN FACT: I went on a Psuedo-date with one of the girls in this group to see Saw 3 a month or 2 prior to this. That movie has a scene with a girl naked in a freezer, having water constantly splashed on her. It was a little awkward.
Ah. I rarely watch trailers, save for the occasional trailer for a game I'm really looking forward to.
>sees movie all about people being tortured & killed in awful, disturbing ways.
>mentions that the nudity was the part that made you uncomfortable
something something America
Not trying to point you out specifically, but that just made me think/remind me about America's stance on violence vs. nudity.
As for R-rated films in theaters....uh....I guess Watchmen? I think I was 17. Honestly can't remember since I think for the most part, there wasn't a ton of R films that interested me at the time. I'm sure I might've watched some TV versions or maybe DVDs of R-rated films a few years earlier, though my parents were the type that took some effort in knowing what was in the film/show/games before letting me see it when I was a kid.
Well that would explain your Danganronpa avatar (but to be fair, I really dig the series because I want to solve the mysteries & such). & I guess slasher flicks can differ from horror films, depending on how its made.
I'm fairly certain my first M-rated game that I had interest in & was actually worthy of the rating was No More Heroes when I was 16. I remember secretly playing it when my parents were sleeping & such, as I borrowed a copy from my friend.
Otherwise, & as my dad put it, I stuck with E & T-rated games because "the alternatives were more appealing", when discussing why he was fine with his (at the time) gf's 12-year-old was playing certain M-rated games despite when I was that age, I'd have trouble getting certain T-rated games (though I remember Melee was fine because "well, it's Nintendo & the previous game was E, maybe it's just because the graphics are more realistic"). Though he DID talk with his GF after finding out the kid looked up how to get the strippers naked in GTA5.
I think another reason why I had trouble remembering what R-rated films I saw as a kid was because I'm not a big film person, which add in the fact most R-rated films just didn't seem to appeal to me, nor the whole "LOL LET'S WATCH SOMETHING WE'RE NOT SUPPOSE TO" if it didn't interest me in the first place.
A FMV Star Trek TNG game that had nothing that couldn't be shown on an episode of TNG, rated M for some ungodly reason.