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Toonami |Mar16| Oh yes. I poop.

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Do you know what people i dont get? Those that only listen to video game musc and anime music. You people disgust me
Im sure half the people in this thread are like that

I'm one of those people. I don't care for a lot of music with lyrics, or at least lyrics I understand (things like kpop I don't mind).


I'm one of those people. I don't care for a lot of music with lyrics, or at least lyrics I understand (things like kpop I don't mind).

I actually listen to a lot of soundtrack-type music too because I'm not one for lyrics either. I do listen to some jazz or jazz-like stuff with that.


No Scrubs
Yeah, it is a bit awkward.

It also kinda just ends.

It felt like more of a set-up for the endgame than anything else. The next arc is, so far, more light hearted, but is hitting on an important plot point and is going to force some movement there. Which is probably, I hope, why it's taking so long to get out, if it's messed up there goes the whole thing.
I just had to remind one of my teachers we're having class tomorrow, and that she should bring the test.

Oh man, what is higher education?


It felt like more of a set-up for the endgame than anything else. The next arc is, so far, more light hearted, but is hitting on an important plot point and is going to force some movement there. Which is probably, I hope, why it's taking so long to get out, if it's messed up there goes the whole thing.

Yeah, I'm anticipating that this next arc is where things get even more interesting.

Nah I think there are some interesting thematic elements that come into play.

Just....that one moment specifically raises an eyebrow.


Seda this class is already a dumpster fire in terms of quality.

And normally I'd just let it burn.

But the this fire are getting dangerous close to other buildings. If I don't put it out at least a little bit, it's gonna bite me down the road.


I remember in one of my general physics courses, we were having a review session the class before the exam, discussing 'what we need to know' for the test and all that. During the review, the professor never brought up the topic of aerodynamics and buoyancy which was a pretty significant chapter we recently went through. The students silently but collectively decided not to remind the professor we went through those topics, so that he wouldn't put them on the exam.
Is there a way online to legally read all of the One Piece manga? If not, I think I'm going to subscribe to Funimation and just start watching the series from the start.



Amazon has these on discount.


I just realized the new security measures on site have seemingly borked the Chrome NeoGAF++ extension. No quick-reply box. Live-Thread still works though.
Guys, Pokken looks like it was basically made for me.

But I'm getting it a week after it came out....

Ladies, try to contain yourself when I'm rocking a very sensual 30% win rate.
Not sure who mentioned it, but I remember seeing someone in this thread bring up that game "The World Ends With You" a month or so ago. Installed the Solo Remix about a week ago & just finished it...........

damn beautiful game.............now where's that sequel


Not sure who mentioned it, but I remember seeing someone in this thread bring up that game "The World Ends With You" a month or so ago. Installed the Solo Remix about a week ago & just finished it...........

damn beautiful game.............now where's that sequel

Do the post-game, or at least read up on it. It's extrapolates and clarifies a lot.


TWEWY doesn't even need a sequel, post games explains everything to the point where a sequel isn't needed at all.

Is a sequel being made? Who knows. I've had a few friends who worked on TWEWY joke about it and tease it for years in various ways, from leaking the new TWEWY music to me and saying it was for more TWEWY to more blunt stuff... but I've also had 2 SE employees directly tell me they aren't working on it, or that they directly don't know of it, and that's more recent than the other stuff.

edit: I guess people in the first category would know more directly on it since one is employed by square, but people in the second category are also valid sources...and they're all confirmed to be who they say they are. Not like I can really speak on which side I believe more lol, since to give the specifics of that is not to anyones benefit.


25 | 26 | 27 | 28

This final episode of Black Lagoon starts out with two main conversations taking place: Rock/Garcia and Revy/Fabiola. Rock wants Garcia to play along in his plan just a little longer, while Fabiola criticizes Revy for acting the way she does (such as her excessive self-regard). Once again, there are a few more corny metaphors, where Revy considers herself a 'skeleton from the land of the dead', but otherwise the messages are clear enough.

It's clear at this point the expected viewer sympathy has mostly transitioned to the Lovelace pair, which honestly is a bit refreshing to have arc-specific characters garner that level of affinity with the audience (me). 'Kid' characters no less! I mentioned several episodes back that Fabiola and Garcia act as the emotional core for this whole arc, and it's really coming into focus now.

This generated sympathy isn't as nuanced as it could be. I mean, just look at Revy and Rock's faces. Do those look like the characters you are supposed to be siding with here? But, I think it manages to remain compelling, and Rock's motives in whole thing also remain a main point of thematic interest: how his experiences in Roanapur have changed him, alongside events like what happened with Yukio in Tokyo (which is explicitly brought up in this episode even). Just because these characters aren't acting in morally ideal ways at this point in time, that doesn't mean their actions and growth can't be intriguing.


That said, Garcia and Fabiola have a bit of a heart-to-heart here (yes ... in the river), and reaffirm their commitment to save Roberta. Garcia seems to reluctantly go along with Rock's further plans, not because he likes it but he sees little other choice here. Garcia speaks with the US Major, who knows a showdown with Roberta is coming. The full picture isn't given here, but we know the Major wants to cooperate as he realizes he is responsible for a lot of this mess in the first place.


Revy's argument with Fabiola leads to some resurfacing memories of adolescence. She has several flashbacks to her traumatic past, including being raped and what were probably some of her first murders. I don't remember if we saw all of these flashback events before (I don't think so, pretty sure I would remember that), but it definitely gives some insight to Revy's character and values. She's pretty upset that her mind has wandered back to these events. She blames Rock, which may be a little misplaced, but tensions are starting to run high with everything that is happening.

Fabiola also encounters Rock a bit later on, openly fed up with the way he's been dealing with the situation (despite avoiding major setbacks up to here), and how he's been toying with people's lives. Rock is well out of his usual character now, claiming that 'gambling' is why any of this is enjoyable and how the "game" is "sweetest" when the stakes are high.


Rock's motives clear up slowly throughout the episode. While his goal is still to save Roberta without killing her and to bring and end to this conflict, it's no longer rooted in compassion for Garcia or the Lovelaces. Rock sees it as a contest with Chang, who thinks that the only possible solutions result in death of Roberta and/or the Americans. Essentially, Chang would like nothing better for the Americans to die, so that they may never mess with his precious Roanapur again. (this is kind of amusing knowing Eda - who is CIA - is unknowingly one of his main informants).

Rock's mind may be in the right place, but his heart is not.

"That's just .. perfect! He's lost this gamble, Benny. Mr. Chang is gonna lose this time."


A large portion of the middle of this final episode is mostly suspense-driven. The US Army, Garcia, and Fabiola go into the jungle where Roberta is known to be waiting, while Lagoon Company stays with the ship. The analogy used is that Roberta is on the hunt, acting carefully to corner her prey (the Americans) and she takes some of them out one by one. I appreciate the slight tone shift from the explosive fireworks seen in previous episodes.

Roberta isn't as invincible as she's been in the past, however, and tallies up several injuries - including damage to her right eye, fingers caught in explosions, and getting sniped in the leg. As I said before, the Americans are not portrayed as monsters nor as idiots.

Garcia knows if this keeps up .... Roberta will die.


Roberta kills a few more US soldiers like this. Also this. She even starts to mock the Major through one of their radios. Garcia takes this opportunity as the first time to really speak with her, through the Major's radio. He asks to meet with her. Roberta, heavily damaged, agrees.

Rock and Revy share a moment on the ship. Revy realizes some truth in the words Fabiola said, and Rock basically explains what he was thinking, why he wants to best Chang, and such. Despite Rock being fairly logical like always, his treatment of this whole event like a game of chess wears on Revy a bit, and she wonders if she even knows him anymore.

"You know something? I feel like everyone is dancing on the palm of my hand, Revy."


"It won't be God who saves her. You're the savior here. I believe in you."

The final encounter arrives. Garcia and Fabiola, accompanied by the US Major, meet Roberta in a field. This is essentially the finale of the arc, and I wont share all the details here.

Fabiola and Garcia know that Garcia is the only chance Roberta has of coming home safely, and everything rides on this encounter. The two kids embrace, and at this point, their devotion and consideration for each other is quite heartfelt, while avoiding the pitfalls of mushy sappiness.

Garcia enacts Rock's plan, which is a little awkward, and shocks Fabiola and Roberta. Now it's not clear if whether everything that occurs here was predicted by Rock or if Garcia is improvising slightly, but it doesn't really matter too much. It boils down to that words alone won't be enough to sway Roberta, so Garcia puts on a little display with some sentimality-no-jutsu to alleviate her torment.

Kinda like a lot of things in Black Lagoon, it's a bit corny, but I think it manages to work anyway. I won't say more on this, it's a tricky event to describe.


Things then get ... a little weird. There might just be a little bit of a culture shock here but, still, I think they could have easily avoided some awkwardness here with a more simple embrace...but I guess this is what they decided to go with.

At the episode's conclusion, Fabiola is now totally fed up with Rock, who provided blanks for the charade. Despite things working out essentially as Rock predicted, he knows it was a gamble and he often left Garcia and Fabiola in the dark throughout the whole affair. She hopes she never meets him again.

During the end credits, despite besting Chang in this gamble, Roanapur and Chang's influence is really no different than it was before. And Rock's attempts to gain any sort of hand against him has been largely futile, and Rock realizes this. This idea of futility in changing the nature of Roanapur and how its run has kinda been a theme earlier in the series, and it shows its head once again. Rock seems to have learned some lessons about the city and himself throughout this entire affair, and his relationship with other members of the crew aren't quite what they used to be. How he takes it from here though remains to be seen....


Gives all the fucks
I just realized the new security measures on site have seemingly borked the Chrome NeoGAF++ extension. No quick-reply box. Live-Thread still works though.
Yeah, I noticed that late last night as well. Was tempted to bring it up in this thread, but wasn't sure.


I don't know much about anime, but I feel like top ten in any particular season necessarily would have to include several poor-to-middling openings.


Gives all the fucks
95% of the time, I just skip the OP or ED. The only OPs I ever recall having on my MP3 players were the Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei OPs & Battlecry from Champloo. One Punch Man's OP is CLOSE, but otherwise, I'm hard pressed to think of any other catchy OPs from the past....well maybe aside from the first and/or second season of Working!


While not spectacular, I find the Dimension W OP pretty good. The song is catchy, it's well animated and stylistically, it looks sharp. The dance at the beginning is a little awkward (and out of character). The car chase is nicely timed with the music, especially when he veers to spin around. The fight scene helps establish Kyoma's abilities and I especially like how at the end he throws his knives as a transition to split the screen into a shot of both him and Mira in a very "Bleach OP" style.
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