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Toonami |Mar16| Oh yes. I poop.

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Gives all the fucks
Episode 24 of SAO1 will forever live in the ToonamiGAF history books. The reactions to that episode are classic. We need to start an archive to the best episode reactions.


Episode 24 of SAO1 will forever live in the ToonamiGAF history books. The reactions to that episode are classic. We need to start an archive to the best episode reactions.

It's already in the OP. Truthfully when I got back into Toonami was when Space Dandy was airing. I had no idea the 2nd half of S1 was still going on.

God, I really wish I registered at that time.


Episode 24 of SAO1 will forever live in the ToonamiGAF history books. The reactions to that episode are classic. We need to start an archive to the best episode reactions.

That's was the perfect example of how something so terrible can be fun and amusing in the group watch setting. I could not stop laughing. It was probably more fun for people who knew what was coming.
People were wanting a new PSP game in 2016??? That system's been dead for years.

It's not tho. Games still come out for the DS and Wii. Publishers don't want to let go of that install base size, remember how long it took for the PS2 to die? Hell, think how long its gonna take for the DECADE OLD 360 to die.


That's was the perfect example of how something so terrible can be fun and amusing in the group watch setting. I could not stop laughing. It was probably more fun for people who knew what was coming.

I believe it was late January? Or do I have that confused with "The Confession?"
That's was the perfect example of how something so terrible can be fun and amusing in the group watch setting. I could not stop laughing. It was probably more fun for people who knew what was coming.

It was equally as histerical but in a different way when I watched it by myself / with a friend / with toonami gaf. Collectively its a top 10 anime moment of all time


Gives all the fucks
Hmmm, I wonder how terrible the third season of SAO will be.

I mean, it has an interesting premise.

Also remember that time Kirito didn't want to involve NPC in a fight, even though they would respawn?

That was really dumb.


No Scrubs
Still possible. We really start Thriller Bark in a couple episodes (I believe).

Naruto deserves a promo when it is off non-canon as well.

There's enough good material in Thriller Bark to make a really killer promo, especially for the backhalf of the arc. Holy shit does it have some amazing moments.


There's enough good material in Thriller Bark to make a really killer promo, especially for the backhalf of the arc. Holy shit does it have some amazing moments.

*One Piece Spoilers*
Sadly almost all those moments are in the back half of the arc ;_;

Usopp and Zoro's fights are pretty amazing.


No Scrubs
*One Piece Spoilers*
Sadly almost all those moments are in the back half of the arc ;_;

Usopp and Zoro's fights are pretty amazing.

There's some pretty funny moments in the first half. They could also do a horror movie style preview for the first half if they wanted.
The Thriller Bark arc is when I started reading the manga to get through things more quickly but that might be more impatience than anything to do with this arc's pacing in particular

Man God

Non-Canon Member
The anime is better than the Manga for Thriller Bark.

The voice acting kills it both in Japanese and English, not to mention that the art is still pretty good for this arc.
Still possible. We really start Thriller Bark in a couple episodes (I believe).

Naruto deserves a promo when it is off non-canon as well.

A Naruto promo for
Sasuke starting his revengeance
could be pretty hype, looking at the episodes coming up once we get back to canon. I completely forgot all that stuff happened uninterrupted (minus a short-ish filler arc). Though even then, I hope we get a promo later for
Sasuke vs. Itachi
in particular.


No Scrubs
The voice actor Funi cast for
Gecko Moriah
is a great match. He also did the voice for Cooler and Dr. Gero in DBZAbridged.

Funi has been doing great work casting One Piece, pretty much every voice has been perfectly cast. There's a character in a future arc that people thought they'd never be able to get right and yet they managed to nail it. If only Sentai bothered to try this hard.


Unconfirmed Member
Funi has been doing great work casting One Piece, pretty much every voice has been perfectly cast. There's a character in a future arc that people thought they'd never be able to get right and yet they managed to nail it. If only Sentai bothered to try this hard.

I genuinely can't wait for the episode where they debut to air. It's going to be one of the all-time great Toonami-GAF moments. :D

Look forward to it in 2018.


PSP games are still relevant because of the vita

If the vita wasn't backwards compatible I wouldn't even bat an eye at all my friends telling me they'll just pirate PSP game X or Y.

That's was the perfect example of how something so terrible can be fun and amusing in the group watch setting. I could not stop laughing. It was probably more fun for people who knew what was coming.

I rest my case hatewatching or hateplaying has to be a very bad product.

A 6/10 game isn't fun, a 4/10 game is more enjoyable with friends. Same for a bad show, get to borderline "how did they think to even write something so bad?" and it becomes great again.
So I've been reading Bleach because I've lost control of my life.

Bleach has never been more Bleach.

I fear I'm exposing myself to a dangerously high dose of Bleach by reading just one chapter.


I genuinely can't wait for the episode where they debut to air. It's going to be one of the all-time great Toonami-GAF moments. :D

Look forward to it in 2018.

Debut to air? What are you alluding to? Are we really that close to catching up to the dub considering they are about
to enter the WotB arc.
So I've been reading Bleach because I've lost control of my life.

Bleach has never been more Bleach.

I fear I'm exposing myself to a dangerously high dose of Bleach by reading just one chapter.

The last chapter was actually pretty good which is nice considering how long and drawn out the other fights were.

Of course I say this and then we will have 10 more chapters of the same god damn fight.
The last chapter was actually pretty good which is nice considering how long and drawn out the other fights were.

Of course I say this and then we will have 10 more chapters of the same god damn fight.

I'm confused by this because people keep saying it. Is it only because it was slightly less shitty then the regular Bleach?


25 | 26

Things might get a little spoilerly if somehow I'm not the last person in this thread to watch this. The images without context shouldn't give too much away, and any more significant spoilers will probably be hidden in the text that people won't read anyway.

Revy is able to weasel out information on where in Roanapur Roberta is hiding. She, Rock, Garcia, and Fabiola head to her location, but several others are after her too, including South American cartel gangs, FARC (of which Roberta used to be a member of), and the Americans. I'm actually not entirely clear if the US army is after Roberta specifically or dangerous/important South American targets in general, but I guess it doesn't matter too much.

Anyways, things are coming to a multiple party war, and Revy decides to call up a few acquaintances for help, including everybody's favorite and totally not-stereotyped Asian assassin, a chainsaw girl who speaks using an electrolarnyx, and some nutcase (I was seriously not expecting to see these guys again).

(remember when THE WIZARD survived earlier and kinda awkwardly/romantically offered to help Shenghua? Yeah I guess that kinda went somewhere?)

On the way there, Rock decides to stay behind (it seems he has some tricks up his sleeve but the viewer doesn't know what they are). Revy has some strong words for Fabiola, noticing how she's never killed before. She starts saying more of the usual we've heard dozens of times before: act as if your targets are cardboard, because cutouts are all they really are.


Then things start to break loose. Roberta is acrobatically sniping the US Army from the rooftops while 3 different parties are after her. It's Americans vs cartel vs FARC vs Revy (& friends) vs Roberta.

Revy still isn't in the quite the right spot though to pinpoint Roberta and finds one of the FARC members barely breathing. Revy manipulates Fabiola (who speaks the same language) to coerce information out of the guy in exchange for medical aid. The soldier gives intel, and then Revy kills him point-blank. Fabiola, who has never seen carnage like this up close, momentarily turns on Revy for toying around with a man's final moments of life.

This whole theme of Fabiola and Garcia clinging to their empathy feels a little done-before but as the real emotional core for this arc, I think it serves its purpose enough. All these two want is to have their maid back, and are willing to put up with all that is happening around them for now if that means they can find Roberta.

It's also somewhat tied into Rock's motivation and how it fits with events at the end of Second Barrage, so it does feel like a natural progression from there and not just another scenario in the story. There's a bit of flow to the theme and character evolution ... I think. I'll have to see where it goes.


(I probably screencap Fabiola too much but she has the best faces.)

"Mini-maid, you've got the wrong end of that puppy pointed at me. What the fuck are you thinking."

Rock, still sitting in the car, knows he failed to prevent this war from breaking out, and gets an unexpected call from Mr. Chang, being a bit more smug than usual. Chang's perspective is that Rock was too considerate for the Lovelace family and their maid, and suggests and Rock could have succeeded if he wasn't so compassionate. (He doesn't say this outright, it's handled a little more subtly than that, but that's the gist of it.)

This obviously upsets Rock, whose only goal was to help this family, and doesn't care much about Roanapur whereas Chang is only concerned with protecting the status quo. Tensions rising and a few silly metaphors later, Chang laughs across the phone line and hangs up, leaving Rock a little distressed.


"With all due respect, Mr. Chang .... YOU ARE A GODDAMN PIECE OF SHIT"


The battle continues, more people are killed, etc. There's enough action with a little bit of comedy thrown in to be entertaining and amusing. Eventually Garcia ends up separated from the group, and of course he stumbles to where Roberta is, seeing her murder her assailants one-by-one. (The pills Roberta downs like popcorn is
, by the way.) Garcia can't believe what he's seeing, but manages to stay out of sight.

Roberta is essentially a one-woman army, easily dispatching any opposition in her path. However, one person is able to nearly apprehend her, and that is her former commanding officer in FARC.


Roberta is pinned by this dude, and we learn a little of her past. He laughs at her decision to work as a maid and wants her to return but she claims she gives no shits about the Lovelaces all she wants to do is kill. She starts to become frisky and aroused, and the two begin to have a little sexy-time (remember, Garcia can see/hear all of this.)

It was all a ploy, however, and Roberta takes an opportunity to mortally wound the man with a hidden weapon. She boldly redeclares her allegiance to the Lovelaces and states how everything she does now is for them. She then goes a little overboard in smashing this dude's face in a crazed anger, and Garcia can't stand it any more, and makes his presence known. As you may expect, this is the last thing Roberta wanted Garcia to see.


She becomes an emotional wreck as Garcia faints, and her English voiceover does a pretty darn good job exhibiting her anguish and torment. Really the whole ending of this episode is emotionally compelling and tense, although a little cliché in places. Through a sort of inner dialogue with her memories, we learn of the additional motives behind Roberta's goal here. She had killed what was essentially an innocent family back in her uniformed days, and the faces of those she killed have haunted her ever since. She used the Lovelace family as her way to atone, to provide selflessly for them.

"If you had lived the rest of your life in the company of that child, then maybe those wounds would have healed eventually. But you are the one who threw all that away."

It's corny in places, but the ending of this episode was especially strong, and I'm definitely interested to see how things could possibly resolve.

Bonus NSFT .gif
Sword Art Online Episode 1

Pretty decent episode. The stakes are definitely set from the beginning and hey, losing actually has consequences other than someone lurking your house with a needle death gun or something.

Next Time: Beater

The quality whiplash between Seda's show and bear's show...

BTW, Seda is right, the mini-maid is awesome, and she has the best reactions.
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