You have heard incorrectly.
For the sake of clarity is it bad because all of lwa is bad or is the tv show mediocre compared to the ova/films?
You have heard incorrectly.
I'll quickly rank the winter shows I'm watching.
1. Monster Girls. Always enjoy watching this one.
2. Dragon Maid. This show is funny and colorful.
3. ACCA. Dope ass opening theme to this harem of politics show that's kinda boring.
4. Fuuka. I like this show...and I don't know why.
I've started watching Monster Girls and I was surprised by how much I actually enjoyed it. The hug scene was a little sketch though.
For the sake of clarity is it bad because all of lwa is bad or is the tv show mediocre compared to the ova/films?
I'm watching the dub and the main character has this deep porn voice. Inspired casting.
It's pretty much the same quality of the ovas with slightly lower animation quality because of obvious reasons, so I'm not sure the why it has the backlash it has here. It's pretty well received everywhere else and in the LWA thread.
Interviews with Monster Girls? From what I know, the source manga for that was actually pretty good. The anime genericized the artstyle and added fanservice since the manga has none, though, so probably just going to read that.I've started watching Monster Girls and I was surprised by how much I actually enjoyed it. The hug scene was a little sketch though.
For the sake of clarity is it bad because all of lwa is bad or is the tv show mediocre compared to the ova/films?
Ah, bleggggh. I knew HxH would get pushed down again.
Good news is I get an hour of free time between JoJo and HxH.
And turns out Boogie's "sticking to the middle" on GamerGate was a taste of things to come.Holy shit. Jontron has gone batshit insane.
Michael Damiani of Easy Allies tried doing that earlier but no anvil.Zelda already did shield surfing & bomb jumping before.
Is Yuasa Bassforever's favorite animator.
So, it looks like it is Gundam that is getting demoted instead of Hunter x Hunter according to this.
Some other listings are showing Gundam at 1:30, but I have no idea which of these are the reputable ones or not.
Moving Gundam at 2:00 makes me believe that DeMarco is serious about the permanent Gundam slot.
Moving Gundam at 2:00 makes me believe that DeMarco is serious about the permanent Gundam slot.
Since Netflix nabbed Wing, probably G Gundam HD.I wonder what he'll do after, presumably, IBO2 ends?
Since Netflix nabbed Wing, probably G Gundam HD.
The thing is, all the other eligible shows were either nabbed by Hulu or lack a dub.We should be so lucky.