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Toonami |May14| Toonami just got a lot Cooler

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Speaking of tags, what's the origin of yours?

It's from back when Steam Greenlight actually didn't let every single game through, when I was making fun of people acting like a game having to go through the Greenlight process was a personal insult to the developer.

edit: Found it.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
There was some kids show on Nick or CN that did this for seemingly everything and I wanted to gouge my eyes out.

Okay that's hyperbole, but it was mildly annoying.


I thought it was pretty neat and unique.


There was some kids show on Nick or CN that did this for seemingly everything and I wanted to gouge my eyes out.

Okay that's hyperbole, but it was mildly annoying.

Chowder is a great show that shouldn't been canceled, like Flapjack. Loved the animation style. Gankutsuou also did this with nearly everything. While I can see where it could be annoying, it looks so damn good, especially in scenes with a lot of movement.
Most of you seem to have pretty good taste in anime, so is this show, Now and Then Here and There, worth watching? A friend was talking about it earlier today.

Okay, Uncle Grandpa is officially the worst children's show on television, I'd rather watch MLP (no offense tenumi)
Yeah, it's a terrible show. Adventure Time and the show with the chubby kid who goes around with the the chicks are good, especially the former. Adventure Time is the shit.


Okay, Uncle Grandpa is officially the worst children's show on television, I'd rather watch MLP (no offense tenumi)

Good morning! Good morning! God that is a terrible show. The level of idiocy that Uncle Grandpa reaches...ugh.


Yeah, it's a terrible show. Adventure Time and the show with the chubby kid who goes around with the the chicks are good, especially the former. Adventure Time is the shit.

Steven Universe I presume? It's not bad, but definitely not nearly as good as I was hoping it would be. Part of it that is the show just starting out. I'm also sad at the change in the character designs. It's grown on me, but the character designs from the pilot were better.

If you're a fan of those two...I'd suggest watching Clarence. It has quickly become my fav show on CN. I think it's because it reminds me so much of being a kid.
Good morning! Good morning! God that is a terrible show. The level of idiocy that Uncle Grandpa reaches...ugh.

Steven Universe I presume? It's not bad, but definitely not nearly as good as I was hoping it would be. Part of it that is the show just starting out. I'm also sad at the change in the character designs. It's grown on me, but the character designs from the pilot were better.

If you're a fan of those two...I'd suggest watching Clarence. It has quickly become my fav show on CN. I think it's because it reminds me so much of being a kid.

That's it! Couldn't remember the name. I've only seen a few episodes of it, but I really liked it. It has some really nice music as well. I'll give Clarence a watch too. Not sure I've ever even heard of it.

Rick & Morty is really damn good, though I guess it's not really a kids show.


Okay, Uncle Grandpa is officially the worst children's show on television, I'd rather watch MLP (no offense tenumi)

No offense taken.

Last western cartoon that I really got into for any length of time was Korra. That ended with the last episode of the first season. Yeah, left that bitter of a taste I couldn't continue.

I did, however, enjoy Beware the Batman, so it seems like I'll be recording and watching that.
No offense taken.

Last western cartoon that I really got into for any length of time was Korra. That ended with the last episode of the first season. Yeah, left that bitter of a taste I couldn't continue.

I did, however, enjoy Beware the Batman, so it seems like I'll be recording and watching that.
I completely forgot about Legend of Korea. I've seen maybe one episode of the second season and just kinda lost interest. Didn't help that the climax of the first season was so.....meh, especially how they handled everything with the main antagonist.


Out of all of Cartoon Network's bite sized content (excluding Titans Go!)

Adventure Time
Regular Show
Steven Universe
Uncle Grandpa

The top 3 I recommend anyone to watch and the all 4 are great to watch with your kids or nephews. Uncle Grandpa seems to be aimed distinctly at kids and I just zoned out the episodes I did check out. I don't get the hate for it though.
All of cn's stoner comedies suck

Adventure time
Regular show
Uncle grandpa

The only half way decent one is Johnny Test not because its particularly good but because I understand its a show aimed at 5 year olds and is pretty inoffensive


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
All of cn's stoner comedies suck

Adventure time
Regular show
Uncle grandpa

The only half way decent one is Johnny Test not because its particularly good but because I understand its a show aimed at 5 year olds and is pretty inoffensive

What the triple fuck am I reading here?


All of cn's stoner comedies suck

Adventure time
Regular show
Uncle grandpa

The only half way decent one is Johnny Test not because its particularly good but because I understand its a show aimed at 5 year olds and is pretty inoffensive
All of cn's stoner comedies suck

Adventure time
Regular show
Uncle grandpa

The only half way decent one is Johnny Test not because its particularly good but because I understand its a show aimed at 5 year olds and is pretty inoffensive
Adventure Time sucks? Are you stoned right now? Because no one with a clear mind could possibly think this.

I agree the other two aren't good, though. And Johnny Test is terribad.
I'm afraid I have some BAD NEWS

Adventure Time is only considered good because of how freaking terrible Cartoon Networks line up is as a whole, all their original content is terrible


  • I enjoyed Chowder. I had a nice whimsical, fun air to it
  • Flapjack was kind of hit or miss. Some episodes were great, some were a bit too weird or gross
  • I have no idea who Uncle Grampa is supposed to appeal to or why anybody would like it. I also think the same thing from what little I've seen of Breadwinners (WHY IS THIS A THING) and Sanjay and Craig :/
  • I watched a bit of Clarence. I just don't think its for me :/ Main character annoys me more than anything
  • Teen Titans Go can trend towards being pretty stupid but overall its WAY better and funnier than it has any right to be
  • There are a lot of things to like about Legend of Korra but writing is not one of them. When the best episode of your show are the ones where the main protagonist doesn't show up, you know you dun goofed!
  • Steven fluctuates between adorable and annoying and as such the quality of Steven Universe episodes can be variable. However, when this show goes for the feels or tries to be poignant I think it hits it out of the park. I also really like how inclusive it is from a gender and race perspective - I straight up appreciate it.
  • Ben 10: Whatever and Johnny Test are just soul-less husks of shows. They stay afloat because ratings/toy sales but nobody will ever remember them the SECOND the drop off the air.
  • TMNT 2012 is well written, well plotted, well acted and well directed with respectable to great fight choreography. It's not flawless and I still wish they had gone for 2D over CG but if you're one who can handle the innate silliness of the TMNT universe, its probably the best incarnation of the IP.
  • I think what surprises me the most about Regular Show is how accurately they can write relationships. Yes, more often than not they are fighting off alien invasions, or zombies or some other silly thing and I love how non-sequitur the show can be (whilst still making total sense within its own universe) but like there are straight up life lessons you can take away from this show - they call out a LOT of crap.
  • Once it got past Season One, Adventure's Time's greatest strength has been in the quality of its characters and the mythos it has built around the World of Ooo. It's not so much a comedy as it is an adventure series with occasional funny moments and occasional dark moments. My biggest frustration with the show is it's tendency to sometimes build up big, interesting plot threads to only resolve them in kind of meh manner. Overall the show continues to change and move but it likes to hop back to the "status quo" a bit too often.

All of cn's stoner comedies suck

Adventure Time
Regular Show

Uncle Grandpa

The only half way decent one is Johnny Test not because its particularly good but because I understand its a show aimed at 5 year olds and is pretty inoffensive


Like you're entitled to your opinion and all but Adventure Time and Regular Show aren't even "stoner" shows. Crazy stuff happens in them but there are overarching plot lines, frequent call backs to past events, character development, back stories and what happens more or less is consistent with the crazy universes they occupy - your suspension of disbelief is more or less maintained. Like did you watch one episode from like their first seasons and just decided they weren't for you?


Adventure Time is one of the most consistent kids shows on CN and pretty much all of television at this point. It's got a deep story and world tied to it, handles a variety of subjects really well, and shows character growth and change...and it's aimed at kids. Yes, plenty of adults love the show for many reasons, but it doesn't pull any punches with their main demographic. It doesn't talk down to them by sticking specifically to slapstick comedy or ultra basic Aesop's Fables.

The only show that I know has done it better was ATLA, though it did have a much more pointed story.
Adventure Time is only considered good because it's the best thing on CN full stop.

Being the best among bad shows isn't an accomplishment, its like being the best Asylum film.

Adventure Time's overall story is far more consistent and better-plotted than Naruto.

This may be true, but having a better plot then Naruto isn't an accomplishment either, its like saying it has a better plot then Garzey's wing


im amused how bass puts himself on a pedestal as though hes the only one speaking truths

ive never seen adventure time


Adventure Time is one of the most consistent kids shows on CN and pretty much all of television at this point. It's got a deep story and world tied to it, handles a variety of subjects really well, and shows character growth and change...and it's aimed at kids. Yes, plenty of adults love the show for many reasons, but it doesn't pull any punches with their main demographic. It doesn't talk down to them by sticking specifically to slapstick comedy or ultra basic Aesop's Fables.

The only show that I know has done it better was ATLA, though it did have a much more pointed story.

One of the most interesting/good aspects of the show is that you can actually see the character of Finn grow up in real time. The character writing in the show is VERY strong.
I've seen probably about 5 random episodes of both shows (adventure time and regular show) enough to know they weren't engaging or funny. I'm not watching an entire season to wait for a show to get good it better have some interesting hooks right away ala One Piece or 24 or be balls awesome like Black Lagoon or Teen Titans.

Maybe Regular Show and Adventure Time do get way better and more enjoyable if you watch from episode 1 and see how the story and characters develop, but I've not enjoyed what I've seen of either to want to make that commitment.


Being the best among bad shows isn't an accomplishment, its like being the best Asylum film.


Uncle Grandpa is really the only evening cartoon that is terrible. There's also a clear reason why Johnny Test lands in the mornings. It's because it sucks and tries way to hard.

I've seen probably about 5 random episodes of both shows (adventure time and regular show) enough to know they weren't engaging or funny. I'm not watching an entire season to wait for a show to get good it better have some interesting hooks right away ala One Piece or 24 or be balls awesome like Black Lagoon or Teen Titans.

Maybe Regular Show and Adventure Time do get way better and more enjoyable if you watch from episode 1 and see how the story and characters develop, but I've not enjoyed what I've seen of either to want to make that commitment.

What episodes? Also, you can skip a good chunk of season one outside of a few episodes that have plotlines that come up in later seasons. I still liked it because of how random it was and felt exactly like how a kid and his dog would go adventuring, saving peeps and kicking Ice King's pa-toot.


I've seen probably about 5 random episodes of both shows (adventure time and regular show) enough to know they weren't engaging or funny. I'm not watching an entire season to wait for a show to get good it better have some interesting hooks right away ala One Piece or 24 or be balls awesome like Black Lagoon or Teen Titans.

Maybe Regular Show and Adventure Time do get way better and more enjoyable if you watch from episode 1 and see how the story and characters develop, but I've not enjoyed what I've seen of either to want to make that commitment.

Neither of those cards are strictly sequential like say a lot of shonen anime, just partially so. So its not really a matter of "it gets good after X episodes". You can watch like episode 10 before episode 4 and it wouldn't matter but watching episode 57 before episode 29 might be confusing and you can watch episode 43 before watching episode 37 but episode 43 becomes X times better if you're already familiar with events of episode 37 (the episode numbers are random but I hope you can see my point). This also means its quite possible to see some random episodes of each show and not necessarily see what makes them great or see what about them might appeal to you.

Either way, you aren't required to like either show. It's a shame you don't because I think they are great shows but it's fine if you don't. However, when you say stuff like "stoner comedies", "worse than Johnny Test" or "only good by default" that's just some factually incorrect hyperbole :/
Uncle Grandpa seems to be aimed distinctly at kids and I just zoned out the episodes I did check out. I don't get the hate for it though.

If you've watched an episode of Uncle Grandpa and can't figure out why anyone over the age of 5 hates it, I don't know what to say. CN has been experimenting with their original content which seems to get weirder and weirder but Uncle Grandpa takes this to the extreme. It's overly stupid, has annoying/unlikable characters, and terrible writing.

All of cn's stoner comedies suck

Adventure time
Regular show
Uncle grandpa

The only half way decent one is Johnny Test not because its particularly good but because I understand its a show aimed at 5 year olds and is pretty inoffensive

How in the world are these shows stoner comedies? I mean, I can respect that you don't like something I do but come up with a better excuse than this, it's lazy and makes you look like you don't know what you're talking about.

Opinions mang.


Some of the reactions to Bass having a controversial opinion should probably be toned down a bit. Use words to get your point across.
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