It really opens your eyes when Sara's non-functioning eyes means more to someone than Mira's flat hometown.
I'm just glad you call Mira a piece of junk. Cuz she is.
Also great job on the quick Sara drawing. I make sure not to take a blind eye to your drawings.
Mira always looked better in a kimono anyway, and I dunno, Sara's expression made her look like she wasn't really blind at all, lol
Finally my boy Sasuke gonna make his debut.
Need to rewatch Hunter x Hunter and Champloo because I was really out of it during those shows.
I'll also rewatch the One Piece ep. Fuck Shippuden though.
So I'm playing Uncharted 4 on crushing, and I think that might be putting me off a bit.
Because it feels like I'm fighting terminators, and not mercenaries.
Samurai Champloo: July 2nd
Parasyte: October 1st
Gundam: Iron Blooded-Orphans: November 19th
DBZ Kai: November 26th (original) January 27th 2018 (Buu Arc)
Hunter x Hunter: February 16th 2019
Naruto Shippuden: Almost over in Japan! ... Right?
One Piece: The Sea Train Keeps Rolling
I just watched this week's Pre-Flight. Jason introduced the Kai promo from last night as the "Double DBZ Kai one night special brought to you by lawyers across America and Japan."
So yes, it's a one night only thing confirmed. It sounds to me like getting the rights to air Gundam is giving them real problems.
Victor Entertainment produced the music of the series, which was composed and arranged by Toshio Masuda and directed by Keiichi Nozaki. Director Shinichi Watanabe wrote the lyrics for the opening and closing themes,. The opening theme which were performed by Yumiko Kobayashi and Mikako Takahashi who were credited as The Excel♥Girls . The lyrics for the opening theme Love (Loyalty) (「愛(忠誠心」 Ai (Chūseishin)?) were written "on the train, five minutes before the deadline".
Apparently you can rush genius.
Current DBZ Power Levels.
Top Tier:
Android 17Android 16
Android 18
Let's explain this for a moment. The top three (IGNORING THE SPOILER FOR NOW) are all incredibly close in power level. The problem is that Piccolo gets weaker as the fight goes on and absolutely cannot beat both androids at one, let alone all three. Future Trunks has the same problem with his weaker androids at home ironically. Cell is weaker than any of them...but there are a lot of people to eat.
Saiyan Tier
Future Trunks
There's absolutely no proof of this...But we all know Goku is stronger than Vegeta. Trunks was blown away by his full power at the test BEFORE Goku trained for three straight years and Vegeta has been playing catch up the entire time. We honestly have no idea how Goku compares to the androids...nor will we.
actually, doesn't piccolo say that Vegeta is probably stronger than Goku now? I mean, Goku was sick, but Piccolo was Goku's training partner for 3 years, he'd know his strength the best.
Airing a rerun ep at 12:30 would surely be ratings suicide.
Hence why I say would.Thankfully, it's not a rerun. 2 episodes premiere that night.
We need more cats on Toonami...
...but I don't know any good cat anime shows...that aren't fanservice shows...
We need more cats on Toonami...
...but I don't know any good cat anime shows...that aren't fanservice shows...
Did someone say cats?
Chi's Sweet Home seems to just be a manga/anime about a cat living in its home
CAT PLANET CU.....We need more cats on Toonami...
...but I don't know any good cat anime shows...
damn it...that aren't fanservice shows...
Wouldn't mind:
hey remember when SAO2 had a catgirl & Kirito pulled her tail & another girl was jealous
too mesmerizing
Psh, can't be better than Twilight Suzuka!
I don't remember Ryo-Okie being like that.
hey remember when SAO2 had a catgirl & Kirito pulled her tail & another girl was jealous