The Netflix show is based on Castlevania 3 Dracula's Curse thus we get Trevor Belmont and all his companions and such. We also get Alucard as well and I assume a future season could quite literally be based directly on Symphony of the Night.
Oh and this is produced by the guy behind Dredd and is written by Warren Ellis of Transmetropolitan fame and I believe its being worked on by the Adventure Time people. Basically they got a dream team together and from the sounds of it Warren Ellis has been wanting to do this for a long long time and is a hardcore Castlevania fan.
Its also supposed to be pretty hard R from the sounds of it so I'm expecting this to be something like a spiritual successor to the old Spawn cartoon on HBO in some ways.
Oh and this is produced by the guy behind Dredd and is written by Warren Ellis of Transmetropolitan fame and I believe its being worked on by the Adventure Time people. Basically they got a dream team together and from the sounds of it Warren Ellis has been wanting to do this for a long long time and is a hardcore Castlevania fan.
Its also supposed to be pretty hard R from the sounds of it so I'm expecting this to be something like a spiritual successor to the old Spawn cartoon on HBO in some ways.