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Toonami |Nov14| Brought Final Act to Toonami

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Implatable Cardioverter Defibrillator

I was born with a low effecting Type 1muscular dystrophy and despite most looking at it as a destroyer of muscle, not many also look at it as a heart killer. Thursday afternoon at UCDavis, the doctors there basically told me that despite having passing regular cardiac tests with flying colors in the past 12 months from my local cardiovascular doctor, my bio-electric circuitry was slightly slower then a perfectly healthy 26 year old heart should ever be and if I were to prevent having the same fate as my brother who died by instant cardiac arrest despite having too a perfectly healthy (24 year old) heart, I should get a internal device that can shock my heart back to a regular rhythm as soon as possible. Once settled at the hospital building, I've had other doctors came in, evaluated my story of my own bodily problems and pointed different things, updated things, even understandings of not wanting to go with this but in the end, they all told me the same conclusion: get the pacemaker. So, here I am back home with a patch on my shoulder (and groin) having to be careful with not relying too much of my right arm in the next 3 months and try to avoid electronic interferences in the next 10 years. I guess you can nerdily say I am a cyborg now.
Ah jeez BBoy. I hope that this works out for you. Sending good feelings out to you.
Didn't know you still had dial-up, Bass. :p

My parents watching netflix + me trying to stream CR + my computer loading up gifs like crazy makes my wifi cry. Thank goodness my brother isn't home playing on PSN or I wouldn't be able to watch anime at all on CR. That and CR's web video player is pretty much crap and randomly will just end videos or stutter even when I'm the only one home.

Most episodes will only have 2-3. First episode is special and the limiter was off. I could easily make 5 more.

Why do we need gifs of the episode of a show we literally just watched? I get if it's for something comedic like some of the Space Dandy gifs that were made but do we really need gif recaps of DBZ Kai? 90% of this thread has seen the show multiple times and the few that have never seen DBZ won't need a recap next week the show does that well enough.

I get doing the lots of gif post for things like the Naruto filler hell or Clone Wars past what Toonami showed, but for any old regular show it just seems like making/posting gifs just to post gifs.


Gives all the fucks
Alright, I think I have the time/a quiet enough house where I can finally watch Hellsing Ultimate ep. 8.


It’s a planet full of sidekick merchandising opportunities on episode 71 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. The planet Aleen is devastated by continuous earthquakes, and a cruiser headed by grizzled clone commander Wolffe is sent to provide aid to the Aleena instead of serving as reinforcements to Plo Koon. This was Padme’s idea, of course. I think I’m supposed to recognize Wolffe since he has a pretty nasty scar and a cybernetic eye, but I don’t. We cut to C-3PO and R2-D2 boarding a transport ship in the hangar, treated with refreshing disdain by a couple of the clones. The ships depart, and in the skies above Aleen one of the clones notices a native flying aboard a winged creature. “Great, it’s gonna be another one of those planets,” he says.


The native Aleena look like they belong in one of those really shitty animated movies from the late 90s and early 2000s, and they sound like the aliens from Space Jam. The difference is that they don’t speak English; they communicate in their own made-up nonsense that only 3PO can understand and translate. The one in the headdress is called King Manchucho (kill me), and he runs up and hugs 3PO for some reason. During the introductions, a brief earthquake occurs, prompting the Aleena to ask if the Republic troops will “make peace in the ground.” Wolffe refuses on the grounds that such a thing is not physically possible. R2 and some clones follow the Aleena to a small building to reboot their computer systems, which are apparently things that exist despite the fact that the Aleena appear to be rather primitive. Meanwhile, Manchucho informs Wolffe that an outdoor kitchen is against the Aleena religion or some shit before he and several others spontaneously get on the ground and start bowing and chanting.


3PO joins R2 as the clones depart, and the Aleena take the opportunity to lead the droids to a large, golden manhole cover that has been partially disturbed. An earthquake causes 3PO to fall in, and R2 follows. The droids continue along a tunnel lined by tree roots and a glowing butterfly giving off light particles dart past them. At the end of the tunnel is a cave filled with strange, glowing plants. Several more butterflies appear and awaken some scary-looking tree people, who tell the droids to fuck off in much the same way I wish I could. One of the tree people complains about the “surface dwellers” destroying the “peace.” They explain that the ground shakes to keep out the poisonous air above, which makes no sense whatsoever considering the earthquakes create even more openings for air to seep in.


Above, one of the Aleena presumably tells Manchucho what has happened. The king leads his people to the manhole, and they begin to bow before it repeatedly and sing to it. Below, 3PO and R2 enter another cave where the butterflies all combine into a plant woman with an annoying manner of speech and a weirdly flirtatious attitude. She reiterates what the tree people said, and she points out that the soil filters the air so that they may breathe it. She then refuses to tell the droids how to get back to the surface or even how to fix the situation once they get there; she gives them a riddle, and then disappears. R2 figures it out (3PO eventually does, too, as he babbles to himself) and squirts some water onto a circle, which causes the room to light up. A geyser of water sends the droids back to the surface, where they realize the manhole is the issue. Fumes harmful to the Aleena begin leaking out from the hole, and 3PO muses that this means he and R2, who do not require air, are the only ones who can seal it. This is not only a total anticlimax, but it doesn’t actually make any sense because the fumes were not a problem earlier. I also feel like we should’ve been shown that the Aleena disturbed the manhole cover or something, because it really looks like the quakes were what moved it. Anyways, the Republic visitors depart, and because 3PO’s entire character is that he’s fucking insufferable, he babbles on and on about how he was the one to solve the riddle and how he wants to tell the story.

I'm legitimately curious as to whether the writers were required to write this episode or something. Because if I wasn't supposed to identify with the clones' disdain for this whole scenario, somebody messed up big time since that and a handful of nice visuals were the only things that kept me going. The Aleena are annoying, 3PO is bad, and the whole plot is boring while only barely making sense. This almost seems like a rejected idea for one of those children's movies that the Aleena look like they walked out of.

Grade: D


Gives all the fucks
Hellsing Ultimate 8 (1st half):

- Oh god, don't tell me the blood is gonna form into the title agaaannnndd it does.

- bad comedy count: 1

- Oh my god KKK in knight armor fighting against nazi vampires while helicopters are shooting rockets. Anime, man.

- noooo not the butler. Also Vatican leader guy is bonkers, I like it.


- Hi, Alucard, nice to see you FINALLY return.

- Man, the facial expressions in this episode have been weird. I kind of want to say they're sort of off from previous episodes at a few points.

- Gambit would've been proud of that card trick OOOHHH CRAP IT'S THE PEOPLE HE PREVIOUSLY KILLED.

- OW, THE CGI. Also nooooo waaaayyyyy Alucard was Dracula? Whaatt are the ooodddssss....but now I want a Castlevania x Hellsing crossover....& OW, THE CGI AGAIN.

- Welp, he's dead. & we're only 1/2 way done? I don't know how they're gonna top some of the stuff that's happened so far.

Hellsing Ultimate 8 (2nd half):

- Anderson is gonna take on DRACULA in his current form?! Well this won't end well...

- ......alright, that mustache joke was much more tolerable considering they didn't change the background & stuff like they normally do. Though Seras' facial expression still kind of bugged me. Bad comedy count: 1.25. Still, nice to see the two reunited again.


- Hmm, Alucard had some....interesting facial expressions when saying that humans were fascinating creatures.

- Speaking of Alucard, interesting to see him actually care about Anderson using that nail on himself.


- DAAAAAAMMMNNNNN, Alucard lost?! AND THIS WOULD'VE BEEN THE EPISODE WE ENDED ON IF NOT FOR MOVIE MONTH?!? That would've been CRUEL. Hell, it's already gonna be hard to wait 4 weeks to see episode 9.


Where soundtrack is better, the original?
Why do we get this.
Why did someone tell him.
Why am i bored of COD already im selling this after i beat the campaign.

Edit: okay that happy music at a bad time scene linked above is going to be hilarious to watch as a group, isnt it.
Its not going to be like AoT "this is loud and kinda too epic" bad, but its going to be "what the hell?" Bad


The second half of Gurren Lagaan is waaay better than the first so far
up to episode 19...the only downside is major character changes and asshole townspeople for plot reasons...fucking assholes

- continues to sin and break all the bonds. No Talk No Jutsu to save the day here


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Just read the last naruto chapter, powered through like what, 40 chapters? A chapter in my life has just basically closed, and all the endigns the full color page and the loves and the ships sailing while other ships are sinking and that
one piece reference at the end
and oh god


Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon R: Episode 53

Poor Ami, couldn't even get a focus episode to explain the new Bubble Spary Freezing, which I do admit, does make the base attack less lame, not all that much less, but beggars can not be choosers. Anyway, this episode focuses on Mamoru and Usagi awkwardly taking care of a baby after a Cardian attack and the most irresponsible hospital ever. Of course, hilarity ensure and the cardrums are assailed by the sounds of a baby whining while we learn that should Mamoru and Usagi ever have a kid, Mamoru is the one going to be doing the actual work while Usagi tries to help out but just sort of gets in the way. Anyway, recommendation to avoid because seriously this was mainly a tedious pile of nothing even by the standards of the Doom Tree arc.

Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon R: Episode 53

So standing in stark contrast to the last episode, we have Rei's power up episode where not only does she get the focus but we get some actual insight into her day-to-day life as I think this is the first time we see Rei at her school, a prestigious Catholic-run all-girls academy. This being an anime of course there is going to be yuri undertones everywhere, I think that is just one of the law tropes of the genre. Anyway, I actually liked this episode as it thrust Rei out of her usual role and makes her much more tolerable and we get to see new insights on her character like she is apparently an accomplished musician to some degree. Indeed, I noticed they dialed back the eternal rivalry a few notches and it is welcome. Anyway, yea, this episode is recommended, nothing too amazing but I didn't feel like my time was wasted.
Some good Legit Shook gifs in that DBZ collection.

I wish I hadn't just passed out right before OP last Saturday, that episode was great and I wished I had watched it with you guys.

Looks like I might miss next week, as I'll be in Seattle and not sure what I'll be doing around Toonami time.



I didn't get to watch much Toonami because I went out on Saturday night to celebrate my new job, and ended up getting hammered on Whisky Sours and Beer to where I came home and tried to watch TTGL, and it was freaking me out so I decided to pass out for 10 hours.

And now, it appears that Adult Swim/Toonami content is gone from On Demand (Fios). Which is total bullshit. I guess I can watch online though...


I have to ask but what awalys got me racking my brain in Brotherhood is Trisha. Like, we never did see just how much she knew about the supernatural portions of the show. How did she find out and believe in such hidden forces? She just went along with it? Was she part of something bigger? The first portion of that episode got me thinking of that but the rest of the show never followed up on such things.

Yeah, I too was thinking on the last 5 minutes of that One Piece that sometimes anime not getting Emmy nominations are a crime.

Like, seriously, Treyarch's single-player is the only thing left I care about COD.

If Halo 5 doesn't turn into a Spartain-II sim, yeah, it really wants to be COD.


Unconfirmed Member
I have to ask but what awalys got me racking my brain in Brotherhood is Trisha. Like, we never did see just how much she knew about the supernatural portions of the show. How did she find out and believe in such hidden forces? She just went along with it? Was she part of something bigger? The first portion of that episode got me thinking of that but the rest of the show never followed up on such things.

Yeah, I too was thinking on the last 5 minutes of that One Piece that sometimes anime not getting Emmy nominations are a crime.

Like, seriously, Treyarch's single-player is the only thing left I care about COD.

If Halo 5 doesn't turn into a Spartain-II sim, yeah, it really wants to be COD.
Trisha seems to know all about her husband's situation. I imagine it wouldn't be all that hard to believe if he showed off his alchemy even once. Hohenheim seems to talk about things pretty openly with her, and from previous flashbacks/dream sequences it seems clear that he first met Trisha when she was very young, so she would have seen the whole "not aging" thing firsthand.


The second half of Gurren Lagaan is waaay better than the first so far
up to episode 19...the only downside is major character changes and asshole townspeople for plot reasons...fucking assholes

Nice to hear you're enjoying it. I should get on your case about not waiting for Toonami to air the episodes but I guess the damage is already done. :p
Most episodes will only have 2-3. First episode is special and the limiter was off. I could easily make 5 more.

Why do we need gifs of the episode of a show we literally just watched? I get if it's for something comedic like some of the Space Dandy gifs that were made but do we really need gif recaps of DBZ Kai? 90% of this thread has seen the show multiple times and the few that have never seen DBZ won't need a recap next week the show does that well enough.

I get doing the lots of gif post for things like the Naruto filler hell or Clone Wars past what Toonami showed, but for any old regular show it just seems like making/posting gifs just to post gifs.

How about if you're gonna GIF spam, you should link to it instead of imbedding it on the page.

Abso has the right idea here. Personally, i think the gif spam is annoying and causes slow down but i am not opposed to it because i know others in here enjoy them. Providing links for any post with more than 3 seems to be a good middle ground.


Gives all the fucks
OMG $120 for a 40" 1080p LED HDTV at Target on Thanksgiving. I seriously would like to upgrade from my 32", but I'd have to figure out a way to sell it since shipping it (like I've been doing in the buy/sell/trade thread lately) is out of the question.


OMG $120 for a 40" 1080p LED HDTV at Target on Thanksgiving. I seriously would like to upgrade from my 32", but I'd have to figure out a way to sell it since shipping it (like I've been doing in the buy/sell/trade thread) is out of the question.

You realistically aren't getting it (Target opens at 6pm, and it's going to go FAST).

I only go out Black Friday shopping for stuff like Blurays and games- stuff that I can go a few hours after opening and know they probably still have, and not get stabbed over.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I like having fun on Black Friday.

I live in Massachusetts so none of this open on Thanksgiving bull shit, Midnight or bust. Last year I went out at 12am just to get...a cheap used Wii at Gamestop! They had dozens! I was even there early enough to get a PS4 if I had wanted one.


I know it sucks for the people who have to work it, but I'm a fan of stuff opening on Thursday instead of Friday these days. Eat a meal, and then go out and hit the stores you want to get the stuff, and come home in time to even watch one of the movies or something that you bought.

At this point, i'm dying to see the Best Buy ad. I got the GCU thing last week, and really hope the games I want to get (Diablo 3 PS4 mainly) are discounted there to get the extra 20% off.


I'll be driving about 200 miles to visit family on Black Friday, so I'll be skipping most of Black Friday outside of the few hours I have to be at work. It should be pretty unremarkable. I might end up going on Thanksgiving if there end up being any deals on a remarkably cheap PS3 to replace the fat one I already own for fear of it dying.

Most of these sales are either unremarkable to me and my personal needs or I don't have the space or cash to buy some of the items, like a 4k TV.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
The best online deals for the past 5 or 6 years now have been on Thanksgiving. Cyber monday is a joke. Black Friday online is nothing special either. Turkey day on Amazon though? Good times.


The best online deals for the past 5 or 6 years now have been on Thanksgiving. Cyber monday is a joke. Black Friday online is nothing special either. Turkey day on Amazon though? Good times.

Yep, Cyber Monday sucks.

Amazon normally price matches every game discount, but most are as Lightning deals
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