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Toonami |Nov14| Brought Final Act to Toonami

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I'll update it as they come out.


Hey guys, now that we have the end of Attack on Titan, let's rerun it at our most profitable time again! Im sure that people will want to watch this bullshit for a second time! I mean, we do run Mr Pickles!

Toonami really needs to flip AOT and DBZ. DBZ will be a force for a long time, AOT will be watched by no one after they realized it wasnt steampunk spidermen fighting scary monsters

Man God

Non-Canon Member

Octopus balloon what.

Anyone here ever watch the OVA Cat Soup? It's a pretty surreal short-film. It seems to be based on a tv series, but I'm not sure if it got released in the west.


They are probably going to be in holding pattern for the rest of the year anyway. Also, the ratings overall seem rather down. I see DBZ Kai moved the needle but not as much as Bleach did.


They are probably going to be in holding pattern for the rest of the year anyway. Also, the ratings overall seem rather down. I see DBZ Kai moved the needle but not as much as Bleach did.

Dish + Good college football games hurts the toonami


Think the ratings look fine considering AoT is rerunning (and this will be the 3rd time for these early episodes) and we lose whatever unknown % because of dish.
Also soul-chan the next canon arc has an odd mix of filler in it. Without going into detail in the manga they play 3 games, and in the anime they play 6. The 3 canon games are 1, 2, and 6, however game 1 has a bunch of added filler, and the set up for 6 is different from the manga. It might be easier just to watch the whole arc though, but if you burn out on the games just skip to the 6th and most important one and go from there.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Davy-Back Non-Canon™ material also gets the Man-God Seal of Approval™.

EDIT: Watch episode 147-148 of Inuyasha and that will give you most of what you need to go on.


Gives all the fucks
There's a 1/2 demon guy. There's a high school girl who makes demon boy sit a lot & looks like demon guy's crush. There's a boomerang woman with a fox. There's a pervy monk. There's a mascot character for merchandising. Demon guy has a evil brother who travels with a little green demon & a little girl. There's a main villain who wants jewels cuz evil reasons & his name sounds similar to pervy monk's name. People gotta stop him cuz good reasons. They don't find the jewel shards, but they run into the sunset acting like it's the end of the series.

That is all I remember about the series.

Edit: Oh yeah I think there was some guy who wore wolf fur and there was a love triangle or something going on and oh god why am I starting to think of Twilight.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
There's a 1/2 demon guy. There's a high school girl who makes demon boy sit a lot & looks like demon guy's crush. There's a boomerang woman with a fox. There's a pervy monk. There's a mascot character for merchandising. Demon guy has a evil brother who travels with a little green demon & a little girl. There's a main villain who wants jewels cuz evil reasons & his name sounds similar to pervy monk's name. People gotta stop him cuz good reasons. They don't find the jewel shards, but they run into the sunset acting like it's the end of the series.

That is all I remember about the series.

Edit: Oh yeah I think there was some guy who wore wolf fur and there was a love triangle or something going on and oh god why am I starting to think of Twilight.

1. Yep. Inuyasha.
2. Yep. Kagome. She's the reincarnation of Inuyasha's lady friend, Kikiyo.
3. Half right. Sango is the boomerang woman, but her companion is a demon cat.
4. Yep. Miroku.
5. Yep. A fox child named Shippo.
6. Yep. LORD SESSHOMARU and MikeMyers avatar.
7. Mostly right. Naraku does sound like Miroku but there's only one jewel broken into many fragments, called sacred jewel shard.
8. Not really actually. The main reason they want to stop Naraku is that he was a dick to Sango for no real reason and broke up Kikiyo and Inuyasha 50 years ago, sealing Inuyasha to a tree and killing Kikiyo. She gets better though.
9. They find literally all but one of the jewel shards and they know where the last one is just not quite how to get it.
10. Koga. He's the only one that thinks its a love triangle.


Gives all the fucks
9. They find literally all but one of the jewel shards and they know where the last one is just not quite how to get it.
Seriously, the original series ended when they were ONE, FINAL SHARD away from getting them all?! That'd be like if DBZ ended when they collected 6 of the 7 dragon balls.

Also could've sworn it was a fox since when it transforms, it grew extra tails, so I figured 9-tail fox, but nope, just two tails.....which now makes me think of Tails from Sonic....

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Seriously, the original series ended when they were ONE, FINAL SHARD away from getting them all?! That'd be like if DBZ ended when they collected 6 of the 7 dragon balls.

Also could've sworn it was a fox since when it transforms, it grew extra tails, so I figured 9-tail fox, but nope, just two tails.....which now makes me think of Tails from Sonic....

It's based on another legend where if a cat lives a certain amount of time they start growing extra tails and get magical powers.



Kagome Higurashi, a girl living in present day Japan goes searching for her lost cat in her family shrine only to find that a terrible demon has revived in the shrine well. The demon, named Mistress Centipede, grabs Kagome and drags her down the well. After falling through the well, she finds herself transported back in time to a village in Feudal Japan. There, Kagome encounters the Priestess Kaede, who senses Kagome is the reincarnation of Kikyo, Kaede's dead sister who was a powerful priestess. The village is soon attacked by Mistress Centipede who followed Kagome through the well and who is searching for the Shikon Jewel, a stone that will grant anyone a wish. While in Feudal Japan, Kagome also crosses paths with the dog hanyō InuYasha. She first encounters him nailed to a huge tree by arrows and believes he is dead. When she removes the arrows, she is surprised to find he is alive. He explains that he was imprisoned by Sacred Arrows and bound to the Sacred Tree until she released him. Now released, Inuyasha is able to defeat Mistress Centipede with his super human powers. During the fight with Mistress Centipede, Kagome sees a jewel emerge from Kagome's chest. Kaede recognizes the stone as the Shikon Jewel and bestows in on Kagome, because Kaede says Kagome is the rightful heir to its power. After being released from the Sacred Tree by Kagome, InuYasha plans to steal the Shikon Jewel, using its powers to become a yōkai. Kaede casts the Beads of Subjugation onto InuYasha, allowing Kagome the power to control him with the spoken words SIT. InuYasha and Kagome later chases a crow demon that steals and absorbs the Shikon Jewel. Kagome is able to shoot the crow with a bow and arrow, which consequently shatters the Shikon Jewel. Now the two of them must look for the Jewels together.

Main Group:


From left to right: Miroku, Sango, Shippo, Inuyasha, Kagome. Miroku is a perverted con-man whose family was cursed by the main antagonist Naraku to have a hole in his hand that can suck everything. The hole keeps growing bigger and will eventually devour Miroku if he doesn't kill Naraku. He is also in love with Sango. Sango is a headstrong demon slayer whose family was killed by Naraku. Her younger brother Kohaku was revived by the Shikon Jewel, but Naraku targets him. Sango wishes to gain revenge on Naraku. She is also in love with Miroku. Shippo is a wise-cracking prankster fox demon-child whose father was killed by demons, and thus he travels with his friends Kagome and InuYasha because he doesn't have anything better to do., InuYasha is a half-demon half-human who is rude and reckless. He fights using the Tetsaiga sword, and is torn in a love-triangle between Kikyo and Kagome. His original goal was to use the Shikon Jewel to become a full demon, but seems to have accepted his humanity., Kagome is an outspoken, reactionary, and big-hearted girl who is the reincarnation of a Priestess. She has spiritual powers and is in love with InuYasha, but has an insecurity complex of InuYasha's love for Kikyo.


LORD SESSHOMARU, the guy on the left, is Inuyasha's older brother. He initially hated Inuyasha for being half-human and for getting the Tetsaiga. However while injured LORD SESSHOMARU met a young girl called Rin who showed him compassion, leaving LORD SESSHOMARU to like humans. LORD SESSHOMARU also finally obtained his own sword Tokijin to use in battle. His father gave him the Tensaiga, but it does not work in battle, only to resurrect the dead. His loyal companion is Jaken, a green imp who is very outspoken and cowardly.

Supporting Cast:

Kikyo: An aloof and serious priestess who was killed and later resurrected. She was once involved with InuYasha in her past life, which causes tension between InuYasha and Kagome.


Kaede: Kikyo's younger (but older in appearance) sister is Kaede, a wise and powerful priestess.


Koga: An arrogant and prideful wolf-demon who is in love with Kagome. His clan was murdered under Naraku's orders, and thus he seeks revenge. Koga has three sacred jewel shard himself.


Totosai: A senile old man who was friends with Sesshomaru/InuYasha's father and created the Tensaiga/Tetsaiga.


Myoga: Inuyasha's family friend whom is a flea who gives information to InuYasha but cowardly runs away during moments of danger.


Hachi: Miroku's friend that can turn into this yellow cylinder transformation to transport Inuyasha's crew around.

Naraku's Group:

Naraku is the main antagonist of the series. Naraku is a half-demon hybrid formed as a fusion between demons and Onigumo. Onigumo was a desert bandit who was almost burned to death in battle, and Kikyo looked after him. Once Onigumo regained the strength to talk, his true nature was revealed. Onigumo began to lust Kikyo, so he sold his body to a group of demons in order to have working body again. However this backfired as the demons used Onigumo's body to kill Kikyo and finally merged into a different person, Naraku. Naraku wishes to use the Shikon Jewel to rid himself of his humanity, and to full the world with hatred and despair. His biggest weakness in power was Onigumo's heart, since it does not allow him to attack Kikyo. Eventually Naraku removed his heart into several different pieces to gain the power to beat Kikyo, and now has finally surpassed his main rival in power. One of Naraku's incarnations is Kagura, who is the fan lady in the first picture. She is rather outspoken and uses the power of wind to fight. She is a free spirit who hates working for Naraku, but can't leave him as he controls her heart. she is also in love with LORD SESSHOMARU. Kagura has officially betrayed Naraku at this point of the series. Kanna is another one of Naraku's incarnations and is the little girl in the picture.. Unlike Kagura, she is rather quiet and can absorb souls with her mirror. She is nicknamed NarakuTV by fans because Naraku uses her mirror to spy on InuYasha and co. The little boy in the picture is Kohaku, Sango's little brother who was resurrected by Naraku with the Shikon Jewel. He regained his memories and come into his own, but his life is maintained by the Shikon Jewel, which Naraku is after.


Hakudoshi: One of Naraku's hearts. Arguably even more of a prick than Naraku himself, really.


The Infact: Another one of Naraku's hearts. He is Naraku's biggest weakness and the link to Naraku's lifeline.

"Kagome sees a jewel come out from Kagome's chest"

Not sure if typo or intentional thought I'd point it out

Also you should probably add a quick section about each of the main characters main attacks and InuYasha's sword.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
So Naraku is demon voldemort?

Kind of the opposite, kind of the same.

He's considered a half-demon by the other demons (even though he's like one part man, 10000000000 part demon) and resents it.

and yeah, he's splitting his soul in a way that makes him unkillable and even more killable at the same time, though unlike Voldemort all of these parts can act on their own accord (and all of them are traitorous bastards)

Naraku's a better plotter and has some of that DBZ Cell ability to power up cheesetastically as he goes along, usually by expelling and taking in different demons. He's also ultimately a more human and a more complicated character.
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