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Toonami |Nov14| Brought Final Act to Toonami

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so is Inuyasha actually any good

I can never tell with you people

It starts out decent enough. There's potential and some decent fights in a fun setting.

Then it gets PAINFULLY formulaic. Every single battle shounen guideline is disregarded in favor of having the same storyline over and over and over with little to no progression. In a way, it's a series defined by filler more so than Naruto is. It's not something that should be episodic because there's an actual overarching conflict, yet it somehow is and not in a way that works.

There is a pretty cool arc around the middle though.
so is Inuyasha actually any good

I can never tell with you people

It's the popcorn/lays potato chip of anime series. It's fairly formulaic and vanilla but once you start munching you find it hard to stop. It's a lot better then Shippuden because while it is formulaic at least things happen and you can always understand what is going on and why people are acting the way they are. Is it worth marathoning 167 episodes of the original anime over the next month and a half to follow Final Act live? Probably not, but if you watch Final Act this weekend and go "hmm this seems okay/fun" then check out the original series as it is enjoyable enough.

I can recommend InuYasha and if someone asked "should I watch it" I'd say yes.


Here, let me translate this post into Inuyasha dialogue:

Shippo: Oh, now I remember! Htown was asking if Inuyasha is actually any good.
Miroku: That's right. With demons such as these it's hard to tell.
Kagome: It's hard to tell?
Inuyasha: I don't give a crap about any of that! You're going down, Naraku!

I hope this has been informative.

That's uncanny. Especially the part where Kagome repeats everything.


Gives all the fucks
It starts out decent enough. There's potential and some decent fights in a fun setting.

Then it gets PAINFULLY formulaic. Every single battle shounen guideline is disregarded in favor of having the same storyline over and over and over with little to no progression. In a way, it's a series defined by filler more so than Naruto is. It's not something that should be episodic because there's an actual overarching conflict, yet it somehow is and not in a way that works.
This is a good summary of my feelings, & I think Bass' "junk food of anime" statement holds true as well....though like most junk food, too much of it can be a bad thing, which is what happened to me.
Crunchyroll has worked out a deal with 4kids to have YGO, GX, 5Ds, and Zexal dubs air on their website. They also mention "we have all 5 series" so I guess whenever they start dubbing Arc V Crunchy will have the rights to stream it as well.

Edit: Seems it was a typo, they only have the first 4 series


Naraku is the same, but Kaede is recast too.

Also, the new LORD SESSHOMARU is better than the old one. Kagome's VA takes about 3 episodes to get used to.

edit: Inuyasha wiki seems to indicate it's the same voice. Raxus y u do this. >:/

Its jusy Kagome and Sesshomaru for the main characters

Also all you dish users need to put the pressure on Dish and seriously look into canceling with them and getting a different provider



edit: Inuyasha wiki seems to indicate it's the same voice. Raxus y u do this. >:/

Honest mistake. Russel Wait voiced Naraku and Sesshomaru (who was replaced) at some point. The main actor, Paul Dobson stayed on board. Sorry for the confusion.


I know this is off topic and such...but a serious question

Once you grow up, how do you guys stay in touch with your best friends who aren't physically close to where you live? Or do you guys slowly...fail at it?


Crunchyroll has worked out a deal with 4kids to have YGO, GX, 5Ds, and Zexal dubs air on their website. They also mention "we have all 5 series" so I guess whenever they start dubbing Arc V Crunchy will have the rights to stream it as well.

Edit: Seems it was a typo, they only have the first 4 series

Wait what, 4kidz to crunchyroll?
Do i switch my OP watch to it?

edit: shoot double post, my bad.


Gives all the fucks
It's a mixture of both. I actually reconnected with an old childhood friend a few months back & I'll call him about every 2 weeks & hang out about a month due to his work schedule (he works 3rd/graveyard shift at the movie theater. He actually came over for the AoT marathon to watch it & so his wife could Skype chat with her family in Australia), but I have no idea what happened to my friend from junior & high school and I don't have any way of contacting him. I only remember where he used to live, but I think he went to a different college/city.
I know this is off topic and such...but a serious question

Once you grow up, how do you guys stay in touch with your best friends who aren't physically close to where you live? Or do you guys slowly...fail at it?

I only really had 3 close friends in high school, and I'm still pretty close to them even after moving away for 6 years. I'd generally call them like once a month or once every 2-3 months, besides for the obvious texting and computer im conversations on facebook. It's really no different then any other friend you make online only you occasionally go home and visit with them.

Wait what, 4kidz to crunchyroll?
Do i switch my OP watch to it?

edit: shoot double post, my bad.

No because I'm still playing Persona 3 FES as part of our agreement :p and the only dubbed version of YGO worth watching is the original. All the dubs past it suck both for massive changes to the story and for not even bothering to dub the final season for either GX or 5Ds.


I only really had 3 close friends in high school, and I'm still pretty close to them even after moving away for 6 years. I'd generally call them like once a month or once every 2-3 months, besides for the obvious texting and computer im conversations on facebook. It's really no different then any other friend you make online only you occasionally go home and visit with them.

No because I'm still playing Persona 3 FES as part of our agreement :p and the only dubbed version of YGO worth watching is the original. All the dubs past it suck both for massive changes to the story and for not even bothering to dub the final season for either GX or 5Ds.

Welp cant stand story changes. I still have some of YGO on VHS XD

Ah yes, this cruel cruel agreement. JK. I got to 200 though!

But yeah, was curious on the friend thing since I never see someone who was my best friend and I'm hanging out with her tonight andd yeah
I realized I havent seen her in a year and a half. Thats too long for me for my good friends.
Welp cant stand story changes. I still have some of YGO on VHS XD

Ah yes, this cruel cruel agreement. JK. I got to 200 though!

But yeah, was curious on the friend thing since I never see someone who was my best friend and I'm hanging out with her tonight andd yeah
I realized I havent seen her in a year and a half. Thats too long for me for my good friends.

Assuming you don't skip filler it'd take about 92-94 hours of OP to catch up with Toonami GAF, I'm not at the 55 hour mark in my Persona 3 FES file and I've still got a long way to go to the end... and I haven't even started P4 yet :X


Crunchyroll has worked out a deal with 4kids to have YGO, GX, 5Ds, and Zexal dubs air on their website. They also mention "we have all 5 series" so I guess whenever they start dubbing Arc V Crunchy will have the rights to stream it as well.

Edit: Seems it was a typo, they only have the first 4 series

Wonder if the subbed versions will be unedited visually. Also want to know the status of the original YGO anime.


Gives all the fucks
But yeah, was curious on the friend thing since I never see someone who was my best friend and I'm hanging out with her tonight andd yeah
I realized I havent seen her in a year and a half. Thats too long for me for my good friends.
I didn't see/talk to my childhood friend for like.....6-ish years, I'd say? Though part of that was due to him being in Australia. Maybe you'll get lucky & be able to find a way to talk online/e-mail each other.

I really need to see if my college has any clubs I could join. Japanese Culture Club at the community college I originally went to was probably the highlight of going to college so far, but sadly I transferred & so did most people (the president & vice president moved to a different city or state).


Episode 73 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars is like an apology for the last six. In a bid to capture the Ghost Nebula, the Jedi set their sights on the shadowy planet Umbara, whose inhabitants have allied themselves with the Separatists. Before the invasion is launched, Obi-Wan outlines the plan: capture the capital as quickly as possible. Anakin’s unit, assisted by ARC trooper Fives, is to focus on eliminating the Umbaran militia. The Republic troops board their carrier ships and fly out into a dark sky filled with fog, illuminated only by ships’ lights and the explosions from the anti-air rounds being fired from the surface. The carriers are under too much fire to unload, so they drop only troops on AT-RT walkers before re-entering the skies. The landscape of Umbara is desolate and dark, with strange plants that glow red and a blanket of more fog. The opposing troops are actually pale, bald humans wearing headgear with a green, glowing visor. Suffering many casualties, the walkers manage to destroy the Umbaran artillery, which appear to fire balls of electricity that explode on impact.


The remaining Republic troops manage to land and push for a ridge in the distance, taking heavy losses in the process. Fives and Hardcase, a hyperactive clone with a mini-gun, trip over what they believe to be a vine. This vine turns out to be part of a massive creature called a Vixus, which is basically just a mouth attached to a bunch of tentacles. Fives manages to kill it by popping a grenade into its gaping mouth. Eventually, Anakin’s unit seizes the ridge and we’re briefly introduced to Dogma, an uptight and eager clone with what looks like a tribal “V” tattooed on his face.


The Umbarans manage to sneak up behind the Republic troops. Because living on a planet without sunlight as part of a race commonly referred to as the Shadow People will lead you to develop some really fucking weird and/or creepy technology, the Umbarans pull out what looks like that little belly button-burrowing bug from The Matrix. Several of these skitter into the trench the clones are camped out in and begin electrocuting people as the Umbarans open fire. Overwhelmed, Rex recommends to Anakin that they call in an airstrike, but evacuate the ridge because the fog might cause the airstrike to overshoot. Amid more deaths, Anakin and the clones manage to retreat as the airstrike does indeed overshoot. Following this, a Republic carrier lands at Anakin’s position. From it emerges General Pong Krell, a guy who looks a bit like a frog crossed with Goro from Mortal Kombat (he has four arms and a ponytail). Anakin has been called back to Coruscant, and Krell is here to take over in the meantime. Anakin introduces him to Rex and departs. Rex tells Krell that it will be an honor, and to immediately establish that he’s an asshole, Krell brushes this off (“I find it interesting that you are able to recognize the value of honor, as a clone”) and orders Rex to stand at attention when being addressed. Krell gives a small speech about how his command is effective because he does things by the book before giving the order to move out.


While they’re marching, the clones engage some aggressive flying wildlife. One manages to snatch up a clone and Krell is forced to intervene, easily killing both animals as his four arms allow him to wield two double-bladed lightsabers simultaneously. Later, after 12 hours of marching, he denies Rex’s request that the men be allowed to rest, addressing him as CT-7567. Eventually they near the capital, and Krell changes Anakin’s plan. Instead of launching multiple smaller attacks to maintain the element of surprise, he orders all of the troops to march along the main road for a forward assault. The clones trigger a series of landmines, which gains them the attention of the Umbarans, who attack from all sides. Overwhelmed, the clones retreat and eventually receive reinforcements from Krell, who occupies the very back. The Umbarans are pushed back, but Krell is livid as Rex’s decision to retreat was against explicit orders to keep pushing forward at all costs. When Fives steps in to defend Rex, Krell draws his lightsaber. Rex explains that while it is his responsibility to follow Krell’s orders, he also has a responsibility to protect the lives of his men. Krell backs down and seems to gain a measure of respect for Rex, though it’s a little hard to escape the feeling that he did this because a horde of clones was glaring at him. Krell admits that he does not command like the others, but he insists that his methods have been proven effective before walking away. Then the Umbarans begin a counterattack.

I thought about giving this one an A. The scale and impact of the battles is fantastic; it's like those brief scenes in Water War stretched across the length of an episode. People die left and right as lasers and explosions fly all over the place, and it's awesome as hell. The Umbarans make for a very unique enemy, too, as they utilize a variety of creepy technology and mark the first army of enemy "humans" I can recall in the series. The planet, too, is very atmospheric. My issue is with Krell; it should probably be enough that he addresses the clones by their numbers and treats them like Pikmin, but the writing lays his asshole personality on really thick. It's not nearly bad enough to ruin what is a compelling concept, but it's a bit of a problem.

Grade: A-


I know this is off topic and such...but a serious question

Once you grow up, how do you guys stay in touch with your best friends who aren't physically close to where you live? Or do you guys slowly...fail at it?

I had a ton of real life friends in High School. I have like none now since I moved 700 miles away from everyone and didn't do a good job keeping in touch at a distance.

Good thing I have all you imaginary people friends now.
Gaming side is going full crazy today. Stay alert, fellas.

I had a ton of real life friends in High School. I have like none now since I moved 700 miles away from everyone and didn't do a good job keeping in touch at a distance.

Good thing I have all you imaginary people friends now.



I know this is off topic and such...but a serious question

Once you grow up, how do you guys stay in touch with your best friends who aren't physically close to where you live? Or do you guys slowly...fail at it?

I slowly fail at it. The best way to get in contact with friends from high school/college is through Facebook now. Outside of that, I occasionally see some old friends when either they come into town or I'm in their area for whatever reason. There are a good deal of people from high school that still live somewhat close that I haven't seen in ages either.

On the plus side, I still hang out with my best friend from high school 1-2 nights a week and a few friends from college too.
I had a ton of real life friends in High School. I have like none now since I moved 700 miles away from everyone and didn't do a good job keeping in touch at a distance.

Good thing I have all you imaginary people friends now.

At least you have a sibling that isn't a terrible person.


I had a ton of real life friends in High School. I have like none now since I moved 700 miles away from everyone and didn't do a good job keeping in touch at a distance.

Good thing I have all you imaginary people friends now.


I guess we don't exist now huh

All caught up for InuYasha Final Act, power hour read the remaining manga chapters. Might check out the final episode or two of the original series just to see how it "ended" for comparison


I know this is off topic and such...but a serious question

Once you grow up, how do you guys stay in touch with your best friends who aren't physically close to where you live? Or do you guys slowly...fail at it?

I slowly let the relationship fade into nonexistence. Until... I'm left... With nothing.



Gives all the fucks
Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai: ToonamiGAF Edition?

I still need to watch that one of these days
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