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Toonami |Nov14| Brought Final Act to Toonami

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lol poor timing I apologise if am being too much of a jerk it's only joke (don't acutally do it) but I feel really strongly about what certain product represent.

It's clear you are pretty passionate about the subject, but your impressions should stick to the subject at hand and not other people.

Actually not too long ago, my distaste for Sword Art Online eventually angered me and I kinda regret going overboard and insulting the fanbase at times. I didn't really realize how i must have sounded until one of the fans PMed me how he felt about this thread's behavior at the time. He's a good person but felt outcasted and terrible. All because of a different taste in a show? Definitely didn't sit right with me.

I mean, I still think SAO is really, really bad. But the fans there are still people who deserve respect. If there's one thing this forum as a whole needs to get better at, it's how to disagree.

EDIT: I realize this post is probably super campy/cheesy


I was mostly indifferent on Vivi. I thought she served her purpose in the story, and I found her actions to be believable enough, but there's not much there in terms of personality.

The scene at the end of the arc still hit me with a few chills though.


Kinda when she was a Heel.

She gets a fabulous dress at the end of the arc.

that's kind of what I mean

she got introduced as a villain, then the secret of her identity came out, she took down her hair, and her entire character became "Oh no!" and "Don't they realize how serious this is?!" and "If we don't get to Alabastra in time...!"

She's not bad, just kind of a generic anime damsel in distress.

The giant duck is the most interesting thing about her at this point.

Maybe she gets better, I dunno. I just got to the end of the stuff with the giants dueling that they brought up a few weeks ago on Toonami.


Mike Tyson Mysteries continues to be absolutely batshit insane and I love it. That Bobby Fisher reference was spectacular.

episode 67


The aquatic war for Mon Calamari continues in episode 68 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. We open with a meeting between Gran Bruce, the Quarren leader, and Dooku. Dooku informs them that they must find the escaped prince Lee-Char immediately, as he could potentially serve as a symbol of hope for his defeated subjects to rally around…despite being in charge for like a week at best and accomplishing precisely nothing other than civil war. Truly, Lee-Char is Dr. King reincarnated as a talking fish alien. Anyway, because Dooku is evil, he informs the Quarren leader that the prisoners are to be sent to internment camps, including the women and children. Meanwhile, the Republic survivors are unable to transmit a clear message to the Jedi Council, so rather than wait for reinforcements that may never come, they resolve to attempt escape on their ship. Because clearly nobody would have noticed the big, conspicuous vessel hovering above the ocean yet, especially not the Separatists.


Kit Fisto (hehe) offers his services as a meatshield because, as his creepy smile establishes, he’s out of his damn mind. He frees several of the clones to help create a distraction and steals an underwater jet ski to send down to the remaining survivors, who use it to boost up to the surface. Gran Bruce has predicted this rather obvious course of action and rigged the Republic ship to explode, but here’s the kicker: he doesn’t detonate it while anyone is inside. He detonates it before the survivors enter so that they can…just watch it explode, I guess. Then like three swimming droids appear, and they’re all, uh, fearsome and stuff. I dunno, this is really stupid. Everyone grabs onto some ship debris and rides it back to the bottom, where they decide to split up, with Ahsoka, Kit Fisto (hehe), some freed clones, and Lee-Char in one group and Anakin, Padme, Ackar, and some random senator in another.


A brief scene on Coruscant establishes that outfitting clones with their sweet underwater gear was a time-consuming process, so if reinforcements are to be sent to Mon Calamari, they must come from elsewhere. Lucas Obi-Wan offers one crowd-pleasing suggestion: gungans. Star Wars fans love gungans, right? Then we see the gungan capital, where Jar Jar is having a conversation with each of his multiple personalities. Just kidding, all the other members of the gungan council are different characters, they just all LOOK like Jar Jar dressed up in different clothes. Back on Mon Calamari, the prince’s group gathers in a cave and witnesses a horde of prisoners being transported.


Anakin decides that, on the off chance reinforcements are on the way, it would be best to knock out the Separatist radar tower so they won’t see them coming. He uses the Force to destroy the tower’s support beams, which brings the whole thing tumbling down. Gran Bruce, like any halfway intelligent person, assumes that this means an attack is imminent and scrambles the troops before he heads off to locate the prince. Meanwhile, Lee-Char is sick of watching prisoners swim away. He pulls a giant shell from his ass that acts like a horn, which he blows on to get everyone’s attention. Then he gives some half-assed speech that boils down to this: “Have hope. We’ll save you eventually.” Not verbatim, of course, but you’d be surprised how close that is. Inexplicably, the Mon Calamari prisoners start cheering for the prince. The Quarren guards start shooting at the prince.


This is exactly the time the gungans show up. They’re for some reason able to take on those jellyfish things with no effort whatsoever, and the battle for Mon Calamari begins anew. Gran Bruce deduces that the prince must be with the Jedi group freeing the prisoners and sends the reinforcements he was given offscreen to attack. These reinforcements come in the form of massive squid-like machines that rotate in order to generate whirlpools beneath them. The prisoners and the Republic forces are caught within the whirlpools; Ahsoka tells the prince to stay in the center if he can because there is less turbulence. Then Gran Bruce conveniently emerges from a squid machine just above the prince’s head and attacks him. Ahsoka rescues him for about a minute before Gran Bruce drags him away again, when he is rescued by Kit Fisto (hehe.) Ahsoka manages to escape with the prince, but Fisto (hehe) is captured. After a squid machine is sent to the other group, Anakin and the others are captured as well.

I was dreading this episode, but thankfully the gungans have a relatively small role despite being in the title. The real problem comes from the fact that this going to be a three parter, and it's rather obviously being stretched. The entire first 10 minutes of this episode accomplish nothing whatsoever. Furthermore, it tries to push this idea that leaders can inspire their people, but the prince has done nothing inspirational. His ascension to the throne is the cause of the civil war. The Mon Calamari lost under his leadership. Newsflash for whoever the hell wrote this: people don't look up to their leaders just because they're put in the position to lead. Leaders have to actually do something. Meanwhile, the gimmick of underwater battles has completely lost its appeal and the handful of good action scenes are all that saves this from an even lower grade. Clone Wars writers really need to stop trying to convey messages like this because it's getting embarrassing. It's not as bad as the episode where they tried to show that any common citizen can make a difference when the plot revolved around one character's family ties to the duchess, but still.

Grade: C


But she isn't a damsel in distress at all.

her entire purpose is to be rescued and ferried back home while the crew keeps Baroque Works from killing her

I'm not through with her story yet, so maybe they do more with her


her entire purpose is to be rescued and ferried back home while the crew keeps Baroque Works from killing her

I'm not through with her story yet, so maybe they do more with her
But a damsel in distress must already be captured. She isn't a damsel in distress because the plot isn't about rescuing her.


But a damsel in distress must already be captured. She isn't a damsel in distress because the plot isn't about rescuing her.

I feel like you're arguing semantics. She doesn't play a particularly active role in the salvation of her Kingdom from here on out. From what I recall of Alabasta, Htown isn't too far off in his evaluation though I admit I could be forgetting a big moment or two.


It's a tad difficult to talk about Vivi without diving into spoilers but she more or less serves as the emotional core for the Baroque Works saga like Nami did for Arlong Park and Robin serves for CP9. They don't have traditional fights per se but they have some of the best moments of their respective arcs.
Yeah, Vivi is pretty generic and boring. She gets some good moments, but there's not really anything unique or interesting about her personality.
So is Stein's Gate good?

I hear it's heavy otaku.

There's some otaku meta-commentary, but it's mostly throwaway stuff that doesn't affect the plot.

Show itself is damn good, but not really until the halfway point or something. I had originally dropped it after the first few episodes where not much happened, but I picked it back up and it jumped up to my #3 show in its respective year.

Don't know anything about the VN though.

How heavy are we talking, I wonder.

Danganronpa proved to be about my limit when it comes to Otaku bait.

Danganronpa is more otaku than Steins I'd say.


Danganronpa is more otaku than Steins I'd say.

I also loved S;G compared to DR. DR doesnt hold up as well for me looking back on it as S;G did, because S;G has a coherent plot while I feel like Danganronpa tries to thrive on its vague evasion of any and all explanations of the overarching plot.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I come back from work only to find bad opinions on Space Dandy and Vivi discussions.

I've lost hope in ToonamiGaf.

Sometimes it's darkest just before dawn.

Oh I'm sure given the pedigree that I'll enjoy S;G more than Danganronpa, a game I liked rather than loved. My issue was that it was easily the most Otaku thing I've played in awhile, almost to the point of being too Otaku for a guy with a Japanese video game avatar who routinely goes years without playing western games and watches anime for 7 hours every Saturday night. Game was pretty damn Otaku! Glad that this is less so.


It's a tad difficult to talk about Vivi without diving into spoilers but she more or less serves as the emotional core for the Baroque Works saga like Nami did for Arlong Park and Robin serves for CP9. They don't have traditional fights per se but they have some of the best moments of their respective arcs.

I didn't mean to imply she was a worthless character (not saying you said I said that but rather I'm saying this just to clear the air) and your assessment is correct about her role but, again going from memory, she is like Nami in the Arlong arc - more the recusee than the rescuer.


Why the Vivi hate? Shes just meh in all ways, but I didnt *hate* her?

i don't hate her either

she's just kind of... there.

they still have time (from my perspective) to do something interesting with her, they just haven't yet


It's a tad difficult to talk about Vivi without diving into spoilers but she more or less serves as the emotional core for the Baroque Works saga like Nami did for Arlong Park and Robin serves for CP9. They don't have traditional fights per se but they have some of the best moments of their respective arcs.

Yeah, this is what I thought of her as while she was with the crew. She's also our anchor to why we care that the SHs are doing what they are doing. Plus Vivi is ends up being a very compelling character for various reasons revealed during the course of the arc.


i don't hate her either

she's just kind of... there.

they still have time (from my perspective) to do something interesting with her, they just haven't yet
I think youre behind me soo *tags post*

Well I mean I presume she comes back after that arc at some point for a little, but I'm perfectly content if she doesnt whatsoever


Unconfirmed Member
There is a cover from the Manga that has her scrubbing floors while a bird/penguin thing is holding a sign up that says "Wife Training"

I thought that was pretty interesting.

This is true. They're Siamese cats, though.

I like Vivi. She's a little bland (which really stands out in the context of the insanity that is One Piece), but likeable.
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