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Toonami |NovDec15| It's Man God's world, we're just posting in it

Man God

Non-Canon Member

I own Burst and Shinovi Versus

I...remember a surprising amount of the originals plot, and next to nothing of Shinovi Versus' (that is to say, there isn't too much)
I'll give them that though. For that style of game, it had a very surprising amount of plot backing it.

Actual plot, not plot.

Senran Kagura Burst is a better, more nuanced version of a ninja academy plot than Naruto. The novel parts of the game are the best part. SK2 isn't quite as good and the spinoff games are too light hearted in tone for these to be any good.



Dragon Ball Z: Kai - King Kai sucks at relaying information. That's at least the fourth time he's assumed the worst and been wrong. The Bulma comedy stuff might not be so bad if she wasn't constantly complaining. Frieza shows off his latest final form and I guarantee it won't matter in the slightest. On the other hand, Goku's bloodlust is going to get the galaxy killed one of these days. A decent episode. Rating: More than five minutes

Intruder II - So the Intruder wants to kill TOM... because he's persistent. Having TOM 4.0 get killed off-screen is funny and an appropriate. I just hope there is a new SARA waiting on that new ship. I agree that'll be the new Absolution. Rating: Evacuate

Akame ga Kill - The new OP has better animation but the same buttrock music. I think Night Raid's boss lady's boobs had more screen time than her face. That pre-commercial narration scene was totally weird and such a desperate attempt make the audience care about the story. Tatsumi's harem grows larger for no reason other than he's the MC while the show fills its weekly pandering quota by making everyone wear swimsuits and hang at the beach FOR NO REASON! The very next scene, they're back in their normal clothes! I like a little fan service now and then but this is embarrassing. Rating: Squishy Squishy

Parasyte - Shinichi is getting used to his new Spider-man powers just in time for another parasyte user like him shows up and he's a real jerk to boot. I think Shinichi loosing his humanity makes sense and is an interesting turn for his character. I'm guessing that one girl has Parasite sensing powers for some reason. Seeing the dad drunk and broken is actually kinda sad. He reminds me of a disheveled version of Ryotaro Dojima. Another interesting episode. Rating: Dog shaped meat

Michiko & Hatchin - More watchable than last week but I was still just sorta half-watching. Hatchin got slapped around, of course, but she at least stood up to that murdering thug guy. Some more people died as well. This show kinda reminds me of Black Lagoon but without any of the fun or struggles for redemption. Just death and low-lifes. Rating: One more to go

Naruto: Shippuden - The new filler villain squad look ridiculous. How did Hinata become a ninja, anyway? You would think her being constantly afraid and demure would keep her from making the grade. Oh, and there was also a giant, effeminate frog in this episode. Yeah. That's awkward. Rating: BACHKOI BACHKOI BABY!

One Piece - A very interesting episode but as a viewer who hasn't seen any of the build up, this battle felt really out of nowhere. I'd be interested in some more backstory. I read that Ace is Luffy's step-brother but I don't know who the other guy really is. Rating: Black Holes eat Stars

KLL la KILL - We get some Gamagori and Ryuko backstory, literally and figuratively. I always felt Gamagori's fetish thing wasn't really necessary and actually gets forgotten after his King of the Hill battle anyway. Mako's ride-along song is funny and she makes every episode fun. Rating: Pink Cadillac


Sketchbook Picasso
where da big titties? *smh*

You're right, I don't draw enough Hinata! ;-) Alternatively, ExDeath's boobs from this one a few weeks proactively expanded into this weeks picture

Good stuff SAB love the symbol on Ace's back.

Reviews later, going to finish Bloodborne.

Sneaky Sneaky, lol. Have fun with Bloodborne! I've played very little of it myself, but it's one of many Black Friday Purchases I have to get to now...

(not sighing at man god sighing that stuff like this can sell. I just finished NepNep Re;Birth 1 the other day and was saddened that it actually sells enough that they can keep producing them. It's literally memes with a weak plot and boobs.)

I've got Nep Re1 waiting on Vita, and got (and actually started playing) Nep U while it was on sale. I've enjoyed it, personally. I'm a Character > Story person, and I really like in U how all the girls have their quirks... but seem ultimately good hearted. They could easily boil down to doing things that make them more despicable and unlikable, to further there character types away from each other, which is what most works do.

The Senran Kagura girls are kinda like that. I like the basic personalities, but there's a lot of stuff where they're just thinly evoked personalities that you can only enjoy fully if you pretend some of their subtext doesn't exist. And then they throw in something very tramatic, which... could be taken much more seriously if they didn't try so hard to present them as sexy objects so much. I get pushed away from fully liking the characters at like every other sentence and scene, basically.

But the Nep girls feel nicely middle-of-the-road (which could be a "Moe" thing, I know), and amidst so many other games / media with try-hard darker personalities, I like it as a break. I went in expecting the character to be consolewarz fodder first, with a layer of personality for good measure, but they seem to care about them as characters first, and then the console stuff is arranged to fit their personality, if that makes sense. I keep preparing for them to belabor a point, or to go on and on about a joke, but they stop, and start acting like sisters / friends again before anything goes too far.

Of course, this is all being based off NepU, which is an alternate Uni-verse. Sooo... could feel totally different when sitting through the RPGs.

I also feel as if I don't hear Melissa Fahn's voicework as much anymore as say, back in the times of Ed in Bebop, so I don't mind listening to Nep + so many other varied female anime VA in silly conversations. I rarely ever get dubs of my Warriors games or such anymore, so seeing something this obviously Japanese with such dubwork feels nice.

I'm happy I didn't burn myself out on the huge amount of odd Otaku-friendly rpgs on PS3 over the years. I think I might appreciate a lot of it much easier as something I can get off a Steam Sale or for cheap on Vita as a remake with loads of refinements and bonus content / DLC included. And so much of it looks so good on DAT OLED.


I've got Nep Re1 waiting on Vita, and got (and actually started playing) Nep U while it was on sale. I've enjoyed it, personally. I'm a Character > Story person, and I really like in U how all the girls have their quirks... but seem ultimately good hearted. They could easily boil down to doing things that make them more despicable and unlikable, to further there character types away from each other, which is what most works do.

The Senran Kagura girls are kinda like that. I like the basic personalities, but there's a lot of stuff where they're just thinly evoked personalities that you can only enjoy fully if you pretend some of their subtext doesn't exist. And then they throw in something very tramatic, which... could be taken much more seriously if they didn't try so hard to present them as sexy objects so much. I get pushed away from fully liking the characters at like every other sentence and scene, basically.

But the Nep girls feel nicely middle-of-the-road (which could be a "Moe" thing, I know), and amidst so many other games / media with try-hard darker personalities, I like it as a break. I went in expecting the character to be consolewarz fodder first, with a layer of personality for good measure, but they seem to care about them as characters first, and then the console stuff is arranged to fit their personality, if that makes sense. I keep preparing for them to belabor a point, or to go on and on about a joke, but they stop, and start acting like sisters / friends again before anything goes too far.

Of course, this is all being based off NepU, which is an alternate Uni-verse. Sooo... could feel totally different when sitting through the RPGs.

Hm, interesting. I found the NepNep characters to be just as one dimensional as the Senran Kagura girls, except the games don't take the canon seriously, and as such, firmly do not believe in a thing called character development. The SK girls are indeed basic in their characters, but some of them do indeed develop from the start of the game to the end of the game. Neptunia has the weird issue where you could write down their traits when you first learn about them, and they're effectively the exact same character when you beat the game.


Sketchbook Picasso
Hm, interesting. I found the NepNep characters to be just as one dimensional as the Senran Kagura girls, except the games don't take the canon seriously, and as such, firmly do not believe in a thing called character development. The SK girls are indeed basic in their characters, but some of them do indeed develop from the start of the game to the end of the game. Neptunia has the weird issue where you could write down their traits when you first learn about them, and they're effectively the exact same character when you beat the game.

I guess one strong part of it is what one finds as a turn-off. I don't mind meme'y stuff all that much, and can relate to it much better than some of the jarring language and objectification that pops up in SK sometimes (I'm mostly just going by SV here though, not really played the others much).

The other is I don't really mind or care as much about development if what they're turning into feels somewhat forced, out of focus, or like it's there to make me say "See, there's more to this than life, hometown, and a blonde chick that gropes other girls for laughs + yuri overtones!" If SK and NepNep's Musou games were the same in their levels of weirdness, I'd see the SK characters as better developed story-wise. But there's so much they do to lower my opinion of them!

I mean, for an example, Vert in Nep could be just like Kat in SK. They both are busty blondes that have an obsession with a certain younger girl, and like to dote on them to an exaggerated degree. But Vert will *squee* once, and then either curb her actions, from observing how the person is reacting, or herself note why she needs to keep it in check.

Kat will just... KEEP GOING. No matter how displeased her target is, she get her fill, and then makes excuses as to why she should keep on doing it.. And then when things happen that'd make you think "Maybe she'll tone this down!" SHE'LL. KEEP. GOING. I noticed many people were disgusted with Grandpa Hanzo because he pops out of nowhere and gropes the girls. But Kat does the same thing, and should have first hand experience, being a girl herself, as to why it's bad. But she never seems to learn, or care about this. I don't care if I know there's more behind her actions than "yuri overtones", or at least they want me to believe so. It's just so trite and heavy handed.


I actually understand where you're coming from

And yes, I think both portrays women badly in the end, but I find SK less offensive. Somehow. Though yes Kat is very questionable and then we get into a really weird issue behind the original writing and some stuff I don't want to get into about XSEED regarding that game, mainly since I don't care about SK that much and find them boring.

Re: Memes in games.
Memes in games are fine. For 1.5 years. Then they are bad, and as such, games should never have memes, since it effectively messes with the replayability down the line when suddenly your game has trollface or forever alone and everyones asking if its 5 years ago.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
I really don't care if a game has memes
I still think the overreaction to the one line in Triforce Heroes (out of hundreds) was misplaced and childish.
I don't really care about the stupid memes in games since I assume they are just replacing some Japanese joke thats hard to translate. I also havent played any of the games with that stuff in it.

I'm sure as soon as I pick up FE Fates I will hate it. Borderlands 2 was fuckin terrible. It didn't really bother me in Undertale (youre going to have a bad time)


I really don't care if a game has memes
I still think the overreaction to the one line in Triforce Heroes (out of hundreds) was misplaced and childish.

I generally don't care for one or two
Like VLR has a forever alone line I always don't notice when people point it out

But every doge in games will be jarring as hell in 5 years, trust me.

(nothing beats a bad attempt to translate japanese giving us a new meme heh)
Well since NoA takes FOREVER to localize a game people are importing it and by the time the NoA version comes out tons of people already know the game back and forth so it makes noticing these changed lines far easier then it ever was with the advent of Twitter.


Sketchbook Picasso
I actually understand where you're coming from

And yes, I think both portrays women badly in the end, but I find SK less offensive. Somehow.

HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE!!?!?!?!!! ;-)

Though yes Kat is very questionable and then we get into a really weird issue behind the original writing and some stuff I don't want to get into about XSEED regarding that game, mainly since I don't care about SK that much and find them boring.

Yeah, this is stuff I missed out on, and is probably beyond the scope of this thread and discussion, haha. Not that'd I'd mind reading it. I'd read an article on it if one exist.

Re: Memes in games.
Memes in games are fine. For 1.5 years. Then they are bad, and as such, games should never have memes, since it effectively messes with the replayability down the line when suddenly your game has trollface or forever alone and everyones asking if its 5 years ago.

Meme's effect others like coarse language get me, lol. "That stuff is dumb and immature, and at a certain point, an intelligent person should stop using them! What a weak, crude way to express your feelings!"

But I don't mind memes much, because... I don't care if it "dates" a project. Just like I don't care if my 90's anime has a 90's fashion trend as a normal part of it's fantasy world. As long as it seems like it can fit in that world (Internet culture makes a lot of sense coming from online enabled gaming console-tans), that's cool. It makes me smile to remember "that was a thing once", y'know? Surely, flat tops, bell bottoms, "cowabunga!" "Tubular!" "LEEROY JENKINS!", or "Long cat is LONG!" haven't made it impossible for me to play older works, or to watch older TV or music videos.

I really don't care if a game has memes
I still think the overreaction to the one line in Triforce Heroes (out of hundreds) was misplaced and childish.

*nod* I guess it snowballed because people think Treehouse Translations rely on such filler text too much? It was funny to see all the examples collected in one place.


Yeah, this is stuff I missed out on, and is probably beyond the scope of this thread and discussion, haha. Not that'd I'd mind reading it. I'd read an article on it if one exist.

But I don't mind memes much, because... I don't care if it "dates" a project. Just like I don't care if my 90's anime has a 90's fashion trend as a normal part of it's fantasy world. As long as it seems like it can fit in that world (Internet culture makes a lot of sense coming from online enabled gaming console-tans), that's cool. It makes me smile to remember "that was a thing once", y'know? Surely, flat tops, bell bottoms, "cowabunga!" "Tubular!" "LEEROY JENKINS!", or "Long cat is LONG!" haven't made it impossible for me to play older works, or to watch older TV or music videos.

I doubt theres an article. Minus Hatsuu defending the characters :p

But not with those, theres some memes that eventually started to be grating as hell that no one wants in a game.
The gaming community can get mad over the most trivial stuff.


Social Justice Warriors are gonna take away our videogames!

Anita, with her youtube videos that look like they were produced on a 20 dollar budget, is gonna bring down the multimillion dollar game industry and make them boring!


Gives all the fucks
Well....this thread took an interesting turn.

I was also half expecting to talk about DoAX3 in my "Video Games as a Mass Medium" class because ethnical issues (race, gender, etc.) was the topic, but surprisingly, DoA didn't come up at all........or any Japanese games for that matter.
Well....this thread took an interesting turn.

I was also half expecting to talk about DoAX3 in my "Video Games as a Mass Medium" class because ethnical issues (race, gender, etc.) was the topic, but surprisingly, DoA didn't come up at all........or any Japanese games for that matter.

A wonderful turn really.

But it's actually not surprising that your class didn't talk about DoAX3 to be honest. The series doesn't sell well to be honest.

It's not that popular.



Realistic butt jiggling friends.

The future is here, we just need to import it.

That butt jiggle is next gen if ive ever seen it

Also, if we're talking about it, softcore porn games should really not be the focus of gamer outrage, they are literally made with a niche in mind and are generally only bought by weebs and neets who aren't really causing problems beyond just being dicks on the internet. I do think DOAX3 not coming to MERICA was a result of a lot of needless BS from people who would make a big deal out of T&A and I doubt that the sales expectations woulds be fairly low and could possibly hurt the brand name.

SK is way better then Neptunia, Neptunia is pretty meh

Ive also been playing Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky FC and it's pretty cool right now. Really wish the music was better/better quality though


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Itagaki just put a 10 minute video about Devil's Third, and why people should buy it.

Every time I see the man, I think to myself, are we sure he's human?
Do we have a photo of him without the shades?

There actually is, like the last interview he did, which he was dressed in all white and wasent wearing any shades, he looked so completely normal, he was even smiling in the picture, it was weird.


Gives all the fucks
A wonderful turn really.

But it's actually not surprising that your class didn't talk about DoAX3 to be honest. The series doesn't sell well to be honest.

It's not that popular.
Oh yeah, an interesting turn for the better, no doubt.

Well the funny thing was, we watched some videos focusing on the whole "sexist" ordeal, & the videos didn't bring up DoA at all, which is......surprising. They did show a brief clip of that silly "sexy" outfit you unlock in MK9 after doing that tower thing.

I will say though, my new year's resolution is going to be working on my self esteem & gathering up the courage to try & get a girlfriend. I understand why these games exist & I've played all the SK games and will get EV, but I still know these are fictional and are no replacement for reality. Granted, if I somehow got the girlfriend who understands the fact that male hormones are 20 to 30 times stronger compared to female ones, hence we tend to be more....vocal about our desires & therefore is okay with me playing games like SK, that would be amazing. Hell, my childhood friend's wife is fine with him playing/watching those kind of games/animes for the most part, though she's Australian, to which he said they're "more accepting".

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