Oh yeah, an interesting turn for the better, no doubt.
Well the funny thing was, we watched some videos focusing on the whole "sexist" ordeal, & the videos didn't bring up DoA at all, which is......surprising. They did show a brief clip of that silly "sexy" outfit you unlock in MK9 after doing that tower thing.
I will say though, my new year's resolution is going to be working on my self esteem & gathering up the courage to try & get a girlfriend. I understand why these games exist & I've played all the SK games and will get EV, but I still know these are fictional and are no replacement for reality. Granted, if I somehow got the girlfriend who understands the fact that male hormones are 20 to 30 times stronger compared to female ones, hence we tend to be more....vocal about our desires & therefore is okay with me playing games like SK, that would be amazing. Hell, my childhood friend's wife is fine with him playing/watching those kind of games/animes for the most part, though she's Australian, to which he said they're "more accepting".