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Toonami |NovDec15| It's Man God's world, we're just posting in it




Great work as usual. Lol @ thirsty dumb girl from Parasyte.


Man, I'm super disappointed that I fell asleep and missed the end of Michiko. Reading the live reactions was great, though... everything I expected.

The first time I saw the ending, I thought it was awful and anti-climactic. But the second (and now third) time I really like it. It feels like an appropriate ending - finding Hiroshi was never going to resolve anything. Throughout the whole series Michiko keeps it in her head that they'll find him, and everything will work out fine, and happy ending, but... that's just not how the world works.

A lot of frustration people had with the show is "everyone is awful and no one ever grows." Which is true, to an extent - though there's a lot of subtle development for the core characters that you don't pick up on unless you know where things end up. But I think that's what I like about it. Michiko is irrational and self-centered and destructive and hopeless, but at her core, unlike guys like Satoshi and Hiroshi and the other shitbags we run into, at the core, she's a decent person. She and Hatchin do develop a real, loving relationship. Not necessarily a peaceful or pleasant one, but they both do their damnedest.

So, yeah, it's as much miss as hit, and could have used some trimming. But it's so damn ambitious - the storytelling is subtle and doesn't talk down to the audience, the world is rich and fully-developed, the feel is unique, the characters are organic, the animation and music are top-notch.

When there's so much anime out there that aim for generic, lowest-common-denominator trash, I'm really glad there's show out there like Michiko & Hatchin that really shoot for the moon.
Was Champloo confirmed? Haven't watched that in a long, long time so probably will tune in for that.

Michiko & Hatchin 22 END

So I've said it quite a lot but it bares repeating that I am a general fan of the episodic/story of the week series when done correctly. Michiko and Hatchin was always on my list but I never really gave it any priority until I heard it was coming to Toonami and I was like "Eh, sure I'll probably never watch it otherwise." Dub was really good. All that said... I didn't enjoy Michiko & Hatchin as much as I thought I would.

There are a lot of things to like about the show - the setting is one of the stronger points. Setting it in solely South America in an unnamed country that is a mix of Mexico and Brazil was a pretty great decision for an episodic show, giving it a certain flair and vibe that you won't really find anywhere else anime wise. The OP, soundtrack, character designs and general art style of the show really contribute to that and its the area where I feel like the show succeeds the most. Of course, the show focuses more on the brutal aspects of the region like the gang wars and the way children are treated. A thing I really liked was the way some things just ended rather anti-climacticly, but not in a bad way. I'm speaking about the death of Satoshi in particular, who just gets taken out in a back alley by a bunch of nobodies, which is a pretty fitting end for his character who I liked. No glory, no martyrdom, no one to even watch him die.

I can appreciate the effort that went into the rather different way the characters are presented. I've read that Watanabe opted to hire on screen actors as opposed to seiyuu for the show. This kind of ties back to Satoshi's anti-climactic death and the entire Hiroshi thing of him just being a huge fuckboy all along, which is obvious from the start that thats how it would have ended up. Everything is presented no bullshit and rather realistic. The problem I have is that I never really bought Michiko and Hatchin liked each other at all. They are supposed to have a sort of surrogate mother/daughter relationship but they never stopped fighting until about two episodes from the ending. Everytime they would make up, next episode it would be reset and they would be back to the same 'ol shit. I swear that most of the moments that showed how close they were was stuff like a picture of them smiling that we never saw them take or a flashback to them being happy that we never saw either. I also feel like there were either too many plotlines or names to keep track of a lot of the time. I'm still not sure what the point of Atsuko was since she didn't do much.

There were episodes I liked though. The ones I liked the best were episode 9 (carnival) episode 14 (three assassins) and the Mushroom Samba-like one where Michiko has the drug trip, I forget the episode. Along with that, I have to mention that the episode names are really great. Here are some choice ones -

Black Noise and a Dope Game
The Fool's Ballistic Samba
Starting Line Downpour
The Daredevil Explosive Runner

All in all, M&H is a 7/10 for me through and through. The things is does well you would be hard pressed to find in any other show but its downsides even as a fan of the episodic style are detrimental.


Champloo was confirmed, Metroid.

January 2nd, 1:30 AM EST.

Seda, I still think the title should be this dialogue from Mine:

"I'm about ready to kill a bitch!"



Seda is going to be gone for the next few weekends Line. Hence his lack of posts here last night. He was about ready to kill a bitch.


I didn't get home to watch Toonami until halfway through AgK so I watched the rest on my DVR. On to the reviews!

Dragon Ball Z: Kai - Frieza *finally* admits that Goku is godly powerful after receiving a non-stop beatdown from him. It seems the rules of Dragon Ball wishes can really be confusing but I do like King Kai's plan to save all of of Namek. Even for Kai, this battle feels like it's starting to drag out a bit now. That cliffhanger was pretty epic though and gives me hope next week will be great. Rating: Boiling Hot Magma

Intruder II - I wasn't expecting BOTH ships to explode! Now TOM is floating unconscious in space. There must be some kind of deus ex machina next episode to bring the block back to normality. I love how the bumps are just error messages now from whatever server receives the Toonami space signals. Very cool. Rating: fatAL erR)Or...

Akame ga Kill - The premise and plot of this show is so weak, all they can do is keep introducing more bland characters with new made-up powers. None of the battles are interesting and the only characters I remotely find interesting are Leone and Bols. Cutting off the lovely Leone's arm angers me and was the only thing that happened I remotely cared about. Rating: Disarming

Samurai Champloo Promo - Pretty sweet promo. I've only see a couple of episodes back in the day so I'm interested in seeing more. Being a re-run, I'm not sure what this means about Toonami's future programming but there are worse shows they could air. But, if you're going to air a rerun, why not Space Dandy?

Parasyte - I finally understand what people meant when they said the female characters in this show are really bad. Every girl is either a two-dimensional, boy-crazy thirst monster or makes the dumbest decisions ever. I actually thought for a moment that Yuko's character development was getting interesting when she started investigating the parasytes on her own. But then she decided to confront one entirely on her own in a secluded location! What an idiot! That aside, I do like how the secret about parasytes is coming out. Rating: Clearly not the real Shinichi

Michiko & Hatchin - The series finale was pretty boring to be honest. The duo get into their 100th police showdown before finally finding Hiroshi who is unsurprisingly a self-absorbed nothing of a character and then Michiko finally gets (rightfully) put back into prison. I did enjoy the time skip and seeing the grown up Hanna. I'm also surprised she kept the short hair. Who's the daddy, I wonder? Anyway, this series was mostly a mess for me. While there were a few fun and exciting moments scattered about, it was mostly just Hatchin get abused by everyone and watching wall-to-wall scumbags of the Earth doing terrible things. The only notable story arc was seeing Hanna learn to be courageous and independent. Her character, the animation, and the music are the only reasons I can recommend this. As for Michiko, aside from her questionable undying loyalty, she is not a good character as never once grows or changes. I respect this show's production values and its tackling of dark subjects but, in the end, I found it to be more off-putting than entertaining. Rating: 6.5

Naruto: Shippuden - That opening scene with Kabuto and Yukimaru in the boat was some creepy, perverted sounding dialog. If you have the episode recorded, go back and listen to that scene with your eyes closed. You'd swear there was some weird, rapey shit going down. As for the rest of the episode, what's with this show and frogs? Not only are there giant frogs everywhere but they have the most ridiculous voices and mannerisms. I can't take this training seriously with all these stupid characters around. Rating: Wanna get high?

One Piece - You guys seem to be dreading this filler but, so far, I'm finding myself entertained. The animation in this episode looked better than usual and I loved the crew's reaction to hearing Davy Back mentioned. Chopper was both adorable and serious, which I liked. I'm sure these new filler villains will at some point be forgettable but I'm still looking forward to their reveal. Oh, and the new Opening is fine. I'm sure the song will grow on me in time like Crazy Crazy Rainbow Star did. Rating: Random Pikmin

KLL la KILL - One of the weaker episodes, imo. I like the flashback stuff about how Gama joins Satsuki but the battle itself is bleh. I've never considered Senketsu Senjin an ass pull since we'd already seen every goku uniform perform transformations. The great news is that the next four episodes are simply amazing once the short "battle" with nerd boy is out of the way. Rating: Penis attack
So, Seda put in charge while he was gone.

PM'd me about it.

....No I won't show that PM. It's private for a reason.

He left me very clear instructions about how to handle things here.

*glances at list of rules*

1. Ban idiots.
2. Don't accidentally ban yourself.


Michiko & Hatchin (overview):
... I wanted to like this series, I thought it had the makings of a hidden gem. Beautiful animation, great music, and a rare locale for an animated show (the seedy Brazil underbelly). But the writing and characters is where it falls flat. This series should have been like 12 or 13 episodes, not 22. Hatchin is the only likable main character. I didn't really care for Atsuko, especially when plot armor made her release Michiko multiple times. Michiko herself is an idiot, she has the means to be an intelligent and strong lead but her IQ drops 50 points when Hiroshi is involved. And what the hell is so great about HIroshi anyway? That so many people would die over him. He's a scumbag, and even Hatchin didn't care when he ran away only a few months after reuniting. At least Satoshi was an enjoyable villain, mostly helped by his excellent voice acting. That's another thing I'll praise, Funimation did an amazing job with the writing and voice work. They'll likely put extra effort into as its not one of their softcore porn series. Monica Rial showed impressive range playing Michiko.

Overall, could have been so much better if trimmed or written differently. But at least it's a feast for the eyes and ears.

A) I'm not sure "likeability" is the right word here. Maybe ability to empathize with? I don't think characters (even protagonists) have to be likeable to good or well written or whatever so it feels weird to harp on their likeability here. I think its something else you didn't like about them.

B) Usually, when people are critical of a character's intelligence, its because they are stupid in ways that are inhuman. For example that girl on Parasyte with her "plan" was stupid in a way that no actual human would be. It was stupid to the point of jarring and suspension of disbelief breaking. Michiko was stupid in a very realistic way I felt. A woman of a poor background with little to no education who would go to the end of the world for a man who in no way deserved it because he was a flight risk (or a wife beater, or a drunk or etc.) unfortunately describes a non-insignificant number or real life women.


Gives all the fucks
I kind of have to agree with BatDan & M&H. It seemed like it was gonna be an underrated show based on the first few episodes, but then it went all downhill save for some great moments like the car chase with the old hitman & that drugged out samurai guy.

I'm still glad I watched it all the way through, but I have no desire to ever revisit it, save for one or two episodes, & I honestly think I would've dropped it if it wasn't for this group watch.
I remember that scene in Parasyte being dumb, but man I didn't remember it being that dumb.

I wonder if it was supposed to be tongue and cheek, a reference to frail young women in horror movies making bad decisions...

...but it failed spectacularly if that was what they were intending.

I wonder if people are going to be pissed when
she survives next episode.
So according to Demarco, they needed a "cheap show fast."

Apparently Champloo fit that definition well enough, and here we are.

I'm guessing with it being the end of the year, Toonami's coffers were running a bit dry.


No Scrubs
So according to Demarco, they needed a "cheap show fast."

Apparently Champloo fit that definition well enough, and here we are.

I'm guessing with it being the end of the year, Toonami's coffers were running a bit dry.

Especially with the Intruder 2 running, that couldn't have been cheap.



Nominations are being accepted for the following categories:

Best Promo
Worst Moment
Best Moment
Best Fight
Worst Character
Best Character
Best Villain
Biggest Disappointment
Best Surprise
Most Wanted New Show
Best Performance by a Voice Actor
and Best Performance by a Voice Actress

You may make up to 3 nominations in each category. Feel free to post your nominations in the thread, but also make sure to PM them to me, as I won't be accepting nominations only posted in the thread.

Only shows that aired new episodes this year are eligible for awards, meaning the following shows are not eligible: Attack on Titan, Deadman Wonderland, Bleach, Space Dandy, Cowboy Bebop, Ghost in the Shell, IGPX, and Samurai Jack.

Specific guidelines for the categories:

Best Promo: Includes lineup promos, show and marathon promos, Toonami music videos, Better Cartoon Show promos, and TOM speeches. Does not include bumps or game reviews.

Worst Moment/Best Moment: Try to only nominate single moments or sequences. If something you want to nominate is better covered by a different category, like Best Fight, nominate it there.

Biggest Disappointment/Best Surprise: These categories can cover any Toonami-related subject, from overall show quality to shows not being shown.

Most Wanted New Show: Please only nominate shows that already exist or are confirmed to exist.

Best Performance by a Voice Actor/Voice Actress: Please specifically nominate the actual VA. For example, Christopher Ayres as Frieza.

Please also note that Intruder II is also eligible for awards.



Gives all the fucks
I'm half tempted to nominate "Toonami not getting Fujiko Mine" as a biggest disappointment, despite knowing it's not gonna win (hell, it's not even my top pick), just because I recall it being a rather good show when I originally watched it & the fact they tried to get it but knew it would've been censored to death (heck, I don't even think they could show the opening without a ton of cuts &/or blurs).

Edit: Wasn't "no movie month" considered a biggest disappointment nominee last year?


Gives all the fucks
It's disappointing they couldn't air it despite trying to? Though granted, the news isn't as disheartning when we're getting Samurai Champloo instead (....best surprise nominee). I guess for those who did see it, how did you like Fujiko Mine? For some reason, now I'm hearing people didn't like it?

Last year on Oni's podcast, the movie month itself was considered for Biggest Disappointment.
Ahh, that's what I was thinking of.
Honestly looking over the new shows acquired in 2015 you might as well have the entire line up of new shows as a disappointment. Seriously look at this new show line up for the year

Parasyte The Maxim, Akame Ga Kill, Michiko & Hatchin, SAO II, and Kill La Kill

While I think there are show in here that almost everyone has liked to a certain extent even if it's in a laughably bad way not a single show on here was universally well received by this thread.

Compare to last year

Space Dandy, Naruto Shippuden (Uncut), Blue Exorcist, Black Lagoon, Attack on Titan, Black Lagoon: The Second Barrage, Beware the Batman, Gurren Lagann, Hellsing Ultimate,Dragon Ball Z Kai, and InuYasha: The Final Act

Obviously the smaller block lead to less new shows to premier, but as a whole the 2014 line up was a lot stronger then the 2015 line up even with duds like Beware the Bat and Shippuden.
I think there's value in at least having something mentioned as a nomination even if it's not gonna win, Zonic. Though I guess the question would be if that's a 2015 thing or a 2016 thing.


Gives all the fucks
I think there's value in at least having something mentioned as a nomination even if it's not gonna win, Zonic. Though I guess the question would be if that's a 2015 thing or a 2016 thing.
Hmm, good point. We found out about the fact in 2015, but it would've started airing in 2016.

I guess since they confirmed "hey we tried to get this show, but it didn't work out" in 2015, it could count since DeMarco flat-out confirmed it's never coming to Toonami.

I might just add it to have a 3rd "biggest disappointment" nominee. I'll probably put the Toonami comic on there as well, but in all honestly, it's not like I was excited for it coming out in comparison to Intruder 2.

I'd also like to remind people that Gurren Lagann's 2nd half (i.e. the post time skip) in 2015 and we also had to deal with the Water 7 filler, i.e. Zoro the babysitter.


So according to Demarco, they needed a "cheap show fast."

Apparently Champloo fit that definition well enough, and here we are.

I'm guessing with it being the end of the year, Toonami's coffers were running a bit dry.

As long as I get to see Champloo again, I'm content.


Gives all the fucks
Doubt it will, but I wonder if anything will be changed from the Adult Swim version. Most I'm guessing is maybe a shortened OP or (more likely) ED.

Also, might as well ask, but who here HASN'T seen Samurai Champloo already? This would be a good way to see if we need to hide spoilers on here, considering it did air on Adult Swim previously & I'm sure that's how some of us here (like myself) watched it.
I really appreciate how whenever someone speaks positively of Sword Art Online, GaimeGuy appears to flip tables.

If he was a superhero, he'd fight crime by flipping tables onto villains.
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