Who is that dude at the end facing away from the viewer supposed to be?
Also, why do those categories you said not need nominations not need them? I want to tell you/everyone what my views are on those.
Parasyte Long PromoGreat editing and almost feels like a movie trailer. It brings some hype for the shows involved as well. Not bad considering it borrows from Naruto filler and SAOII.
WarOut of all the promos this one I felt worked best. It conveyed the premise of the show, flowed nicely and had a killer last line.
FanserviceMuch like the previous music video I feel the music pairs well with the dialouge here and the editing is much better than the others aired this year
Should win but DQ'd due to being an Adult Swim ad. It is quick, funny, and does its job.
I think you are a man eating alien and I want you to cut that out! Parasyte:The MaximWow, choosing just one from SAOII was hard. From Super AIDS to Klein falling for an AI. There is no shortage of stupid but Death Gun's reveal is something else. Aside from being blindingly obvious (Kyougi was the only other named character that could possibly be Death Gun) the rapey vibes to Kirito's escape elevated it to a new plane of stupidity.
Ass Creed: Revelations SAOIIHer brother is in the FBI, she knows he is a killer alien thing and her plan is to confront it alone without telling anyone. There is something that makes this whole thing worse I'll update with in the new year. The sad thing is the girl in question was a good wingman to Shinichi and it is a testament how bad Parasyte is with women when they assassinate her character over the course of one episode.
Dishonorable Mentions: Let's get rid of savior when aliens attack! (TTGL), I HATE LIFE FIBERS DESPITE ONE OF MY CLOSEST FRIENDS IS A UNIFORM! (Kill la Kill), Naruto filler, One Piece The Baby The Baby The Baby filler.Told you it was hard. This encapsulates everything wrong with SAOII from the narrative jumps to the needless exploitative fanservice and the plodding pace of the episode in a fucking cave. I need to take a shower.
Finale TTGLFull disclosure. I am a bit biased about this. I saw this and teared up when I first watched it. Merry's apology pushed me over the edge. When One Piece fires on all cylinders it may even make you care about things you never knew you cared about.
Shikamaru getting over his mentor's death Naruto ShippudenThis is the finale to end all finales. They fight united to stop a universe ending being and PUNCH IT IN THE FACE. It is about as balls out as you could have hoped. TTGL is at its peak when it is go big or go home.
Honorable mentions: Usopp rejoins the crew (One Piece), Don't break these cups...(Satsuki to Elite 4 in KLK), Goku Super Saiyan (DBZ Kai)This episode had no right to be as good as it did. It is technically filler but I dare say it ascends that and becomes canon in my heart. The direction in the episode makes you really feel what Shikamaru is going through and really sets the stakes going into the Immortals Arc.
Sanji vs. Jabra One PieceThis is almost unfair since it is a grand finale but I can't ignore it. You really feel every member fighting to their last breath and drilling towards the heavens as they punch the anti-spirals out of this world.
Shikamaru vs Hidan Naruto ShippudenThere are tons of great fights in Enies but this one holds a special place in my heart. It does a good job showcasing why Sanji is great.
Honorable mentions: Chopper vs Kumadori (One Piece), Nami vs Kalifa (One Piece), Franky vs. Fukarou (One Piece), Goku vs Vegeta (DBZ Kai), Fight Club Mako vs. Ryoko (Kill la Kill), Ryoko vs. Satsuki (Kill la Kill), Luffy vs. Lucci (One Piece)Another fight that showcases Shikamaru's abilities and makes a great emotional capper to his story for this arc.
well actually i think i saw like...the first episode or two of Champloo.
I remember what was in the promo, and that seemed pretty early on
The fact Goku vs Freeza doesn't even get an honorable nod mention invalidates your whole list Raxus
And yea I realize the fight is still ongoing, but its THE shonen fight![]()
Just about that entire promo was from episode 1. With good reason.
Samurai Champloo is probably still my pick for all-time best episode 1 of an anime ever.
The only reason I didn't mention it (though it is an excellent fight) is Goku vs. Vegeta is the superior fight. Goku basically pulls a power up out of his ass and the rest of the fight is a curbstomp to Frieza. Granted it is very cathartic considering how much of a dick Frieza is but Goku vs. Vegeta really felt like a fight that Goku really won by the skin of his teeth with both fighters being pushed to their limit.
Frieza redefined shonen fights for better and for worse but Goku vs Vegeta is what makes truly exciting fights. See Simon vs Gerome. Guy fucking walked out of his tank to PUNCH SIMON IN THE FACE. The only reason I didn't include that is because I am fairly certain it just missed the cut off and aired last year otherwise it would have been my TTGL nod.
Not to mention an OST that is only rivaled by Cowboy Bebop and FLCL.
As much as I like Goku vs Frieza, the stakes of the fight literally turned to 0 when Goku turned Super Saiyan and is now just delaying the fight for arbitrary reasons even though he could murder Frieza in a minute.
Its why I'd definitely put Luffy vs Lucci at #1. Even though they're just dicking around for the first half when everyone else is fighting, when their fight actually does happen it's definitely one of the best moments in the entire series.
Agreed. Luffy vs Lucci isn't a curb stomp battle and is one of the better fights in the series. Goku vs Freezer is just cathartic after seeing Freezer be such an asshole for so long, but it's not all that edge-of-your-seat-exciting. There's definitely other fights I'd put above it, but I'm not sure any of them are eligible this year.
Ragyo Kill la KillThe definition of a Gary Stu. He is shows up and is amazing at everything he does in games he isn't familiar with and beats impossible challenges. Character development? What's that? CAN'T MAKE TIME FOR THAT HERE IS A LIGHTSABER FUCK THIS CHARACTER ARRRRRGHSVOUSFUNJKSD@&%W!@#.
Eren Attack on TitanI do a lot to defend Kill la Kill but...yeah, Ragyo is inexcusible at times. She is an intimidating presence and a good villain but much like most things in Kill la Kill she is cranked up to 11 when she didn't need to be. All the incest/rapey stuff she does really pushed things to far, Shame too she has the best music attached to her.
Dishonorable mentions: Bulma (DBZKai),Yui (SAO II), Chelsea (Akame ga Kill!), Sora (Naruto Shippuden)Hey guys, let's make our protagonist a major jobber attached to more interesting characters! *two nondescript people high five afterwards*
Vegeta DBZ KaiMako just missed the list. Personally, I liked Satsuki's character arc and her final moment with the elite 4 just missed my best moment list. In a series with big personalities she ruled with an iron fist but thanks to her relationship with Ryoko she softens and begins to view the elite 4 as friends rather than minions. There are tons of great characters in Kill la Kill but Satsuki was the most consistent and emotionally rewarding out of all of them with Mako in a close CLOSE second.
Migi ParasyteThe breakout character of DBZ, Vegeta actually begins to go through a character arc here as he tries to break free from Frieza and continues to persue his self destructive dream of greater and greater power. He also understands the importance of double tapping his opponent so props to him for that. Renegade 4 life.
Honorable mentions: Mako (Kill la Kill), Ryoko (Kill la Kill), Frieza (DBZ Kai), Armin (Attack on Titan), Yuuki (SAO II), Luffy (One Piece), Merry (One Piece), Usopp (One Piece)My dark horse candidate. Migi is an interesting character. He thinks rationally to a fault, is studious and even (unbeknownst to him) has a great deadpan sense of humor. By far the best character on the show.
Lucci One PieceFrieza is probably DBZ's best villain. He seems unstoppable, is extraordinarily hard to kill and it takes an ancient prophecy to take him down. I can see why Toriyama wanted to end after Frieza. How else can you top Space Hitler?
Esdeath Akame ga Kill!One Piece tends to have great villains. Lucci is one of my favorites because he is so simple. He is a cold blooded assassin through and through and provides one of the closest fights in One Piece history. Despite all of Luffy's power ups he needs the help of Usopp and a little extra in order to beat him.
Honorable mentions: Annie (Attack on Titan), Nui Harame (Kill la Kill), Spandam (One Piece), Anti-Spirals (TTGL),Kakuzu and Hidan (Naruto Shippuden)Sue me. I like her. She is utterly convinced in her beliefs, has one of the greatest/stupidest plot lines in the entire story, and is seemingly unstoppable. Crazy, unwavering and deadly. I love it.
Sentai dubsIt had to happen sadly and it gave us a leaner meaner Toonami but I still can't help but feel disappointed that we lost so many new acquisitions and reruns of shows like Space Dandy due to ratings.
SAOIILet's get this out of the way. The shows sentai dubbed for Toonami aren't classics by any means but they each have merits to them in their favor. Sentai's dub robs them of their merits and somehow turns them into another negative. Sentai sticks to the script way too hard and when they do go off it is awful ('Scuse me bitch?). Add to the fact the comedic timing is completely off and you have the makings of painful early 90's dubbing in 20 fucking 15.
Dishonorable mentions: None I can think of sticks out, I covered the major ones.I set the bar low and you still failed. Bravo! I think the extra disappointment comes from when they somehow find a competent storyline and get rid of Gary Stu only to give the girl Super AIDS. Oh and KAYABA!
dat new username smell
dat new username smell
Why do you change your username so much?
dat new username smell
Finally, a new Toonami member, though a shame they joined right when we have marathons.
dat new username smell
what kind of username is skLaFarebear
what kind of username is skLaFarebear
From the guy who can't even pronounce his