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Toonami |NovDec15| It's Man God's world, we're just posting in it

There's only one of these in existence. You know what has to be done.



Gives all the fucks
...........why is it life sized?

& a PHONE CHARGER of all things?

& why would you want merchandise of someone crying?


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
I think it's safe to say that Star Wars is back, and it feels right.

*sees that Sanji "phone charger"* ... God damn it Japan.


Random but somewhat serious question:

What do you guys think of the Community sections of NeoGAF? What works well? What do you think could be better?

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Random but somewhat serious question:

What do you guys think of the Community sections of NeoGAF? What works well? What do you think could be better?

I still wonder why some threads are considered communities while others aren't. Gaming usually works itself out just going on a set time but in OT it can be a bit confusing. The TV cancellation thread for example is clearly a community topic that is in OT, because...I don't know why.
One thing I like about Community threads is that you can post in them without making anyone think that there's news. I bring this up because when threads like the Gravity Falls OT get bumped for some random tweet during a hiatus, you often get people complaining that they were hoping for actual news.

If I have one complaint, it's more about the inconsistent enforcement of staying on-topic in OT topics. For example, the Steven Universe thread would go into long tangents about every show besides Steven Universe, making it seem more like a general Western Animation thread (and sometimes anime). One poster even admitted that he was making posts about other shows in order to keep the SU OT on the front page, and yet despite mods having posted in the thread at other points, none of them said anything. It's hard to tell what the line is supposed to be.
Random but somewhat serious question:

What do you guys think of the Community sections of NeoGAF? What works well? What do you think could be better?

Somewhat inconsistent? I'm not really sure what constitutes having a community OT. The Game Grumps thread has been on Gaming for like 3 years and the Bombcast gets a thread every week (they are great though, Daydream puts in a lot of work)

I also think attempting to implement a widespread ruleset for all communities might be a bad idea. For communities like anime/manga, the LGBT community and regional communities you will almost never run out of stuff to talking about and have off days (or entire seasons.) This thread is dedicated to a three and a half hour long block that airs one day a week, so obviously it will have a lot more down time then almost any other thread.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Somewhat inconsistent? I'm not really sure what constitutes having a community OT. The Game Grumps thread has been on Gaming for like 3 years and the Bombcast gets a thread every week (they are great though, Daydream puts in a lot of work)

I also think attempting to implement a widespread ruleset for all communities might be a bad idea. For communities like anime/manga, the LGBT community and regional communities you will almost never run out of stuff to talking about and have off days (or entire seasons.) This thread is dedicated to a three and a half hour long block that airs one day a week, so obviously it will have a lot more down time then almost any other thread.

I thought they moved all the long running youtube personality/vidja game podcast threads to community, but I guess they only winged some? Hell the Angry Nintendo Nerd thread was so old it was...still called the ANN thread until it got moved over!
I thought they moved all the long running youtube personality/vidja game podcast threads to community, but I guess they only winged some? Hell the Angry Nintendo Nerd thread was so old it was...still called the ANN thread until it got moved over!

I think Game Grumps is still on gaming side. Was AVGN moved? Now that one was fucking ancient.
Random but somewhat serious question:

What do you guys think of the Community sections of NeoGAF? What works well? What do you think could be better?

To parrot what Metroid said, they're a bit inconsistent.

But besides that, I don't have a problem with the way the communities are handled.
Kishimoto just wants continuous money flow.

Shouldn't he be filthy rich by now?


"At a preview screening for Boruto -Naruto the Movie- in July, Boruto voice actress Yuko Sanpei said that she "wanted to see the films continue," and Kishimoto responded with a wry smile, "I can't. Please let me rest now." After finishing Naruto, Kishimoto said, "During this time, I finally went on my honeymoon. Even though my son has grown as big as [protagonist Naruto's son] Boruto." Kishimoto had gotten married over a decade ago."

No. Hes done, hes Akira Toriyama at the end of the DBZ manga at this point, he doesn't care leave him alone and do whatever you want with Naruto. he'll come back in 10 years with a renewed passion to direct Naruto Super though.

And we don't know exactly what that teaser is for, could be an anime only Naruto GT adaption, could be for a new manga serial, could be for another movie. who really knows but we'll find out in 48 hours.



No. Hes done, hes Akira Toriyama at the end of the DBZ manga at this point, he doesn't care leave him alone and do whatever you want with Naruto. he'll come back in 10 years with a renewed passion to direct Naruto Super though.

And we don't know exactly what that teaser is for, could be an anime only Naruto GT adaption, could be for a new manga serial, could be for another movie. who really knows but we'll find out in 48 hours.
If I were to take a shot in the dark it would be a new movie. Much like DB Super it is easy money, everyone tend to love it and the writer can go home and have sex with his wife instead of working on manga all week. I wouldn't be shocked if Oda goes on cruise control whenever One Piece ends.


Gives all the fucks
To parrot what Metroid said, they're a bit inconsistent.

But besides that, I don't have a problem with the way the communities are handled.
Pretty much this. For example, Nintendo Downloads has a monthly thread to focus on digital games releasing each month. It was originally in Gaming but then some time ago (I think earlier this year?), they had to move to OT & it seems like the amount of posts went down a lot. Yet a weekly podcast, as Metroid said, gets a new thread for a new episode when they could easily have an OT dedicated to the podcast itself.

Otherwise, structure-wise, I'm fine with it.
Random but somewhat serious question:

What do you guys think of the Community sections of NeoGAF? What works well? What do you think could be better?

Just what is a community thread and what isn't a community thread ie the thread "nostalgia critic to retire" has turned into a nostaligia critic ot that last I knew is still in off topic. Also some community threads are more strict then others on the whole off topic community discission. Personally I don't my off topic discussion in community threads because it serves its purpose of letting people with similar interest (ie fans of toonami and action cartoons) discuss things with a similar foundation.

I also find it strange how some threads get culled to community right away then others like as an example battlefield hardline which came out in March is still on gaming side's not communitu discission.

Finally and this last one is probably the most complicated is series community threads vs threads for specific games. There is frequenly a problem with community threads for series where when a series is 10-30 years old what is considered a sacred spoiler and what is considered general knowledge? I hate spoiler culture as much as the next person but with a community discussion thread where is the line drawn? People always like to say a certain death in ff7 isn't a spoiler anymore because its been nearly 20 years, yet we have people in this very community younger then that. Should a community thread have a "open spoilers for whole series don't post if you're new" policy or a "all spoilers regardless of age need to be tagged" policy?


Gives all the fucks
In the Danganronpa OT, we agreed that DR1 & DR2 spoilers were open game (& we said this in the OP as well) unless you wanted to spoiler tag them, but anything that wasn't officially localized (like a few novels) were to be hidden. Any new stuff would be hidden for a few months in order for people who took part of the OT to finish the game.

Though that's a newer series & I can totally see that being an issue with something like Metal Gear Solid or Final Fantasy with a much wider range of games where it might take more time to play every single game & such, increasing the chances that someone probably didn't play a specific game yet in the franchise.


Community threads are one of the only reasons why I post here anymore

I think most of the older posters tend to gravitate towards community threads, and I generally see them as better then the main forums because they are a modicum harder to access, you have to have some knowledge of what the thread is talking about, and also generally it's not nearly as negative as the main forums.

I have no problems with how everything is set up, and as someone who used to post in the Rock Band thread, I'm glad these threads exist in the way they do.
If I were to take a shot in the dark it would be a new movie. Much like DB Super it is easy money, everyone tend to love it and the writer can go home and have sex with his wife instead of working on manga all week. I wouldn't be shocked if Oda goes on cruise control whenever One Piece ends.

Yeah thats my bets too, movies are easy cashgrabs and don't need to be on every week or need manga chapters to produce.


Random but somewhat serious question:

What do you guys think of the Community sections of NeoGAF? What works well? What do you think could be better?

They're a mixed bag. Community Forums keep the more populated main forums from getting too cluttered. They also foster a more relaxed discussion amongst regulars. However, their visibility is significantly reduced leading to a slowly diminished participation over time.

One solution might be to allow the periodic advertising/promotion of popular on-going community threads in the main Off-topic or Gaming forums to remind people these threads exist so as to foster more participation.
Random but somewhat serious question:

What do you guys think of the Community sections of NeoGAF? What works well? What do you think could be better?

I like em much better than gaming/OT. Don't post in either of those unless they're OTs/communites that are still in gaming.

Communities are great because they're communities and there's more of a personal feeling to interacting with people. Not really sure how I'd improve it, I think the communities are fine as is as I feel a good mix of casual gaming talk/on topic conversation happens in all of them.

Edit: What ckohler says is true now that I think about it. Besides the really popular communities like Giant Bomb//NFL/Destiny/etc. the communities usually die really quickly and a reason could be because everyone forgets about them.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Had a power outage and the text, but not the gifs, for the next two episodes of Trigun got deleted. Hard times, daddy.

Will fix it tonight. But I come to you now with something truly IMPORTANT.

You know how we rag on Agame Ga Kill! for being a late 90's dub somehow stuck on a modern HD show? Well, Netflix's latest anime premiere is literally the early 90's Sailor Moon equivalent of that. Including being chopped up! Including being apparently a pretty bad dub! Saban wanted to do Sailor Moon back in the day...and they finally got their chance, sort of!


You know how we rag on Agame Ga Kill! for being a late 90's dub somehow stuck on a modern HD show? Well, Netflix's latest anime premiere is literally the early 90's Sailor Moon equivalent of that. Including being chopped up! Including being apparently a pretty bad dub! Saban wanted to do Sailor Moon back in the day...and they finally got their chance, sort of!

Apparently means that you don't know, do you?

From the five episodes of Glitter Force I watched, it was a pretty good dub, all things considering. Dialogue doesn't sound stilted or forced. There's easily enough emotion shown, and hey, the occasional quips are pretty funny, all things considering.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Apparently means that you don't know, do you?

From the five episodes of Glitter Force I watched, it was a pretty good dub, all things considering. Dialogue doesn't sound stilted or forced. There's easily enough emotion shown, and hey, the occasional quips are pretty funny, all things considering.

Indeed, just going on the scuttlebutt. The name change and edits I heard about still give it that early 90's feel, plus being Saban is enough to put anyone on their guard that is sensitive to cultural changes (I'm actually not particularly.)

It's still such a weird flashback to a different time.


Gives all the fucks
So how many will just watch the final Intruder 2 episode & that's it for this week? Honestly, I might not bother with the Kai marathon since I wanna enjoy my final night of having the house to myself & get more gaming in. Plus I wanna rest after two nights of cleaning up after the Star Wars premieres.

I'll probably watch the One Piece marathon, though.


So how many will just watch the final Intruder 2 episode & that's it for this week? Honestly, I might not bother with the Kai marathon since I wanna enjoy my final night of having the house to myself & get more gaming in. Plus I wanna rest after two nights of cleaning up after the Star Wars premieres.
Not watching either marathon. Only staying up for Intruder II.
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