Apparently Toonami Asia in Hong Kong has picked up DB Super and not here in the US???
It's Toei-tally their fault.
Watch as Zonic is no longer on the official Wall of Shame for the worst puns.
It's Toei-tally their fault.
It doesn't have to be a Funimation dub just because it's English. For all we know, we might have another one of THESE
It doesn't have to be a Funimation dub just because it's English. For all we know, we might have another one of THESE
It doesn't have to be a Funimation dub just because it's English. For all we know, we might have another one of THESE
Man I don't follow ratings super closely, but this is the best it's been for a while right?
.Cancel One Piece and give us something good like Cross Ange.
Cancel One Piece and give us something good like Cross Ange.
Man I don't follow ratings super closely, but this is the best it's been for a while right?
Holy shit, had that been a better episode of One Piece we'd have everything that wasn't a repeat over a million.
I don't think it's ever been that good.
Quintuple and sextuple millions are old hat. Will we ever reach the Legendary Septuple Million?!!
That's like the good ol' Hong Kong One Piece subs following the adventures of Roof, Sulon, Sunkist, and Crook Bu.
Well he didn't say no
JoJo doesn't look likely, apparently it'd be really expensive and DeMarco said "corporations make things complicated" toonami news retweeted the relevant tweets
Jojo not likely?
Jobros btfo
I think I stopped after....3 episodes? For some reason, it just wasn't doing anything for me. Seems I made the right call.
Krillin gave 18 dem infinite hands, bruh.
I'm calling Piccolo "Uncle Motong" from now on. You can't stop me.
Clearly interest is there maybe where there's a will there's a way but I imagine the extra cash that would need to go into getting JoJo vs average Toonami ratings probably means it isn't worth it.