Is this from inferencing the video length from however you manage to navigate the backdoors on Adult Swim's site?
Gaming journalism when hype happens.
Apologies for the snark, but I do seriously take a more "selfish" approach when it comes to something like this (if you want to put it that way).
I'll buy games, consoles, or whatever simply on my own interests. I won't jump on a soapbox to to critique what a company/developer/publisher should or shouldn't do, that's not my concern. If a company's decisions leads to significant changes what they offer in this market or their success in this market, that has no bearing on what I look for in games in the first place. I'll simply go where my interests go.
I'm more about simply buying the things that interest me and my own personal satisfaction. Would my enjoyment of games like Baten Kaitos Origins change if 1.) It sold better/worse? 2.) If more/less other people liked it too? 3.) If the franchise still existed? 4.) If Namco and MonolithSoft shut down and never made a game again?
trigun is so giffable
I have co-worker who is SUPER into Nintendo (i.e. he will refuse to touch anything else) & asked me "so you think Nintendo's stocks will rise or fall after the NX reveal?", which is a good example of what you're trying to say. I couldn't care less about Nintendo's stock or "oh noes it's under powered AGAIN", I just want them to continue existing so I can keep playing their games.Apologies for the snark, but I do seriously take a more "selfish" approach when it comes to something like this (if you want to put it that way).
I'll buy games, consoles, or whatever simply on my own interests. I won't jump on a soapbox to to critique what a company/developer/publisher should or shouldn't do, that's not my concern. If a company's decisions leads to significant changes what they offer in this market or their success in this market, that has no bearing on what I look for in games in the first place. I'll simply go where my interests go.
I'm more about simply buying the things that interest me and my own personal satisfaction. Would my enjoyment of games like Baten Kaitos Origins change if 1.) It sold better/worse? 2.) If more/less other people liked it too? 3.) If the franchise still existed? 4.) If Namco and MonolithSoft shut down and never made a game again?
Kind of have to agree here, though. Not to mention, you'd want a sequel to happen to see if they can improve on certain things &/or expand the world that the game has created. Granted, I can see times where it feels kind of pointless (i.e. I learned the new Star Wars is about....getting the plans to blow the Death Star...which I feel adds nothing since we already know it blows up).I mean if a game you like ends on a cliff hanger and you never get resolution to that story I think it would impact your satisfaction of a game and then the answers to the questions about "if it had sold better/still been around" would be yes.
Demarco: We will air the full ED of Jojo!
Demarco: By completely removing the OP!
I'm not even sure what to say about the NX reveal honestly.
I think the name is stupid and doesn't roll off the tongue well. I'll probably get used to it down the line (I have no choice but to) but I doubt I'll change my mind on how silly of a name it sounds to me. I still think Wii U and X-Box One are terrible names after all.
I tend not to think on controllers much.
Well unless they irk me.
Why does the PS3 controller get filthy so easy?
I tend not to think on controllers much.
Well unless they irk me.
Why does the PS3 controller get filthy so easy?
And Nintendo continues to be like the Cowardly Lion, always afraid to take risks.
Not even spec detail of whether it's region lock or not?
I'd rather take sped-up Rounabout over "cut right in the middle" Roundabout.
But Sono Chi no Sadame is great and it would be unfortunate if it got Shippuden'd.
Agreed. I would be fine if they did it like IBO where they kept the music fading in while the episode ends, then credits, but just cut the credits short. It's the transition that needs to stay.While I really like Roundabout, 98% of what I actually care about is that they get those opening notes in at the end of each episode
It's a perfect song because it perfectly fits the opening notes in the end to transition into the ED credits, I'm not doubting that.
I was just saying that it's not the best song they made and there are better works from them.
I mean if a game you like ends on a cliff hanger and you never get resolution to that story I think it would impact your satisfaction of a game and then the answers to the questions about "if it had sold better/still been around" would be yes.
I actually don't remember the ending; I remember I had to defeat all the bosses again though.
I would love to have Viewtiful Joe be one of those PS2 on PS4 games, so awesome. Though the GCN's shoulder buttons worked better compared to the PS2.
........I need to replay VJ2 one of these days, I recall being kind of disappointed in it, especially since Silvia's Replay ability felt very situational.
I remember when they even gave VJ an anime.
SO this happened.
I actually don't remember the ending; I remember I had to defeat all the bosses again though.
The final movie, a science-fiction film set in deep space, is where the Black Emperor and the last Rainbow Oscar reside. When confronted by the heroes, the Black Emperor throws a fully restored Black Film onto the projector and uses its added power to summon his giant robot Dark Kaiser. Joe and Silvia summon their own "Six x Six Majin" to destroy Dark Kaiser and recover the last Oscar, but Jet suddenly appears in the movie and steals all seven. Revealing a Black V-Watch on his wrist, Jet transforms into the Dark Emperor and thanks Joe for giving him the Oscars, then infuses their power into himself to become Jet Black, the Dark Hero.
Now able to use his Movieland powers in the real world, Jet Black crashes the Viewtiful Awards Ceremony, leaving Joe and Silvia powerless to stop him. As they put up a futile effort to fight back, the crowd starts cheering for Joe and Silvia, which gives them the power to transform and ultimately defeat Jet Black. Captain Blue is restored to normal and reveals that Jet was his best friend and cinematographer, but had found the Black Film one day and became entranced by its power and that of the Rainbow Oscars. In the end, it is revealed that all Jet really wanted was to prove himself as a hero to his own son Joe.
As Joe and Jet reconcile, a dark castle appears in the distance, heralding the arrival of Captain Blue's last foreseen threat. Jet explains that the secret of the Black Film and his Black V-Watch lies within the castle, as well as an enemy unlike any other. Undeterred by Jet's ominous warning, Viewtiful Joe and Sexy Silvia strike a pose as they set out to save the world once more.