Make sure to show your support.
It looks like it still has the full ED, though. I'll happily take a butchered OP cut like that if it keeps the ED uncut.
Meanwhile in Tiger Mask W...
Meanwhile in Tiger Mask W...
Make sure to show your support.
the JoJo opening is shortened on the AS website
was it that way when it aired?
Oh, the strike is against EA.
I thought Steve Blum was gonna be all "YOU DON'T BELIEVE WHAT DEMARCO MADE ME VOICE AS TOM!!!"
You mean Jonathan, right?I think what I really like about jojo is, just as dio was overly evil, Joseph is a hammed up version of the perfect gentleman, who prefers civil discourse but will not shy away from solving a rough problem WITH HIS FISTS AND MANLY SPIRIT
Remind me, when a show gets a new OP, they show it in full once, right? So when Jojo gets a new OP, we'll see that uncut the first time?
Remind me, when a show gets a new OP, they show it in full once, right? So when Jojo gets a new OP, we'll see that uncut the first time?
Ah, okay. I could've sworn Gundam did it but couldn't remember.They did that for Gundam, anyway.
Same difference, you know what I mean.You mean Jonathan, right?Joseph isn't until Part 2.
Now THAT, I hope they actually air uncut, or at the very least, leave it in if they have to shorten it.How lame would it be if we didn't get the Za Warudo version of JoJo's 4th OP.
They did that for Gundam, anyway.
At least Toonami is gracious enough to give us the full Dragon Ball Z Kai opening each Saturday.
The Brina Palencia version is the only one that we got that's somewhat decent.
Should've had Vic's version of the song like on Nicktoons.
We might have got the first Water 7 opening uncut the first time? That was before the openings were longer.
Should've had Vic's version of the song like on Nicktoons.
Also, did FUNimation ever announce anything about the Mob Psycho 100 dub?
Yeah something's up with Mob Psycho. They just announced the dub cast for a bunch of shows and still no Mob Psycho.
Yeah something's up with Mob Psycho. They just announced the dub cast for a bunch of shows and still no Mob Psycho.
DeMarco diiiiddddd saaaayyyyy Mob Psycho 100 was part of the top 3 requested show along side OPM S2 & Tokyo Ghoul.
Yeah, his verison of Dragon Soul was the best one.
We got every version but that one....... ._.
Vic Mignogna should do more opening covers, he's great
Vic Mignogna should do more opening covers, he's great
Vic Mignogna should do more opening covers, he's great
GAF time traveled back to the 90s
We nearly in a world were he did Brook.
I'm surprised Vic still doesn't voice a major One Piece character.
??? How so?GAF time traveled back to the 90s
the css broke for about half an hour-ish??? How so?
I'm surprised Vic still doesn't voice a major One Piece character.