knuck knuck it's knuckles
Keijo fansubs were a mistake.
those gifs might have just convinced me to watch the Pokémon anime
Part of the fun of series, the main appeal even, is being able to explore the region and discover everything new. They're adventure games, and it ain't as much of an adventure if you know what's coming upI have a serious question
What are "spoilers" in a Pokémon game? Isn't the plot of the game basically inconsequential?
I have a serious question
What are "spoilers" in a Pokémon game? Isn't the plot of the game basically inconsequential?
I have a serious question
What are "spoilers" in a Pokémon game? Isn't the plot of the game basically inconsequential?
I got burned on people pointing to Pokemon X and Y and saying "THIS is the one where you can return to this franchise and see all the meaningful changes since you were gone" so I'm super weary of hearing the same for Sun and Moon
Did you find what you were looking for?
Part of me feels like Sun/Moon might be the one to bring me back, but then I remember how stuff like Digimon Cyber Slueth & World of FF made stuff like that soooo much more tolerable & not feel so grindy/tedious.I got burned on people pointing to Pokemon X and Y and saying "THIS is the one where you can return to this franchise and see all the meaningful changes since you were gone" so I'm super weary of hearing the same for Sun and Moon
I got burned on people pointing to Pokemon X and Y and saying "THIS is the one where you can return to this franchise and see all the meaningful changes since you were gone" so I'm super weary of hearing the same for Sun and Moon
Im glad that you guys like Pokemon so much, but I havent enjoyed the series since Silver/Gold. I really want to like them because it's the only big release standard jrpg anymore :/
I have a serious question
What are "spoilers" in a Pokémon game? Isn't the plot of the game basically inconsequential?
I got burned on people pointing to Pokemon X and Y and saying "THIS is the one where you can return to this franchise and see all the meaningful changes since you were gone" so I'm super weary of hearing the same for Sun and Moon
have you heard of a little series called persona?
I am assuming by standard jrpg you are meaning typical turn based combat. Persona is basically an adult version of pokemon. lots of creatures to collect. Type advantage, weakness, limited moves ect
the atelier games aren't that big of releases but also feature fairly standard jrpg goodness (as well as a in depth item creation system)
and Cosmic Star Heronie isn't big budget or technically a jrpg depending on how you define it, but it's basically a sci fi version of chrono trigger (or if chrono and phantasy star had a baby) so that one is worth watching for as it still needs to come out sometime.
also world of final fantasy was a decently big release that had standard jrpg goodness in it
Persona is just now getting a new game, but I really didnt like 4 and having the main character be the biggest mary sue on earth. Yes, I know it's self insert fantasy, but if I wanted to self insert myself into all the media out there, you sure as hell wouldnt see me jump into a japanese high school. I really like the gameplay, and menu design though. Im gonna wait on 5 until it comes out.
Atelier looks fun, but it's one of those games where im not sure if it will be good, or if the only reason why people like it is because of anime girls.
World of Final Fantasy looked pretty boring tbh, and im not a big fan of chibi art styles
It's cool though, I'll just one day get an Xbox so i can replay Lost Oddyssey ;-;
This Man knows what's up.Tokyo.
I haven't touched a Pokemon game in ages.
Guess I should change that with Sun and Moon, eh?
TMS is okay, but not as good as I expected based on positive impressions.
I kinda lump it in with JRPGs with crappy stories/characters saved by their battle systems like Tales of Graces F and Grandia 3, but both those games were better.
TMS has far more style then those titles though which can go a long way for some. Depending upon your musical taste it has better music as well.
Final Fantasy XV seems to have attracted that strange type of fanboyism beyond the norm.
Of course, you have those everyday weirdos who, for example, take offense at Jim Sterling not liking Dishonored 2. Just your normal everyday videogame fanboys. Then you have people stating that FFXV, a game they have nothing to do with, must not fail. They start putting together weird deluded fantasies about how people are plotting against FFXV.
The one thing that baffles me is people who make a character from an unreleased game their username and/or avatar.
Maybe wait and see if the game/character is any good yet?
Are you shitting on Sniper Ghost Owl?The one thing that baffles me is people who make a character from an unreleased game their username and/or avatar.
Maybe wait and see if the game/character is any good yet?
Are you shitting on Sniper Ghost Owl?
What if the game's out in Japan but US & reception over there is that it's good?The one thing that baffles me is people who make a character from an unreleased game their username and/or avatar.
Maybe wait and see if the game/character is any good yet?
Yeah I'm kinda referring to the people who have had Noctis avatars for years and years and years.
Hopefully he's not terrible!