Imperial Bishop
The Ass Stands in Keijo >>>>>>> boring Stands in JoJo
Im pretty sure I posted this before, but fuck it
last year's ratings for reference
I don't think I need to remind anyone, but it's 2016 people.
We can always go lower.
Yeah, forget Ass War. Only Gate can save the block!
Nothing like a 14-year-old girl to tell people to use condoms.
12:00 - Fairy Tail
12:30 - Asterisk War
1:00 - Mahouka
1:30 - Cross Ange
2:00 - Strike Witches
2:30 - GATE
3:00 - Oreimo
their, i saved tunenami
Nothing like a 14-year-old girl to tell people to use condoms.
Kenshiro from FotNSWho else would otaku listen to? 😀
Who else would otaku listen to? 😀
last year's ratings for reference
Why is there nobody to share in my sadness, suffering, and disappointment
Akame Ga Kill!,Parasyte: The Maxim, Michiko and Hatchin,and Kill la Kill are better thanJim Jam's,Gundam IBO, Hunter x Hunter, and One Punch Man.
Code:Show Net Time Total Viewers (000s) 18-49 rating DRAGON BALL Z KAI ADULT SWIM 12:00 AM 1,250 0.5 JOJOS BIZARRE ADVENTURE ADULT SWIM 12:30 AM 964 0.4 MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM:I.B.O. ADULT SWIM 1:00 AM 795 0.3 HUNTER X HUNTER ADULT SWIM 1:30 AM 709 0.3 NARUTO: SHIPPUDEN ADULT SWIM 2:00 AM 637 0.3
So, uh, when do we start getting concerned about JoJo?
Fixed that for you so that it can truly be GOAT.
Me and you Cornito against the world.But Fairy Tale is actually pretty good.
Just finished Wonderful 101. Holy crap this is how you do escalation. I'm a big platinum fan in general and this is probably my favorite by far, and it's easily one of my favorite games of all time now. I really regret not finishing it years ago but I'm glad I finally got back around to it.
The final few hours are some of the most hype shit ever
The worse the anime the better the ratings
I'm ready for Asterick Wars
Randomly came across this on Twitter today. I forgot she existed, lol
EDIT: And I liked that a lot of you seemed so certain that Jojo would never fall under 1 million ever.
Randomly came across this on Twitter today. I forgot she existed, lol
Hey, is Toonami currently the only place you can watch the HxH dub?
Why isn't Generations a full show yet?
I might actually watch a Pokemon anime if it was.
Just finished Wonderful 101. Holy crap this is how you do escalation. I'm a big platinum fan in general and this is probably my favorite by far, and it's easily one of my favorite games of all time now. I really regret not finishing it years ago but I'm glad I finally got back around to it.
The final few hours are some of the most hype shit ever
It need a Switch port so more people can experience it.
Because it takes the budget of 30 minute episode and squishes it into 5 minutes.