I wonder if it will air with the corrections or not..else we get to experience episode 5 all over again lol.
So two Dragon Ball series at the same time? I knew it was a possibility but I didn't expect that to be the case going forward. Going to be somewhat jarring hearing Kid Trunks and Android 18's voices changing between shows.
They will definitely use the updated version
Time to get hyped once again:
The Toonami Other World-Buu Saga promos were excellent.
So two Dragon Ball series at the same time? I knew it was a possibility but I didn't expect that to be the case going forward. Going to be somewhat jarring hearing Kid Trunks and Android 18's voices changing between shows.
It is a very different show than Z though with a fairly large emphasis on humor.
It's extremely goofy and a lot less serious than DBZ was, and feels closer to Dragon Ball than DBZ in that regard (though it still has the insane escalating power levels of DBZ and it has its serious moments from time to time)
If you liked the original Dragonball, you'll probably like Super.
I find it very watchable. Is it HxH good? No, but many things aren't.is dbs good
Like, really, for people who's nostalgia for DBZ is there, but not really strong, for people who have watched various other fighting shonens since DBZ and have become rather bored with DBZ's transformations and beam attacks and fast punch and kick loops.
Does it stand up to "modern standards"? Is it good compared to everything else on the market, besides being connected to a nostalgic/historically important property?
Has Dragon Ball evolved since last it was being made?
That list has a lot of Cell arc characters in it, for whatever reason. And yeah, Kid Trunks isn't listed.
Nobody ever announced a March start date for it. That was just the "people are saying" date.So let's talk about something here for a moment.
The 11:30 and 12:00 slots are pretty much locked until March 2018. Samurai Jack is expected to arrive sometime in March of 2017.
Now, this brings up the question: WHERE will it air?
The only likely option is expanding the block to 11:00 for Jack.
Lol, all that time on "will they get Super or Buu Kai" and the answer turned out to be both.
Season six promo is the best DBZ promo.Time to get hyped once again:
The Toonami Other World-Buu Saga promos were excellent.
2016 and cable anime is still anchored by Dragon Ball
Here's the tentative end dates.
One Punch Man: January 28th
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: April 22nd
Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn: June 3rd
DBZ Kai: The Final Chapters: March 3rd 2018
Hunter x Hunter: March 9th 2019
Dragon Ball Super: Nobody knows.
Naruto Shippuden: THE COW IS DEAD PIERROT!
One Piece: You guys like political marriages, romance and abusive parents?
Season six promo is the best DBZ promo.
It is still the most popular anime in the world.2016 and cable anime is still anchored by Dragon Ball
Oh, Buu Kai is confirmed now
More promos:
Again these promos were hype during my teen years. waiting those 5 miserable months of repeats just to see 1 of these promos spring up was amazing.
(ckohler ---> PM's.)I hope they switch to playing the full DB Super OP every week. I really like it... as long as it's not a poorly dubbed version like Dragon Soul.
Here's the tentative end dates.
One Punch Man: January 28th
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: April 22nd
Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn: June 3rd
DBZ Kai: The Final Chapters: March 3rd 2018
Hunter x Hunter: March 9th 2019
Dragon Ball Super: Nobody knows.
Naruto Shippuden: THE COW IS DEAD PIERROT!
One Piece: You guys like political marriages?
Now we get to see Zonic be both pleased and displeased by Dragonball every week!
Zonic is going to be so upset about Buu Saga lol. If you thought Cell Saga was bab, wait until you meet the worst DB saga OF ALL TIME. And yes, filler Garlic Jr Saga might be better tbh
Look on the actual brightside. There's now basically no way we can lose 11:30, so Buu Kai will probably be replaced by a new show that isn't Gundam/JoJo!Look on the bright side. It's only a little over a year of Buu Kai.
Before it's replaced by GT. mwahahaha
Look on the bright side. It's only a little over a year of Buu Kai.
Before it's replaced by GT. mwahahaha
& having 11:30 back is also a good thing. From DeMarco's point of view, I fully understand this will be a good thing for the block.It may piss you off Zonic, but its a benefit to Toonami having both right now (ratings for both are gonna be insane).
Besides seeing as we are getting both, nothing is preventing you from skipping Buu Kai altogether, unless you really want to hatewatch through it.
It just hit me how long we're gonna have Dragon Ball Super on the block. It could potentially go for hundreds of episodes.
Wasn't there a leak that said Super would have 100 episodes?
It's not really confirmed, but I don't expect it to last hundreds of episodes.
Decision making wise it's a bit less silly. The main villain is magic Cell though so he doesn't have to explain shit.& having 11:30 back is also a good thing. From DeMarco's point of view, I fully understand this will be a good thing for the block.
Too bad the completionist in me tells me "ONE MORE ARC, AND YOU'VE SEEN KAI FULLY" & I feel as though if I don't see it, then any opinions I might have about it wouldn't "count" because "oh you didn't see it? then how can you have an opinion on something you don't know about/only heard of?"
*checks Wiki for episode count*.....so wait, it's split into TWO arcs? One is 44 episodes, then the other is 35, for a grand total of 79 episodes.....
......if I skip it, will I be correct in all the assumptions I have in that it's just going to be yet another copy/paste, but somehow WORSE pacing & decision making compared to Cell?
I wouldn't be surprised at all if it goes that long. Especially with how successful its been. The ratings in Japan beat One Piece at times.
Unless I've missed something, the ratings have never surpassed One Piece. Only tied once.
And Super's production has been troubled since the beginning and I honestly don't know if Toei can get their shit together for hundreds of episodes.