& having 11:30 back is also a good thing. From DeMarco's point of view, I fully understand this will be a good thing for the block.
Too bad the completionist in me tells me "ONE MORE ARC, AND YOU'VE SEEN KAI FULLY" & I feel as though if I don't see it, then any opinions I might have about it wouldn't "count" because "oh you didn't see it? then how can you have an opinion on something you don't know about/only heard of?"
*checks Wiki for episode count*.....so wait, it's split into TWO arcs? One is 44 episodes, then the other is 35, for a grand total of 79 episodes.....
......if I skip it, will I be correct in all the assumptions I have in that it's just going to be yet another copy/paste, but somehow WORSE pacing & decision making compared to Cell?
Honestly it's worth a hate watch for you. There are some really good aspects if the Buu Saga, but there's so many stupid design decisions as well.