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Toonami |Oct/Nov/Dec16| A Bacchanalia of Blood

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Gives all the fucks
Before Jojo, Araki wrote a series called Gorgeous Irene.
That wouldn't be the last time he uses that name in Jojo.

He actually looks at the series with shame.
I'm reading it now (there exists only two chapters), but you can get the sense it's his "style" as it looks similar to Part 1 (not to mention the main guy sort of has Jonathan's face & a dude who has
's hair) & has some powers that would feel right at home in Jojo, plus just some weird stuff like the villain having cats buried in plant pots & only their head is sticking up from the dirt (omg, did this inspire "that" thing from Part 4?!")

Araki said he's embarrassed of the character because it "reflected his "ignorance of women" during his youth" & "was only able to realize this after he got married".


Araki wrote a retrospective about Phantom Blood's characters in the Jojonium volumes (the one BBboy20 is posting images of):

The title of the series is JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, but first and foremost, I actually wanted to draw Dio. Good and evil, white and black—Jonathan and Dio function as symbols and are foils of one another. The series had the potential to go on, so in my mind, I wanted to create a "first Joestar" that could function as a symbol of purity and dignity rather than a unique, fresh character—that's why it was hard to come up with him.

There are limitations on how I could write the character because he was a "symbol of justice," so he may be a little on the boring side. I solidified his character as I went. Jonathan is passive, reacting to Dio's various attacks, and this leads to him discovering his way of life. Perhaps this is linked to me as an author, growing along with my character as I drew him. Just as Jonathan was unsure as to how to live his life, I was unsure where to take the character. Maybe I grew as an author a little with Jonathan as he trudged on through his hardships.

In Part 1, during the seven years after Danny's death, Jonathan gets very muscular. This change was made with the upcoming battle between him and Dio in mind. I thought his physique needed to be able to withstand the constant onslaught from this point on. In addition, when this part was originally being serialized, it was the era of "muscles" on the silver screen—guys like Schwarzenegger and Stallone. Schwarzenegger, for example, could never be stopped by an amount of gunfire right? I wanted Jonathan to have a similar look to him—a look of unstoppableness. Weekly Shonen Jump also has a history and tradition of main characters evolving and growing.

I also wanted Jonathan to exude an aura of strength like in Karate Baka Ichidai after doing martial arts training alone in the mountains. As a child, I loved karate manga—you would see all kinds of supernatural strength, like punching electrical poles and having the birds on the wires drop down or someone trying to stab another person with a knife, only to have the knife bend. In actuality, martial arts does have a certain mystique to it, such as strengthening punches with breathing techniques. I wanted to include supernatural things like that in JoJo, and I believe that the Ripple is inspired by my love of karate manga.

Did Dio and Danny make up?
Just for the cover. It's hard drawing characters from Part 1 after all this time, but it feels like meeting up with old friends.

Mr. Zeppeli was named after the rock band "Led Zeppelin." They are top-tier musicians to me, so I felt I had to reference their name with this character, albeit it's really a shame I used it so early--kind of like playing the Joker right at the beginning of a card game. Therefore, I had to resolve myself to that when I debuted Mr. Zeppeli. It's also important how the name sounds; there are a lot of "J" names in the series like JoJo, Jonthan and Joestar that are similar, so I wanted to balance out the names with a "Z" like Zeppeli. I made sure to do the same thing with Speedwagon.

Mr. Zeppeli teaches the Ripple to Jonathan and leads him on his quest to destroy the stone mask. I like teachers who are silly and make you wonder whether or not they're missing a screw up there. Like in Jackie Chan movies, the master's always a drunkard--so how can he be so strong? Same thing in The Karate Kid. Their outside appearance may be a little off, but it's what's underneath that is deserving of respect. These characters have charm because of the gap between their exterior and interior, and because you can't judge them by their covers. Mr. Zeppeli may look weak at first glance, but he's actually strong, even though I dressed him like a magician and gave him the mustache of a snake oil salesman. His mustache was actually inspired by those worn by the painter Salvador Dali and Osomatsu-kun's Iyami.

However, the mustache requires a lot of courage to pull off in a shonen magazine. Mainly because it makes the character look older and untrustworthy, no matter the type of mustache. As for Mr. Zeppeli—while he serves as JoJo's master, it's not like he's an old man far older than JoJo. He's also the lead supporting character. I might have turned readers off with him, so it took courage. He's a type of character that I haven't really used in any of my other work, but one that I wanted to use for the reasons I mentioned above. Thinking about it now, it may have been a "gamble" or "adventure" on my part. Back then I probably figured, "Eh, it's JoJo, it'll work out." It is a Bizarre Adventure, after all.

Lastly, to my credit, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure came out BEFORE the Japanese TV drama series Bizarre Stories in This World. Let's get this straight.

I mentioned this back when I was talking about Jonathan, but Dio was actually the one I wanted to draw most for Part 1. How far can a man's ambition drive him when he takes it to the ultimate extreme? That's what I wanted to depict. I wanted his name to sound cool when paired with JoJo's, so I ended up going with Dio, which means "god" in Italian. I always hear theories about how I got his name from the Dio Scooter, but that's not true! I'll just put that out there, along with the Bizarre Stories thing from last volume.

In regards to how he contrasts with Jonathan, I wanted to tackle how you represent the ultimate villain as depicted against a symbol of justice. How exactly would he fall into that role of "villain"? People always love to compare who's stronger or who's cooler. You've got Godzilla versus Mechagodzilla, Schwarzenegger vs. Stallone... I wanted there to be that sort of contrast or struggle between Dio and Jonathan.

Additionally, FBI psychological profiling was a hot topic around the time that I wrote this. Why do serial killers do what they do, scientifically speaking? I was inspired by that when I was working on Dio. Guys like that are true scumbags, rotten to the core. Yet, I've always sort of thought that they're actually incredibly strong for being table to commit such crimes. Why do they go so far? Do they do it just to see if they can? The "control" aspect of it interests me as well. There was a famous case in America where a man trapped several women in a room and brought them out, one at a time, into another room to kill them. All of these women were waiting, together, for their turn to get killed. I can't imagine what their mental state was like at that point... Thinking rationally, you wonder why they wouldn't try to make a break of it, or why they wouldn't try to band together and overpower the killer? There has to be some way to resist. However, if you look into the process by which people control others, you start to see what's effective. There are many ways, including instilling fear, but I always found the act of controlling others strangely fascinating.

That's why Dio wasn't simply a strong villain, but a character that controls others and had admirers that served him. As an antagonist, it makes it suspenseful for the reader, as they wonder how he can be beaten. During serialization, I actually hadn't prepared a weakness for Dio. It's the best kind of suspense when you are on edge. How will they overcome him if Ripple doesn't work? The stronger the enemy, the better. It was hard coming up with a way for him to be defeated, though.

Why is Dio naked?
He wanted to show off his beautiful body. If I try, I can draw these characters to look the way they did, but they're living, breathing things. They do end up looking like completely different people when drawn in a modern style.


He made me so mad I'm gonna pose at him!


Interesting (or odd) that they removed the racial language in the ally scene but kept it in the diner scene; did the dub company felt the episode contained too much bigotry?

Bonus Round:




Bring Jojo to Steam


Went to watch Rogue One, but the theater I went somehow managed to make a "3D" screen so bad that it made me ill enough to make me have to leave in the middle :/ didn't help that I was already tired. it was really weird.

guess I'll catch the movie when it gets a home release


Hey guys, just checking in to say that the end of last night's JoJo was amazing.

That is all.


Gives all the fucks
I should buy the JoJonium volumes
If I didn't spend so much on Xmas shopping & buying some GCN titles off of Facebook (I spent $65 on Skies of Arcadia & I'm not gonna regret it, damn it), I'd probably make use of B&N's "buy 2, get 1 free" on manga right now. Got $60+ worth of manga? Use BNDEC60 to take 15% off.

I've pretty much stopped collecting manga, but one of these days, I wouldn't mind owning the Jojonium stuff & finishing up Black Lagoon so I can finally have all 10 volumes. Still debating on One Punch Man since I want the anime.


A bit of a warning for you guys who are watching Jojo through Toonami only.

Don't type "Joseph Joestar" into youtube looking for clips, because that alone will expose you to massive spoilers.

Joseph became quite a meme-heavy Jojo as the episodes went by, so stuff that is dozens of episodes away on got pushed to the top of the search results.


Sketchbook Picasso
Moriah and Hogback always sound too similar to me... Don't know how the sub voice sounds, but I don't really care for either character personally. Most of the on-island enemies in Thriller Bark just feel like the same horror concepts repeated too often.

The only thing I like about them is that they give a variety of Strawhats time to show off. I like CP9 more in this area personally, but at least TB has form and size variety on it's side.
Just finished Gundam ZZ. What an uneven series. I guess after all the melodrama from Zeta, the writers wanted to give the sequel more levity, but at times it almost came across as an over-correction. First half of the series was overly episodic with characters making some insanely stupid decisions for the sake of slapstick.

Second half, once the story actually settled on an ongoing narrative, was a big improvement but by that point it was a little too late. Judau, while not bad, was definitely a weaker protagonist than Amuro and Kamille. I'd say my biggest problem is the fact that Bright essentially let the kids do whatever they wanted kind of removed a lot of the weight from their actions, especially since there was never any long lasting consequences.

And the twist with Leina somehow surviving was a bunch of bullshit. Like, I get that they wanted to go for a happy ending to balance out all the grim darkness from Zeta, but that was just a step too far.

On the positives, much as the teenage characters actively disobeying orders bugged me, I could respect Bright's rationale for his patience there. Having been through two seperate wars and seeing how they impacted the lives of Amuro and Kamille, it's believable that Bright would want to allow the kids to still have the chance to act like kids. Haman Karn was a badass. I dug her in Zeta and I still liked her here. The first half, while aimless, did legit have some really funny moments, especially with Mashmyre essentially being the Team Rocket of the show. Glemmy was fucking Commander NTR.


So, are the OVAs worth looking into or should I just go straight in Char's Counterattack next?


Gives all the fucks
So despite the large amount of interest, how many people will be around to watch the Jojo marathon? I'll most likely be at my dad's place spending the night (only about a 10 minute drive), so I'll be at my old place watching Toonami, except in the living room.....& with my old internet which is going to feel so slow in comparison to charter spectrum.
Yeah, so I have to figure when Tomino was writing this script he said as joke "Hey, remember how shitty all the Katz and Sarah scenes were in Zeta? I bet I can outdo that!"


Char's Counterattack is the only other thing you need for Unicorn. But check out the 08th MS Team. You don't need it, but it's great so you should watch it
So I wanted to like Char's Counterattack more than I ended up doing. The animation was stunning, especially the space battles. I loved the score, the stakes,
and Amuro's final fight with Char.

But fucking Quess man. I'm not sure what the decision making process was when it came to formation of this character but she weighed this film down.
The grand finale of Amuro and Char's rivalry
and a fucking third of it is dedicated to Char's love-pentagon. Fuck that noise.
Nappa looks good as a super saiyan.


Course he was always beautiful in his own bald way.

Whats funny is people keep getting it wrong about the state hes in.

Its not Super Saiyan Nappa, as in the first state, its Super Saiyan 3 Nappa. note the eyebrows.

Theirs also Super Saiyan 3 Raditz:

I love Dragonball Heroes and its crazy fanfiction.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
So I wanted to like Char's Counterattack more than I ended up doing. The animation was stunning, especially the space battles. I loved the score, the stakes,
and Amuro's final fight with Char.

But fucking Quess man. I'm not sure what the decision making process was when it came to formation of this character but she weighed this film down.
The grand finale of Amuro and Char's rivalry
and a fucking third of it is dedicated to Char's love-pentagon. Fuck that noise.

It's a bad, bad movie. But it looks cool. Has great mobile suits. Unfortunately everything besides how it looks and sounds is rubbish. Utter garbage trash.
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