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Toonami |Oct/Nov/Dec16| A Bacchanalia of Blood

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Well we can only hope he's as threatening and scary as the fire lord was in the live action Avatar movie.


....The fire lord is the dude on the left.

What's not threatening about
the wrong kind of
Asian people?


I kinda felt sorry for that kid. Poor guy not only got rejected by his crush (which is fine) but rather than let him down easily she straight up punched him.
Oh, there really are SAC blu-rays coming out? Nice....

*sees $70 pre-order on Amazon for each season*

Hmmm, I might be waiting on that one.


Off-topic, but you guys are usually helpful.

So I'm looking for an MP3 player to replace my dying old phone that I used as one. However, one thing that has kept me from making the jump is that I need to be able to edit song names and album art (and other metadeta), as my OCD goes off if they're incorrect (due to something not transferring over right or whatever).

Does anyone know of any good products?


Gives all the fucks
Being able to edit stuff on the MP3 player itself? I don't recall any devices letting me do that, as I always did that on the computer before putting it on my phone.

.....one of these days, I need to edit the "cover" for some of my MP3s, as for some strange reason, they default to an image of Shinichi & Migi that was used for a Toonami Show Rundown thumbnail.


Gives all the fucks
What do you do if something doesn't transfer over right?
I usually delete it off the device, then go onto my computer & correct the info, then put it back on. But I also don't use stuff like iTunes, I just have a folder & do it directly via File Explorer & right-clicking to go into Properties to edit stuff like the title or artist name.

It's been years since I last used a legit MP3 player. After my Zune got its motherboard fried from......I don't know, overuse, I got a PSP in high school & used that, then my Vita, & now use my Samsung Galaxy S5.


I usually delete it off the device, then go onto my computer & correct the info, then put it back on. But I also don't use stuff like iTunes, I just have a folder & do it directly via File Explorer & right-clicking to go into Properties to edit stuff like the title or artist name.

It's been years since I last used a legit MP3 player. After my Zune got its motherboard fried from......I don't know, overuse, I got a PSP in high school & used that, then my Vita, & now use my Samsung Galaxy S5.

That shit actually made me go back to my TL for music. It was barren of the features I wanted.
And editing properties has historically been very problematic for me. Editing phone-side has been the only consistent method to make these accurate (although with a lot of fiddling in some cases). However, it's dying.

My life is hell: searching for a player with these features doesn't work as it just brings up PC software.


Gives all the fucks
That shit actually made me go back to my TL for music. It was barren of the features I wanted.
And editing properties has historically been very problematic for me. Editing phone-side has been the only consistent method to make these accurate (although with a lot of fiddling in some cases). However, it's dying.

My life is hell: searching for a player with these features doesn't work as it just brings up PC software.
The best I can find are special apps on android or iOS that'd let you edit your music's tags & such, which you probably already came across.

Sorry I can't be of more help, considering I tend to be decent at helping out with tech-related stuff. The only other thing I can think of is perhaps go to an electronic-focused store like Best Buy & see if they have any on display to let you check out. Usually, the only MP3 players I see now tend to be the cheaper kind that only hold about 8GB since most people just use their phones now.


Sorry I can't be of more help, considering I tend to be decent at helping out with tech-related stuff. The only other thing I can think of is perhaps go to an electronic-focused store like Best Buy & see if they have any on display to let you check out. Usually, the only MP3 players I see now tend to be the cheaper kind that only hold about 8GB since most people just use their phones now.

I don't know why I didn't think of that.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Another option is to just buy the best/cheapest Android phone you can that has expandable storage and put a huge SD card in there.

Anyways in my quest to beat as many games as I can this month I finally finished off Wind Waker HD. I've beaten WW at least six times in my life as it was one of those games that came out just as summer break of college was hitting so I had a ton of free time. A TON. The game completely fucked up my sleeping pattern for months.

This version...is so much better. Hero mode fixes my biggest problem with the game; Link is built like a tank. Almost every hit in original Wind Waker does 1/4 Heart damage. Meanwhile juicy hits in OOT can do up to 8 hearts of damage to Young Link. What a swing! 32 times as much damage. No heart pickups means I needed to be smart about potions and gave me something else to consider buying. Funnily enough I'm actually more annoyed by simplifying the Triforce quest because I had to figure out where those extra five charts were. Beautiful looking and sounding game. Yeah, it's too short like Majora was. Worse even because Majora ramps up the stuff necessary to unlock dungeons as it goes along while in WW you pretty much just grab one or two things and you're good to go. Final Fight is extra satisfying with Ganon doing double damage.

Speed sail is great. mapping Bombs and Grappling Hook to buttons on the water is brilliant. Link going overboard becoming an extremely rare event was a nice change.

Next on the docket, the game I've been playing (and sometimes pushing aside) for months. DQ VII. By my memory I'm getting to the end but long game is long. Since getting DQ VII I've beaten.

SMT 4 Apocalypse
Ace Attorney 6
Legend of Zelda
Legend of Zelda 2
Pokémon Sun
Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo's Dungeon
Wind Waker HD

If I have anytime left in the month I'll knock off Phantasy Star IV.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
It's easily the best looking game I've ever played. I don't even need the HD version to say that. Played the GCN version around 2011 and it was still mind blowing. Cel Shading is the key to 3D video game immortality.

The ending is so fun. First (only?) non brain dead final boss in a Zelda game. Ganondorf knows what you are planning and figures out your tricks as they go along so you need more and more complicated methods to break his guard.


No Scrubs
It's easily the best looking game I've ever played. I don't even need the HD version to say that. Played the GCN version around 2011 and it was still mind blowing. Cel Shading is the key to 3D video game immortality.

The ending is so fun. First (only?) non brain dead final boss in a Zelda game. Ganondorf knows what you are planning and figures out your tricks as they go along so you need more and more complicated methods to break his guard.

Agreed. Cell shading holds up way better than photo realistic graphics do. There might be games that people say are better looking right now, but in 10 years it'd Wind Waker HD that's still going to look good as fuck.

Cell shading in HD is the future.
Wind Waker also had the best story of the series followed closely by Majora's Mask.

I just wish it wasn't rushed to release since you can tell where they cut a lot of content.


Wind Waker is the worst Zelda I've ever played except maybe for the original.

To put this in perspective it's well below Tri Force Heroes. I have yet to play Twilight Princess.
The ending is so fun. First (only?) non brain dead final boss in a Zelda game. Ganondorf knows what you are planning and figures out your tricks as they go along so you need more and more complicated methods to break his guard.
Did you never play Skyward Sword?


Skyward Sword final boss is certainly my favorite. Although WW is second.

I'm also considering starting to play DQ VII. But I'm not even sure I'll be able to finish during the break lol
Wind Waker is still the only Zelda to make me want to explore its world. Hopefully Breath of the Wild follows suit.

Twilight Princess is still the worst Zelda for being stale and bloated and empty.


...I'm going to have to stay up to watch this now.

I usually clock out around HxH, but I've never seen any of GitS. Now would be a good chance to start.

I hope you have TV captions on, because SAC has lots of cyberpunk dialogue.

It's the best chance for you to start watching S1!
So continuing my tour of the Gundam franchise, I watched War in the Pocket and F91 yesterday.

I actually really enjoyed War in the Pocket, even if it was the inevitable "deconstruction" of the franchise. It was a nice change of a pace telling the story from the POV of civilians and I'll admit, I can be a sucker for the inevitable "downer ending" conclusions.

F91 was some hot garbage. Like, I read before watching this that this was original meant to be full length tv series but because of production troubles they scrapped it. It shows because the movie was just a master cut of jumbled ideas, character being introduced, switching alliances, and killed off with no real fanfare. The fact that it retreads old ground of "shitty adults dragging kids into war" for the fourth time did the movie no favors. Like legit, the only value I see in F91 is if you're really interested in the "what could have been" aspect of it.
Pre hd wind waker was the worst 3d zelda cause of how boring its world was to explore (ocean was waaaay too big, most islands were whatever, grid system took the surprise out of finding a place since every grid spot had 1 thing)

After the hd fixes I'd argue OoT is the "worst" just by process of being the first and every other game having major improvements or unique elements to help them stand out.


Wind Waker is still the only Zelda to make me want to explore its world. Hopefully Breath of the Wild follows suit.

Twilight Princess is still the worst Zelda for being stale and bloated and empty.

Your rewarded for exploration with chests of rupees which you are near maxed out on and inventory that you'll never need to touch given how easy the dungeons are.
Pre hd wind waker was the worst 3d zelda cause of how boring its world was to explore (ocean was waaaay too big, most islands were whatever, grid system took the surprise out of finding a place since every grid spot had 1 thing)

After the hd fixes I'd argue OoT is the "worst" just by process of being the first and every other game having major improvements or unique elements to help them stand out.
I'd say the well and shadow temple let oot edge out.


Unconfirmed Member
3D Zelda just really doesn't do it for me. The only two I've actually managed to play to the end of were Ocarina of Time and Wind Waker. And even Ocarina of Time I basically put on the shelf for something like 6 months or so around the Water Temple and only ever went back to it out of a sense of obligation. (And this was back in 1998-99, mind you.)

And Wind Waker I played through entirely in Japanese. Gamecube import. You know, the version before they "fixed" the Triforce quest for the West. Honestly that part of the game never really bothered me. The things that were bad about Wind Waker were that there were seemingly like 2 real dungeons, and the game was easy as piss, resulting in my using a fairy precisely one time in the entire game (against
Puppet Ganon
). But at least it was super charming.

I've tried to play Majora's Mask about 3 times now and never got more than an hour or so. It just doesn't click with me for some reason. Twilight Princess I really dug the dungeons in, but it just lost me somewhere along the way, and I never felt compelled to go back. Skyward Sword I've had for years and have never even started.

Breath of the Wild looks MUCH more like what I want, though. Although honestly that last trailer with towns and other NPCs did cool my enthusiasm a little bit. I hope they're very very few and very very far between. I want to be utterly alone and lost in the wilderness, not dealing with the "kooky" characters of modern Zeldas.


Unconfirmed Member
Zelda has had kooky characters from the very beginning...

Weird cave ladies who say 5 words don't really count as characters, and the townspeople of Zelda 2 don't have much more to offer either. A Link to the Past has some colorful characters, but 1) they're not hideously ugly thanks to the art style, and 2) aside from Zelda, Agahnim, and Sahasarashahasarashalala nobody has much more than like 2 lines of dialogue in the whole damn game.
Just wait until the enormous success of the live action Naruto film creates an influx of fans. It will be a ratings juggernaut. Watch out dragon ball!
"Why are these white people Asian..." Maybe if we're lucky at some point somebody tries to do a live action HxH only for them to dumb down Nen cause fuck wasting 90 minutes trying to explain the basics of that system.
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