Doesn't quite have the same ring to it
Hellsing had a good run.
Doesn't quite have the same ring to it
It doesn't make sense for the reason to be DeMarco getting shit from sponsors/censors. If that was the case they'd be pulling Hellsing immediately. And even if for some reason they didn't have to pull it immediately, why wouldn't they just show X instead of stopping at IX?
Not enough time on the block to run all 10 episodes.Maybe they can get the rights for next Halloween? Probably start from the beginning to refresh us on what happened.
Fun fact: Final Act is airing 1 week before we expected Inuyasha to end had it not been canceled early.
Final Act picks up literally right where the last series left off, and if memory serves me right from the one or two episodes I saw, it gives you little in the form of recapping the specifics of what exactly had been going down in the Inuyasha anime when it was canceled. It's pretty much just full tilt go time from the start.Alright, this is nice to hear. Same reason why I'll watch DBZ Kai, because it trims down most of the "fat".
Just hope there's an actual ending this time (I'm guessing there will what with it being FINAL Act). A girl I knew in high school who loved Inuyasha was pissed at the original's ending, almost to the point she lost interest in the series.
I really need to pick up Inuyasha again. I marathoned 500 episodes of One Piece in less than a month but have been struggling with Inuyasha for like 2 years now.
Fast pacing sounds good, especially since after the snorefest that Shippuden has been and upcoming episodes of One Piece keeping their pacing pretty slow. It's actually going to be weird as DBZ Kai moves pretty fast as well, though not nearly as fast as Final Act.
That...that's a bit insane.
LICH KING DEMARCO @Clarknova1 · 14m 14 minutes ago
#hellsing fans, I get your frustration. Believe me, no one's more frustrated about it then we are. Sadly some things are out of our control.
LICH KING DEMARCO @Clarknova1 · 14m 14 minutes ago
All we can do is the best we can with the tools we have, so we will never be perfect over here. But we promise to try.
LICH KING DEMARCO @Clarknova1 · 12m 12 minutes ago
I mean I will literally be finishing #Hellsing Ultimate on our air, then DLing 9 and 10 to finish it, too. It's costing ME money too! haha
this is the the guy we are suppose to look up too, huh"DLing"
Guess what,
Hellsing's ending at episode 8.
What's wrong with "DLing"? I feel out of the loop.
"Some things are out of our control. For example, my utter inability to carefully read legal documents pertaining to broadcast rights."
Guess what,
Hellsing's ending at episode 8.
90% of the slump from lack of advertisement on Toonami
FUNimation ‏@FUNimation
@bradsmithVR I'm not sure where you are getting your info, but we do have broadcast rights for 9 & 10.
Which means "we weren't going to allow 9 & 10 to air on TV so close to the physical release date."
I just got promoted to DSD Receiving Manager at walmart. Pay increase and a monday to friday 7-4 position where I get to be my own boss. So very excited and I should never have to worry about Toonami being impacted by work