Guys, I think we'll have to come around to the fact that One Piece isn't that popular here.
I think it's more to do with compatibility and time slot than anything else. Bleach has been at midnight for years, but it almost always loses a ton of viewers from Attack on Titan before it.
Toonamis demograph is shallow? The modern anime fan loves SAO?I honestly want to say it is down to the art style. 4kids didn't help it any, but there's plenty of people in the manga thread who didn't originally want to pick it up because of the art style but loved it when they finally gave it a shot. It goes back to what I've said before, Toonami's demographic is shallow as fuck.
Not starting from episode one along with the travesty that was the 4Kids dub are mostly likely doing the show in on Toonami. Maybe a tad because of the art style as well since it is more exaggerated than most everything else that has and currently airs. Still, I'd put most of my money on starting the show off in the middle of series expecting viewer either catch up with past episodes on their own time or just flat out ignore the connections to past events.
If it was me, I would have skipped the show until I had at least caught up with it because it feels like I'll genuinely miss out on something or have the series spoiled because I didn't watch them in order.
Guess again.
ADSM 11:30 30 ATTACK ON TITAN 0.9 1,199
ADSM 12:00a 30 BLEACH 0.7 954
ADSM 12:30a 30 NARUTO: SHIPPUDEN 0.6 798
ADSM 1:00a 30 ONE PIECE 0.5 621
ADSM 1:30a 30 GURREN LAGANN 0.5 623
ADSM 3:00a 30 SPACE DANDY 0.4 463
ADSM 3:30a 30 COWBOY BEBOP 0.3 407
ADSM 4:30a 30 GHOST IN SHELL: 2ND GIG 0.3 421
ADSM 5:00a 30 BIG O/AN 0.3 437
ADSM 5:30a 30 SAMURAI JACK 0.4 447
What the hell is going on here? I thought the earlier times would help ratings.
Hopefully they recover.
Hundred thousands.
Anyone else think it is weird we will actually have a Naruto end date by next year? Only One Piece and (Kai (for now) will not have end dates.
it's still gonna be like year 2023 or something
now someone less lazy than me actually do the math (making a guess at final episode count I guess)
it's still gonna be like year 2023 or something
now someone less lazy than me actually do the math (making a guess at final episode count I guess)
Not a bad guess. I'm thinking 2028, assuming ~1k episodes, which may happen if they keep on the current ~1ch to ~1ep they have going currently, discounting any possible filler.
FINAL ACT will save Toonami.Cancel Toonami for real this time.
The dream is dead.
With an ending date they won't need to do 1-1 pacing or filler. The only reason for 1-1 pacing or filler is so that they don't catch up, with an ending date that is no longer an issue.
With an ending date they won't need to do 1-1 pacing or filler. The only reason for 1-1 pacing or filler is so that they don't catch up, with an ending date that is no longer an issue.
Guess again.
ADSM 11:30 30 ATTACK ON TITAN 0.9 1,199
ADSM 12:00a 30 BLEACH 0.7 954
ADSM 12:30a 30 NARUTO: SHIPPUDEN 0.6 798
ADSM 1:00a 30 ONE PIECE 0.5 621
ADSM 1:30a 30 GURREN LAGANN 0.5 623
ADSM 3:00a 30 SPACE DANDY 0.4 463
ADSM 3:30a 30 COWBOY BEBOP 0.3 407
ADSM 4:30a 30 GHOST IN SHELL: 2ND GIG 0.3 421
ADSM 5:00a 30 BIG O/AN 0.3 437
ADSM 5:30a 30 SAMURAI JACK 0.4 447
Having a off week now and again isn't a huge deal, if Toonami started to consistently do mediocre numbers like that for more then say 5-8 weeks in a row then we'd see some real panic.
Cross Ange will save Toonami after it's done saving the rest of anime.
I was told KLK was the saviour of anime last year
So who is it this year?
We'll probably see Terraformars on Toonami long before we ever see Cross Ange, with any luck we may actually get a watchable anime without 90% of the screen being black due to censorship
I was told KLK was the saviour of anime last year
So who is it this year?
World Trigger certainly isn't the savior. It sounds like Toei went the cheap-as-fuck route.
Inferno Cop is so cheap, it's hilarious. Each episode is only about 2-4 minutes & you can even watch them all on YouTube, as the series was officially uploaded & even subbed (gotta click "cc").To be fair being cheap hasn't stopped anime in the past from becoming huge
I was told KLK was the saviour of anime last year
So who is it this year?
.Space Dandy saved it this year.
Build Fighters saved anime last year.
Space Dandy saved it this year.
I was told KLK was the saviour of anime last year
So who is it this year?
Build Fighters saved anime last year.
Space Dandy saved it this year.
Space Dandy saved anime so thoroughly that I don't think we need another anime savior anytime soon.