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Toonami |Oct14| A Place for Manly Souls

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It’s an eye for an eye on episode 58 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. As our hammy narrator so graciously informs us, if you deep six a Jedi, you ass is grass. Like a pissed off mafia don, the Jedi Council sends its enforcers Obi-Wan and Anakin to administer some street justice to whatever yellow, roided-out psychopath managed to kill that Jedi and Padawan duo at the end of the last episode. We open as some Republic Commandos touch down in the rain, presenting a coffin to Obi-Wan, Plo Koon, and some other people. They say there were no survivors. One Jedi muses that only Ventress was capable of this, while Plo suggests that maybe a new Sith Lord has risen. Obi-Wan isn’t having any of it, though, as he says this can only be the work of a “reckless, impulsive animal.” A savage, of sorts.


Meanwhile, Dooku decides it’s time for Savage to get on his level. He hands the guy a lightsaber and. like every good combat skills teacher in every movie ever, beats him up like it’s nothing while berating his skill. And Dooku has a point, since Savage doesn’t even seem to realize that he, as the Darth Maul palette swap, also has a lightsaber that can fire up on both ends. Seriously, he only uses the one blade. We cut to Obi-Wan meeting with Yoda and Mace Windu, who show him a hologram of Savage murdering fools. Being the racist that he is, Obi-Wan mistakes this alien horn man for Darth Maul. Yoda and Mace inform him that all Dathomirians are not, in fact, the same person and that this is a new warrior he should investigate.


Savage’s training continues. But instead of carrying a little green gnome through a swamp, he gets to lift stone columns high in the air. He can’t do much more than barely raise two of them, so Dooku puts his arm around him in and tells him to search his feelings, to harness the power of their friendship. Just kidding, he fries him with Force Lightning to get him to tap into his hatred, and he does this long enough that Savage is eventually able to lift the columns. Exasperated, he asks how he can possibly defend against Force Lightning, to which Dooku simply replies that a master doesn’t reveal all his secrets at once. Somewhere, Mace Windu weeps.


On Dathomir, Anakin and Obi-Wan enter the Nightbrother village, where they are promptly ambushed. The Jedi briefly trade blows with them, careful not to slice anyone in half, until Anakin spots the leader on top of a building and leaps up to take him hostage (without the accompaniment of the Darth Vader theme, sadly.) The guy points them in the direction of the Nightsisters, saying that Ventress took Savage as a mate. So basically that whole horrific elimination process takes place whenever the Sisters want some nooky. Quick cut to Dooku giving Savage a mission to capture a king whose name I can’t spell before Obi-Wan and Anakin touch down in the Nightsisters’ front yard. Obi-Wan doesn’t expect a friendly welcome, but Anakin remarks that he tends to be popular with the ladies. He’s wrong, as the two are taken prisoner and, after a brief disagreement, informed that Savage is on Toydaria by Mother Talzin. After they leave, Talzin tells Ventress that their plot against Dooku must proceed immediately. Ventress doesn’t feel her boyfriend has had enough screentime to take on Saruman yet, but she doesn’t have a choice as Obi-Wan and Anakin are on the way to ruin the whole thing.


Remember Toydaria? Of course you don’t, because it was the subject of an episode that starred Jar Jar Binks and Bail Organa. Long story short, the king there was supposed to be neutral but helped out the Republic anyway. Savage, remembering to use both ends of his lightsaber this time, breaks into the throne room and kills the guards. The poor king is determined not to go quietly and brandishes a scimitar, which is promptly cut in half. He’s captured just as the Jedi arrive to fight Savage using those weird floating platforms. And they’re somewhat successful, as they pin down Savage and give the king a chance to escape. But Savage manages to grab the king with the Force and snap his neck before crushing Anakin and Obi-Wan beneath one of the platforms. He drags the king’s corpse onto his ship, pushes the Jedi’s to the ground far below, and departs.


Dooku isn’t pleased with his apprentice’s failure to bring the king back alive and starts zapping him with Force Lightning. Savage begs forgiveness, but Dooku informs him that forgiveness isn’t how you score Dark Side points and continues the electrocution. The door opens behind Savage to reveal Ventress, who finds this scene shockingly familiar. She pokes him in the forehead to activate him, and the two prepare to find out if they can beat up an old man.


We cut to Anakin and Obi-Wan, who have commandeered a Toydarian ship, as they randomly explain the reasoning for all of this: Dooku is pissed that the king helped the Republic. Remember, beneath all the murder and torture this is still a children’s show, after all. They arrive on Dooku’s ship and make short work of some wacky, talking Droids. Meanwhile, it’s a red lightsaber rave in the control room as Dooku proves he’s pretty spry for a guy who’s 80something. Between Ventress and Savage, he’s dodging a total of four lightsaber blades, and at one point he loses his own and still manages to duck under Ventress’s attacks. Throughout this fight, Ventress seems to be the only one who can even approach Dooku as he manages to keep Savage at a distance through repeated, hilarious bursts of Force Lightning. Ventress yells at Savage (rather tamely, actually) to get with the program, but he decides he’s had enough and attacks both her and Dooku with a Force Choke. I can forgive him not doing this before and failing to kill them since he’s in a fit of rage, which raises his power level and makes him brick stupid, but I have to do some mental gymnastics. And it’s Star Wars. When is the Force ever consistent?


Dooku realizes he can’t take on both of these crazy kids at once and escapes through a hatch, with Ventress in pursuit before it closes. Savage is left behind to face Obi-Wan and Anakin. Dooku quickly gains the upper hand against Ventress, who realizes she’s outmatched and narrowly escapes. Savage holds his own against Obi-Wan and Anakin. Dooku issues the command Droid a kill order against Savage. Obi-Wan, Anakin, and our favorite howling madman enter the hangar and engage in a brief three-way battle with the Droids before Savage dispatches everyone with a big area-of-effect Force attack and escapes. Anakin and Obi-Wan decide to not pursue Dooku at all and leave, too.


Savage runs home to Mommy Talzin, complaining that he almost beat those Jedi who kicked his ass on the playground. Talzin informs him that he should seek out a new teacher, a long-lost third brother who lives in exile in the Outer Rim…

So this is one of the best episodes of Clone Wars, period. There's some really nice framing (especially in the final fight), allegiances are always shifting, the fight choreography is nice. It's just an all-around fantastic action episode that I'm sad won't get to air on Toonami. There are the usual problems with slightly juvenile writing (different characters call Savage a "monster" twice within the span of two minutes in exactly the same way) and some slight inconsistency with the powers. Also, I didn't find Obi-Wan's detective work to be all that engaging and "Darth Maul is your brother!" feels like it should have at least been hinted at. But damn, those fights. They're really something else.



Yeah, there are a lot of quality episodes of Clone Wars in the back half of the show. I still haven't seen the last season, but the last broadcast season was also pretty solid.

You also unlocked GMN's post.

And it's in the middle of the page.


Enjoyed the new Gundam even though I have no idea how to follow the story right now.

I understand that right now. Seems all over the place, but usually a lot of stuff starts coming together after the first few episodes as to who are the warring factions or whatever.

I started Turn-A and the first episode was absolutely fantastic. Way down key, which I feel too many Gundam shows do not do. Loved the lack of actual combat till near the end of the 2nd episode too.
I have some stuff to do today so I had to let the download run by itself last night. As a result I barely got to play some quick matches right now. Man, Lucario is still as good as I remember him. Y'all better watch out. My boy Lucario and I are coming to get ya.


I know this doesn't seem to be the popular opinion, but I agree. Whenever I read a lighter text on darker background, it leaves afterimage 'streaks' in my vision momentarily.

Well I get what you mean but in general I like darker colors >.>


I know this doesn't seem to be the popular opinion, but I agree. Whenever I read a lighter text on darker background, it leaves afterimage 'streaks' in my vision momentarily.

It took a little time to get used to the dark theme when I switched to it, but it has helped me reduce eye strain that seems to come from the lighter theme. It's also a nice contrast to looking at excel workbooks all day.


Unconfirmed Member
I know this doesn't seem to be the popular opinion, but I agree. Whenever I read a lighter text on darker background, it leaves afterimage 'streaks' in my vision momentarily.

I use the white theme on my work computer, dark theme on my home PC. I think it works quite nicely that way.
there's an unexpected guest appearance on this next episode of Clone Wars.

i just have to tear myself away from Smash Bros. long enough to review it.
I know this doesn't seem to be the popular opinion, but I agree. Whenever I read a lighter text on darker background, it leaves afterimage 'streaks' in my vision momentarily.

The only positive to the dark theme is spotting all the white artifacts on a poster's transparent avatar.

*cough*Man God, Zonic, Jarate*cough*

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Man Smash killed this thread lol

*goes back to playing smash*

My battery is low...so I switched batteries.

Now I'm recharging the first while I watch Build Fighters. This show loves butts in a fairly stealth manner most of the time. It's not a butt service show by any means (Code Geass Season 2) but there's a lot of attention paid there for a young kids show.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Clone Wars has been good now pretty much consistently since going off of TOONAMI. It's a bizarre streak. I think I'm ten episodes past where it ended now.
The only good version of the FFXV meme I've seen is the ordering at McDonalds one, and the drive in movie showing the trailer of FFXV
Fuck, I'm working mainly outside tomorrow and it's gonna be at least 95 degrees outside. I hope I'll have enough strength afterwards for Toonami.
so, who's everyone using the most in Smash Bros.?

Old mains (Marth, Kirby, Ike, Rob, Jigglypuff, C Falcon, Ness), vets that are buffed that I like now (Bowser, ZSS, Pit) and newcomers I like (Dark Pit, Lucina, Mii Brawler). Not feeling most of the newcomers probably need more time with them though

Man God

Non-Canon Member
They got rid of two of the only characters I didn't like playing in Wolf and Ice Climbers so now I'm busy learning everyone. Played a lot with Shulk recently and I'm really feeling him.
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