They make interesting stuff, but sadly not stuff that sells in Japan.
For whatever reason though I love the TOONAMI cut of AGK's opening.
What a shitty way to go out. Gangsta was really great until the ending =/Studio manglobe no longer exists Gangsta is never getting finished
The stuff they made was basically made with american audiences in mind
Man, apartment searching sucks, especially when you see the prices & then fees for stuff like having a pet ($650 TO ALLOW A CAT OR DOG TO STAY?!?).
Long as I can have cable/Cartoon Network for Toonami, internet (hell, if I can get fast enough internet, I'd be fine without cable as long as I can stream), & my cat with me, that's all I truly want. Too bad it's tough finding something that's affordable & it's not like I know anyone who could live with me.
But to get back on topic, yeah, sucks that Manglobe went bankrupt considering they did some other great stuff like Samurai Champloo, The World God Only Knows, & Deadman Wonderland. Though looking through the list, they didn't really make a ton else.
Man, apartment searching sucks, especially when you see the prices & then fees for stuff like having a pet ($650 TO ALLOW A CAT OR DOG TO STAY?!?).
Long as I can have cable/Cartoon Network for Toonami, internet (hell, if I can get fast enough internet, I'd be fine without cable as long as I can stream), & my cat with me, that's all I truly want. Too bad it's tough finding something that's affordable & it's not like I know anyone who could live with me.
But to get back on topic, yeah, sucks that Manglobe went bankrupt considering they did some other great stuff like Samurai Champloo, The World God Only Knows, & Deadman Wonderland. Though looking through the list, they didn't really make a ton else.
That's not too bad in regard to pet fees....
Also, Cartoon Network is on Sling TV which is only 20 bucks a month
Also, I've become a truck driver!
Idk what my schedule will be like with Toonami watching
Having seen Resurrection F recently, I had these thoughts (some mirror yours some don't):Just finished DBZ Resurrection F. I really liked it. Pure Nostalgia Glasses tho as any thing DBZ I enjoy.
Studio manglobe no longer exists Gangsta is never getting finished
Having seen Resurrection F recently, I had these thoughts (some mirror yours some don't):
- It was nice to see some of the old crew get in the action but LOL at
18 staying home to play babysitter while Krillin goes off to fight. I mean Krillin is a better character but from a narrative standpoint it makes no sense.- Gohan.......
just pitiful....shameful really.......SMH- There was a lot of nice choreography but the actual animation left a lot to be desired. CG use was plentiful and almost always TERRIBLE.
- Jaco is awesome. Toriyama is 3 for 3 for adding sweet new characters to the Dragon Ball universe.
- Ending left a bad taste in my mouth.
It denied Vegeta his rightful revenge just for Goku to save the day again? BOO-URNS. I don't even think for a second Goku will actually learn a lesson from this either.- Freiza and Sorbet's
I call bullshit."trump card" was just stupid as fuck. These guys can take on planet destroying blasts with little issue but Goku goes down to a raygun?- With Frieza's henchmen on the poster,
you think they would be big shit but they get one-shoted (or even killed by Frieza) in seconds LOL.- Goku and Vegeta should learn to work together already. The events of this movie SHOULD be a wake up call but I doubt anything here carries over to Super.
Nah, not a big rig, just something I can drive without a CDLBig rig truck? Its ogre for you unless you can watch on your phone and murder your data
& again, our internet isn't really great for streaming. I like stuff in high quality & having stuff load beforehand, so that's why I'm not on board stuff like Netflix & such because you can't just LOAD something, it has to be streamed, meaning we're most likely gonna get stuck with 360p or 480p. Anything higher & it'll just keep buffering every 10 seconds.With like a 2 minute delay, he'd be better off watching online with someones cable account
OMG, finally. I don't know how many fake versions existed on YouTube.
For me, fuck We Go. Not technically the worst OP opening, but it's so bland and lasts for so long that I HATE IT
Glad to see Kotaku continuing to provide hard hitting journalism in the field of anime
Ashcraft is garbage so I'm not surprised.
I'm not all 'LOL Kotaku' like some seem to be, but he is really terrible.
Also giant eyes is literally as old as animation itself.
What was so bad about Beyond the Boundary?
Not on my watch!We're about to go full AnimeGAF.
Pre-Orders for Terror in Resonance are up.
The dub will be released 1/19/2016.
Pre-Orders for Terror in Resonance are up.
The dub will be released 1/19/2016.
We're about to go full AnimeGAF.
bigkrev look what you did
That's why you have a nosebleed!you don't think I approve of all this?
This show was such a massive disappointment and general waste of talent. What should have been an 8 or 9/10 and if executed well a 10/10 was just an awkward 5/10.
Well, better this then Aldnoah Zero to come to Toonami