Nothing will top the insanity of running Trinity Blood and Blood+ back to back.Aldnoah and Ange need to be on simultaneously so that that one hour will break ToonamiGAF but not nuke it like other shows could.
I'm going to assume that when Trinity Blood and Blood+ aired, the board was...something to behold, right?
Well, I did like Blood+, though.
Nothing will top the insanity of running Trinity Blood and Blood+ back to back.
Frisky is the word that comes to my mind.this thread is more rambunctious this week than usual
yes, rambunctious
this thread is more rambunctious this week than usual
yes, rambunctious
JarateI dont think Seda is capable of banning anyone. Hes too nice of a guy
What is the smallest ban you can give someone in the system, can you give someone a 1 minute ban?
Seda banned his own brother that tells me all I need to know
Never been banned thankfully, though I'm the type to sometimes question "is this worth posting?" or just do the equivalent of writing an "angry post" but not actually post it. Also helps there's certain topics (censorship, i.e. Fatal Frame 5's bikini) I know are just a minefield & it's best to just not even go into the thread, let alone post.
At least Awakening's censoring felt off to most people. Fates, however, is going to be interesting to see.Yeah I do that too, that thread is just warmup for when it happens to Xenoblade Chronicles X and FE Fates anyway, especially FE where they censored an ass in a bikini in a fanservice beach dlc
i got banned for recommending School Days
I have never seen School Days
Yeah I do that too, that thread is just warmup for when it happens to Xenoblade Chronicles X and FE Fates anyway, especially FE where they censored an ass in a bikini in a fanservice beach dlc
FE started getting fan service heavy with the third game. It's just gone from 80's and 90's anime tropes to 10's anime tropes.
FE started getting fan service heavy with the third game. It's just gone from 80's and 90's anime tropes to 10's anime tropes.
I should get around to either replaying Awakening or trying some of the DLC. I can pick up other Fire Emblem games multiple times really, really easily but Awakening I have little desire to put back into my 3DS. Was ultimately disappointed with it, I guess.
I am currently playing Secret of Mana. Sprites <3
This post is off-topic.
Are you trying to say that there wasn't any fanservice anime in the 80's and 90's?
Fire Emblem easily demonstrates why seemingly all anime contains some fanservice elements: shit sells.
I think Cia in Hyrule Warriors is hilarious...
I liked Awakening, but it ain't no FE6 or FE7
FE7 is so good.
Lyndis is great.
I ain't about the waifu scene, but Lyn is the best.FE7 is so good.
Lyndis is great.
Something something, my old animated avatar, something something.All hail hector, the best lord