To be fair, Pain is a terrible name
Oh thank god, they can get the ship & go to that freaky fish place and start a new arc finaly.
Why do people spell it that way?
It's clearly meant to be Pain.
Pein just looks wrong...
So fucking dumb. Why didnt Kakashi just use a clone lol
Doesn't Naruto's new move destroy nerves completely or some shit? Think I remember that from the manga.
Next thing you know, someone is going to name a bunny, Carrot!It is pretty on the nose.
Because Kakashi has low chakra reserves and Naruto has massive amounts of it. It's the reason why he's able to create a shit load of clones. It gets crazier later on. If Kakashi had Naruto's chakra, he'd be a monster.
His dick.
You fucking know it!I've been meaning to ask zedreamcast, is your avatar supposed to be gender flipped Alex from Third Strike?
Next thing you know, someone is going to name a bunny, Carrot!
Too bad Usopp didn't come with, he could've gotten a bounty too!Sniper King has one!
Nice to meet a fellow Alex mainYou fucking know it!
Why do they still call him Pirate Hunter Zoro if hes a pirate?
If the next arc is what I think it is, im gonna tell my experience with it.
It starts off fucking hilarious, than gets really sad with a certain character's backstory.
Than I think it meanders forever and is boring and god i just want this arc to end because its so dull to look at dear god kill me
then it has an awesome final fight, then I got REALLY into one piece after that arc.
Why do they still call him Pirate Hunter Zoro if hes a pirate?
He still fights other pirates.
It was clever in Japan I guess. Not so much for English speaking viewers.
Why do they still call him Pirate Hunter Zoro if hes a pirate?
Why is Nami so surprised that she has a bounty when shes on a crew of people who just declared war on the world government.
Why is Nami so surprised that she has a bounty when shes on a crew of people who just declared war on the world government.