You're a freshman Soul, you are WAY to young to be worried about passing.
Being a senior rocks. Coast my way to victory!
Please watch Shingeki Chugakko
I'm actually really on top of things this semester to my surprise...
Socially on the other hand...
I'm actually really on top of things this semester to my surprise...
Socially on the other hand...
In the dusty basement where we met
May you surprised me so much
Because youre talking now
I gotta find the truth from many fights
But Im all alone
Youre the only one who can help me out
Well be as one
Were ready to fight
Look over there
They try to kill us for stars
Our bond has got much stronger than before
*Dont lose your way in your mind
We have to be as one
Dont be afraid my sweetheart
This is the way to be more strong
Harbour my deep secret
It makes me so blue
Run through this game before my body is dry
So it seems theres no other choice
But to go all out
Stay with me and lets stand out
and outshine those trying to get our stars now
All we have to do is figure out how strong we are
and what it takes to stay alive
Sync and learn what we can do to take em down
Its revenge and survive
For now, we know in part
And you can feel my heart
So help me to stay focused so I dont fall apart
I wanna be complete
Its not in me to retreat
I could lose on my own so I really need you with me
I gotta find out who killed my dad
I hear the voice of you in my mind
I gotta find out who killed my dad
I hear the voice of you in my mind so
My blood is pumping
Im ready to fight when you are
Lets let no one break the bond that is ours
Show them what it means to be a shining star
You have my body
Lets fight as one
Cant move my feet in the dark
I dont wanna be all alone
Cant feel the heat in my blood
Do you remember what he said
*Repeat chorus
I really need you with me
Help me to stay focused
I wanna be complete
Fight as one with me
Lets take em down
Be a shining star
You have my body
Im ready to fight when you are
Laid the fuck out.
I'm actually really on top of things this semester to my surprise...
Socially on the other hand...
DS is, but its a power that can only activate at 2am Sunday mornings.
Haven't found a full time job after graduation and my loan payments start in a month
Cubs did win though.
-sees Pappenbrook discussion-
-is watching Durarara-
-starts laughing-
...goddamnit this thread is 3 fast 5 me
Actually, Durarara was the first time I've heard of Papenbrook, before SAO/BE/AoT. He channeled the smugness of Masaomi pretty effectively.
Heard Papenbrook in Graces F for the first time. Didn't think he was that bad, especially considering how bad his character is.
Great game though.
Ahh, the old days of being in the NL.
You better knock out the Cards.
No title though. =D
Houston losing to Cubs in WS confirmed
I'm not kidding about the Titan movie. Hardest i've laughed in a theater since Borat a decade ago.
Fuck Back to the Future.
Fuck Back to the Future.
Tuned into the Toonami stream just in time to see Kitan sacrifice himself ;~;
Fuck Back to the Future.
Never forget.
This show is so great, and it would be way better if Yoko kissed Simon also.
why would you want Simon to die
why would you want Simon to die
It doesn't necessarily mean that Simon will die.
Yep, but that goes for almost everyone in that universe. When you get older, you realize that Krillin, Gohan and Vidal are the only ones who have their lives in order, even though you laughed at them so much as a child.When I was a kid, I looked at Goku and Chichi's relationship as cute.
Now that I'm older I look, and think damn, that relationship is dysfunctional as all hell.
I thought GL was pretty mediocre other than the last episodes. Expected it to be some revolutionary show after the absurd hype people gave it before airing.
You guys joke about Yoko but I wonder if she ever married. She did have two of her great loves of her life die right in front of her eyes only hours after they got serious. It probably put the poor girl off relationships forever. All we see of her at the end is an old teacher by herself. :/
You guys joke about Yoko but I wonder if she ever married. She did have two of her great loves of her life die right in front of her eyes only hours after they got serious. It probably put the poor girl off relationships forever. All we see of her at the end is an old teacher by herself. :/
Love of her life is probably too strong a term but she was certainly flirting with him. Still, she must be aware by then of her effect on the men and their untimely demises.Does Kitan really qualify as a love of her life? I never felt much between Kitan and Yoko other then the fact Kitan thought Yoko was hot and he was dtf if she was.
That's what probably happened.