And ANOTHER twist... and ANOTHER! Twists within twists within twists. Man GitS is some good stuff. Worth staying up for.
Not a bad night overall... looking forward to seeing how our new shows progress. Later.
So, how much Bleach does Toonami got left before it goes on indefinite hiatus? I stopped paying attention to the anime after I realized the manga wasn't going to go anyplace good.
Frankman, you're rocking a .hack avatar (season 2 even!), so I feel justified.![]()
The show ends in 100 episodes, if that's what you're asking.
The show ends in 100 episodes, if that's what you're asking.
Second time watching Bleach OP
is alright
But how far out do they have it dubbed? I guess it brings enough viewers to make sure to not need to rerun an arc to get more voice work in.
But how far out do they have it dubbed? I guess it brings enough viewers to make sure to not need to rerun an arc to get more voice work in.
Damn that show just goes. I can't believe the squeezed out 100 episodes with what little they've got left to adapt, even with filler.
About a third of what's left is filler. I think.
Second time watching Bleach OP
is alright
But I don't want a nice ending. I don't need to see that. I just need it hinted at. My constant hate of nice things must be why I like Casshern so much, haha.
It's one of my favorites. In terms of rank...
- Rolling Star (#5)
- D-tecnoLife (#2)
- Melody of the Wild Dance (#13)
- Velonica (#9)
- Change (#12)
- Alones (#6)
- Asterisk (#1)
- Ichirin No Hana (#3)
The rest weren't memorable to me.
So the repeat run for Eureka had the April Fools night promo for the Gundam Wing DVD. Can't be a coincidence between that and Outlaw Star's promo in the first run. Both are Bandai shows, as is Eureka, so advertising Bandai's shows must be part of the deal to get Eureka back.
Interesting, and if they can make those kinds of deals to cut costs, it could potentially really open up options for Toonami.
Indeed. The future looks bright for YYH's chances.
Hope they upgrade them to TOM 3.5 though, 3.0 is just hideous.
And if I remember correctly, Bleach filler is the worst filler. That makes the direction this series goes all the sadder.
I missed this weeks promo/review =(
There was none, likely because of the new intros and outtros for the 2 new shows.
Bleach and Casshern had new outros, too, plus the new lineup bumps.There was none, likely because of the new intros and outtros for the 2 new shows.
I'll guess Unmechanical. I don't know anything about it but everyone always brings up how short it is.@Clarknova1
#toonami fans: this weekend we will be giving you ANOTHER new game review! Hint: it's a quickie little title.
Indeed. The future looks bright for YYH's chances.
So what's the early word on the new shows? Haven't jumped in this thread in a couple months.
Samurai 7 is based on Akira Kurosawa's Seven Samurai. Even if they completely blew it with the adaptation (which GONZO is perfectly capable of), the base storyline should still be damn good. At 26 episodes in length, it will be probably be holding down the fort at 12:30 for a while, unless something like Inuyasha: Final Act moves in when Casshern ends.
Agree'd, but I don't think it would do anything for the block ratings wise.The latter being Gonzo's best show to date.
Agree'd, but I don't think it would do anything for the block ratings wise.
Probably be a better selection than Casshern.
They should get Hell Girl. Funimation has the first season of the series.