Something actually happened plot-wise and it was still incredibly boring. This fucking show. Time for FMA Brotherhood.
i should have my own room
with a hot nurse
Heheh. The way he said that second part really got me.
This episode does a good job building Mustang's character.
You know what also does a great job building his character? The Ishval war, which was given an entire volume of the manga (150+ pages and 4 chapters), but was mostly cut from brotherhood, with what remained being shown in 30-120 second bits and pieces spread throughout various episodes.
Bradley just went up the huge ladder, in about a second, without hands.
imagine if Bradley were in his physical prime instead of being 60 years old.
These poor guys would never stand a chance.
Not that they stand a chance anyways.
April 27th is when Bebop is slated to rerun. They've said chances are one of Bebop's episodes will be replaced by IGPX. I wonder if they'll replace the other Bebop episode with GitS or something or if they'll just have Bebop start over again with one episode a week. For some reason I doubt they'll remove Bebop altogether though.
Jet snaps the guy's neck, kids are laughing, run up and take his sunglasses.
I think it's ludicrous that I would have to wait until 3am to watch Cowboy Bebop (CT if the times in the OP are still correct), but I never seemed to mind it when I was a little kid staying up that late every chance I got.