Let's rewatch Aizen passing a kidney stone
What people are excited about Sword Art Online?
How does he scream when his lungs are gone?
Happy Bday my cat friend.Hellooo gaf.
C'mon Aizen. Make this birthday special.
Happy Bday my cat friend.
Even at 6 boobs lady had boobs.
Gin got fucked up
Yup flashback, must mean one of the bad-guys-but-not-as-bad-as-we-were-made-to-believe is dying.
Aizen's ultimate power up is the Smash Ball.
Faint you mean faint!Truefact: Butterfree died in the Japanese version. That's what I heard at least.
Sadder than most Bleach flashbacks.
Truefact: Butterfree died in the Japanese version. That's what I heard at least.