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Toonami |OT8| Our Summer War Game

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ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ

Young Justice > Akira

I love this GIF.

One TOM Moon, I like it.

Yea I'm already talking to people about this universities MAT program, masters for teachers. It seems like fun but will take alot of time.

Sounds rough. Good luck with that.

I just got through a cluster of exams myself, although most of them were just introductory courses. Between that and some meds that I'm taking now, I spend most of my time napping. I'm not missing Movie Month for anything, though.


Gives all the fucks
Looks like the shirts that they'll be giving away this Saturday. Not gonna lie, just having "Toonami" on it is....bland. Maybe that's due to me not finding shirts with just a logo of a company interesting (unless the logo itself is really cool or something).
somebody said they saw this on Tumblr but it's not appearing for some reason:

Toonami Movies and T Shirt Giveaway!!!!!!!!!
We’ve been putting a quarter in the swear jar every afternoon all year long, and now we have enough money to make a few Toonami T shirts.
Check out these sweet designs!
Here’s how you get one of these babies.
Every Saturday in December we’re showing a movie and we’re giving away 200 T Shirts. 800 shirts for the month.
First week is the TOM design
Second week is charcoal and black Toonami shirt
Third week is Navy and White Toonami shirt
Fourth week is TOM design
So watch Akira this Saturday starting at midnight for info on how to enter. It’ll be a random drawing, so everyone will have the same chance to win.
Entry will be open all throughout each Saturday night’s Toonami broadcast.
We wish we could make more, but thanks for sticking with us.
Happy Month of Toonami Movies.
Good Luck!
It's my destiny Schadenfreude

somebody said they saw this on Tumblr but it's not appearing for some reason:

Toonami Movies and T Shirt Giveaway!!!!!!!!!
We’ve been putting a quarter in the swear jar every afternoon all year long, and now we have enough money to make a few Toonami T shirts.
Check out these sweet designs!
Here’s how you get one of these babies.
Every Saturday in December we’re showing a movie and we’re giving away 200 T Shirts. 800 shirts for the month.
First week is the TOM design
Second week is charcoal and black Toonami shirt
Third week is Navy and White Toonami shirt
Fourth week is TOM design
So watch Akira this Saturday starting at midnight for info on how to enter. It’ll be a random drawing, so everyone will have the same chance to win.
Entry will be open all throughout each Saturday night’s Toonami broadcast.
We wish we could make more, but thanks for sticking with us.
Happy Month of Toonami Movies.
Good Luck!
Just saw those odds. Wouldn't be surprised if a few of us in here won a shirt. Looks like I don't have to worry until the second week.


Gives all the fucks
What's the different between 3.0 and 3.33 I see both sometimes.
Basically, the DVD/Blu-Ray versions of the Eva films tend to have the extra numbers (i.e 1.11, 2.22, & 3.33) while the theatrical versions just have 1.0, 2.0, 3.0.

As to why they do that, I guess it makes it feel as though the home releases are "updated" or something, I guess.


Basically, the DVD/Blu-Ray versions of the Eva films tend to have the extra numbers (i.e 1.11, 2.22, & 3.33) while the theatrical versions just have 1.0, 2.0, 3.0.

As to why they do that, I guess it makes it feel as though the home releases are "updated" or something, I guess.

Thanks, makes sense.


Sounds rough. Good luck with that.

I just got through a cluster of exams myself, although most of them were just introductory courses. Between that and some meds that I'm taking now, I spend most of my time napping. I'm not missing Movie Month for anything, though.
Thanks, Introductory courses are easy but you should really pay attention and try to remember everything. If you goof of it will hurt you big time late. Example: me in Japanese.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
It's kinda weird because Ed and Al have it out until it pops up again later on and you realize Al was festering on it a bit.

I actually like it though because given everything presented in FMA 03 it makes a decent amount of sense. No not the he never existed in the first place bit (Winry and Pinako should be enough proof that he's not just some crazy dellusion of Ed) but the idea that what is left of him isn't exactly Al.

I do like the manga/FMA:B excuse that Ed's lifeforce is keeping both of them alive and that's why he's short though!
It's kinda weird because Ed and Al have it out until it pops up again later on and you realize Al was festering on it a bit.

I actually like it though because given everything presented in FMA 03 it makes a decent amount of sense. No not the he never existed in the first place bit (Winry and Pinako should be enough proof that he's not just some crazy dellusion of Ed) but the idea that what is left of him isn't exactly Al.

I do like the manga/FMA:B excuse that Ed's lifeforce is keeping both of them alive and that's why he's short though!

seriously, this kid believes a guy called BARRY THE CHOPPER over everyone else. if he actually saw somebody who was like this (i don't count the Homunculi), it might be less stupid. but he just assumes this whole memory implantation thing is possible and that his brother did it because he met a murderous suit of armor.
Thanks, Introductory courses are easy but you should really pay attention and try to remember everything. If you goof of it will hurt you big time late. Example: me in Japanese.

Yeah, you have to be especially attentive when you're starting to learn a new language, or else you end up with a lot of weird habits and mental blocks - looks like we both had to learn that lesson the hard way.

Yeah, isn't it somewhat common for studios to clean up theatrical releases for home video nowadays? I always thought it was strange that Khara draws attention to their touch-ups with decimals. I wonder what they'll do if they make another set of releases for the new Evangelion movies in the future - would they give them new titles, or just increase the number by a few hundredths?

Man God

Non-Canon Member
seriously, this kid believes a guy called BARRY THE CHOPPER over everyone else. if he actually saw somebody who was like this (i don't count the Homunculi), it might be less stupid. but he just assumes this whole memory implantation thing is possible and that his brother did it because he met a murderous suit of armor.

He's very convincing!

That Barry is the best.
It's especially stupid in 03 as Al met the real Barry before Barry became a suit of armor. There is literally zero reason for Al to believe Barry
Actually the idea of Al being fake contradicts the whole series

The beginning of the story has Ed and Al attempt to revive their mother but "what equals the value of a human soul" shenanigans and everything goes bad. Ed even gives up his arm to bind Al's soul to the armor.

If Ed really did what Barry suggested, Ed would have basically created a new soul with implanted memories in the armor that thought it was Al. If Ed could have done that then he probably would have done the same thing and created a fake mom too.

Hell why would Ed have been willing to die to save Al from Scar if he was fake? The more I think about it the more illogical it is and it's especially frustrating as Al always came off as the level headed and intelligent.
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