Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Day one.....I mean who would buy this trash?
aint no shame, I actually really want that tharja figure >.>
Day one.....I mean who would buy this trash?
Kayos putting toonami gaf on fbi watch list again
Kayos putting toonami gaf on fbi watch list again
Also the lyrics to samurai jack's theme song take on a whole new meaning.
Samurai jack will be a "free" show correct?
For all the SAO fans. NSFW
It's actually pretty creepy... lol.
aint no shame, I actually really want that tharja figure >.>
For all the SAO fans. NSFW
It's actually pretty creepy... lol.
I like this, its also because of this that there isnt a show on new-toonami that I dont think they should should regret.podcast summary:
higher-ups are "very happy" with where Toonami is
only really look at ratings over the long haul
in the conceptual stage, the people behind Space Dandy came to Adult Swim
the simulcast was suggested to Adult Swim by the Space Dandy team; Williams Street just kind of assumed it was impossible. DeMarco calls it "simply good luck"
DeMarco seems to have a very very good relationship with Bandai
Funimation was already a partner by the broadcast of Space Dandy was brought to Toonami
"not producing the show in any way" (as in not telling them what to do; they're production partners, but not to the degree of something like Big O")
Shippuden will be in HD when the show actually goes HD
he talks about "renewing Naruto", so maybe that's how that worked? the option was basically either that or get Shippuden, while the rerun was thrown in as an extra.
"Shippuden was what we originally wanted anyway."
Shippuden will be uncut/cut as little as humanly possible (kind of a duh, but whatever)
Naruto is just the 52 "for now", but "things can change". will see what happens after that. has to prove itself at 3am.
"Akira was definitely one we weren't sure we could." sounds like it was the last one to come in.
"we definitely needed to go to the executive level to show as much [of the violent content] as we did [in Akira]." "shocked we got away with what we got away with."
Toonami editing Akira was because it was a last-minute thing.
picking movies was them creating a list and choosing what fit Toonami as well as what was newer. they were "really hoping" for Akira and Summer Wars. wanted Trigun back on the block (don't read into this, guys)
"Sword Art is doing pretty much what we hoped it would do." the question is about airing stuff at 2am. he doesn't really answer that and says that it gets harder to hold viewers the later it is, which is what leads him to praising SAO. i wouldn't really panic about this, though, it's probably just not wanting to divulge that information.
may look at playing new episodes of a show if they are made.
Daylight Savings is just an hour where they like to experiment with stuff.
DeMarco wishes Korgoth was made into a series because he is awesome. he also says the show "fits perfectly" with Toonami. King Star King sounds like it was filler; he says it was between that and Superjail. ("could thematically fit with Korgoth and Kick-Heart"). characterizes King Star King as "a violent action show."
the staff was kind of surprised at the negative reaction to King Star King.
doesn't like to get into the conversation about what fits Toonami since he feels after working on it for 13 years he has a little bit of a better idea than most people do.
wasn't planning on doing a mixtape, but the almost universal appreciation for IGPX's music and the bombardment of requests for a soundtrack of some sort prompted him to do this. they tried to do a soundtrack back during the show's initial run.
"getting the money together" is what took forever to get the Toonami comic going. they have an artist, writer, and producer. won't be ready for a while. not sure how they're going to distribute it; motion comic? one page a week? all at once?
"the programming department" thought Clone Wars made more sense closer to CN. references people waking up making the 5am hour more successful; it's a "fact of television" that the dead hour is 3-5, and the 5am hour is where things start picking up again (1:23:00). says the show might actually do better at 5am than 3.
Eric Walkman (?) and a couple others designed the Clydes, worked as a Toonami designer starting with TOM 2. is now working on this basically in his free time.
Xbox money went to Clydes and hyperspace.
they plan on doing more Clyde bumps in the future. "extra elements" in the background.
they don't know how Twitter is going to work into the ratings.
DeMarco says Toonami's purpose is to "present" things to viewers, exposing them to things they would not check out otherwise.
still not enough unique shots of TOM for them to personally feel comfortable.
"Adult Swim wants Toonami to remain an action block, we at Toonami want Toonami to remain an action block." action is the most viable genre as far as ratings go.
"i genuinely have no idea" about the final Clone Wars season.
Samurai Jack is coming to Toonami once FLCL ends, not sure of the timeslot.
also one of these guys sounds a HELL of a lot like i do.
I'm betting Naruto does well and leads to...more Naruto.
The thing about getting away with Akira on Toonami is an interesting one.
This block airs past midnight on Saturday/Sunday morning. Comedy Central has aired tits and ass comedies completely uncensored in this block (including an animated show and a few animated movies) but the sticky wicket is that Toonami in name at least invokes good old CN at 4-6 pm where they even slightly to heavily edited very friendly rated Ghibli movies.
They could basically get away with anything outside of straight on pornography on that timeslot in America.
Hell in two weeks they are going to air an episode of SAC that was originally banned in Canada and probably couldn't air in some other stricter on violence countries.
podcast summary:
higher-ups are "very happy" with where Toonami is
only really look at ratings over the long haul
in the conceptual stage, the people behind Space Dandy came to Adult Swim
the simulcast was suggested to Adult Swim by the Space Dandy team; Williams Street just kind of assumed it was impossible. DeMarco calls it "simply good luck"
DeMarco seems to have a very very good relationship with Bandai
Funimation was already a partner by the broadcast of Space Dandy was brought to Toonami
"not producing the show in any way" (as in not telling them what to do; they're production partners, but not to the degree of something like Big O")
Shippuden will be in HD when the show actually goes HD
he talks about "renewing Naruto", so maybe that's how that worked? the option was basically either that or get Shippuden, while the rerun was thrown in as an extra.
"Shippuden was what we originally wanted anyway."
Shippuden will be uncut/cut as little as humanly possible (kind of a duh, but whatever)
Naruto is just the 52 "for now", but "things can change". will see what happens after that. has to prove itself at 3am.
"Akira was definitely one we weren't sure we could." sounds like it was the last one to come in.
"we definitely needed to go to the executive level to show as much [of the violent content] as we did [in Akira]." "shocked we got away with what we got away with."
Toonami editing Akira was because it was a last-minute thing.
picking movies was them creating a list and choosing what fit Toonami as well as what was newer. they were "really hoping" for Akira and Summer Wars. wanted Trigun back on the block (don't read into this, guys)
"Sword Art is doing pretty much what we hoped it would do." the question is about airing stuff at 2am. he doesn't really answer that and says that it gets harder to hold viewers the later it is, which is what leads him to praising SAO. i wouldn't really panic about this, though, it's probably just not wanting to divulge that information.
may look at playing new episodes of a show if they are made.
Daylight Savings is just an hour where they like to experiment with stuff.
DeMarco wishes Korgoth was made into a series because he is awesome. he also says the show "fits perfectly" with Toonami. King Star King sounds like it was filler; he says it was between that and Superjail. ("could thematically fit with Korgoth and Kick-Heart"). characterizes King Star King as "a violent action show."
the staff was kind of surprised at the negative reaction to King Star King.
doesn't like to get into the conversation about what fits Toonami since he feels after working on it for 13 years he has a little bit of a better idea than most people do.
wasn't planning on doing a mixtape, but the almost universal appreciation for IGPX's music and the bombardment of requests for a soundtrack of some sort prompted him to do this. they tried to do a soundtrack back during the show's initial run.
"getting the money together" is what took forever to get the Toonami comic going. they have an artist, writer, and producer. won't be ready for a while. not sure how they're going to distribute it; motion comic? one page a week? all at once?
"the programming department" thought Clone Wars made more sense closer to CN. references people waking up making the 5am hour more successful; it's a "fact of television" that the dead hour is 3-5, and the 5am hour is where things start picking up again (1:23:00). says the show might actually do better at 5am than 3.
Eric Walkman (?) and a couple others designed the Clydes, worked as a Toonami designer starting with TOM 2. is now working on this basically in his free time.
Xbox money went to Clydes and hyperspace.
they plan on doing more Clyde bumps in the future. "extra elements" in the background.
they don't know how Twitter is going to work into the ratings.
DeMarco says Toonami's purpose is to "present" things to viewers, exposing them to things they would not check out otherwise.
still not enough unique shots of TOM for them to personally feel comfortable.
"Adult Swim wants Toonami to remain an action block, we at Toonami want Toonami to remain an action block." action is the most viable genre as far as ratings go.
"i genuinely have no idea" about the final Clone Wars season.
Samurai Jack is coming to Toonami once FLCL ends, not sure of the timeslot.
also one of these guys sounds a HELL of a lot like i do.
I'm betting Naruto does well and leads to...more Naruto.
The thing about getting away with Akira on Toonami is an interesting one.
This block airs past midnight on Saturday/Sunday morning. Comedy Central has aired tits and ass comedies completely uncensored in this block (including an animated show and a few animated movies) but the sticky wicket is that Toonami in name at least invokes good old CN at 4-6 pm where they even slightly to heavily edited very friendly rated Ghibli movies.
They could basically get away with anything outside of straight on pornography on that timeslot in America.
Hell in two weeks they are going to air an episode of SAC that was originally banned in Canada and probably couldn't air in some other stricter on violence countries.
I'm betting Naruto does well and leads to...more Naruto.
The thing about getting away with Akira on Toonami is an interesting one.
This block airs past midnight on Saturday/Sunday morning. Comedy Central has aired tits and ass comedies completely uncensored in this block (including an animated show and a few animated movies) but the sticky wicket is that Toonami in name at least invokes good old CN at 4-6 pm where they even slightly to heavily edited very friendly rated Ghibli movies.
They could basically get away with anything outside of straight on pornography on that timeslot in America.
Hell in two weeks they are going to air an episode of SAC that was originally banned in Canada and probably couldn't air in some other stricter on violence countries.
Sci-Fi literally did not give a shit.
It was non basic cable in most markets back then though.
For all the SAO fans. NSFW
It's actually pretty creepy... lol.
So Samurai Jack never got a conclusion correct? Was there ever a word of god finale?
So Samurai Jack never got a conclusion correct? Was there ever a word of god finale?
First half is a bit long winded, second half is ace though
Genndy's been trying to get a Samurai Jack movie off the ground for years with no success.
It's still in pre-production, if I recall.
Maybe the toonami bump will be what the series needs... I doubt it sadly
“I've been trying so hard every year, and the one amazing thing about Jack is that I did it in 2001, you know, and it still survived.
There's something about it that's connected with people. And I want it, it's number 1 on my list, and now Bob Osher, the President (of Digital Production at Sony Picture Entertainment), is like 'Hey, let's talk about Jack. Let's see what we can do.' And I go, 'You're going to do a 2D feature animated movie?' and he's like, 'Yeah. Maybe. Let's do some research and let's see.'
So it's not dead for sure by any means, and it's still on the top of my list, and I'm trying as hard as I can.”
Here's a Genndy interview with IGN from last year.
The movie might still have a chance.
The deal he has with the studio is he does three movies for them then they give him free reign to do whatever. The exec an interviewer was talking to about it sounded real excited about a Jack movie. Odds are we'll get that movie, Toonami may help speed the process up a bit. Especially if it proves the audience is still there.
Here's a Genndy interview with IGN from last year.
The movie might still have a chance.
Hopefully these along with the updated tweets to impact ratings can create a positive impact, imagine a scenario where the samurai jack finale movie can air first on Toonami.
I'd rather have it in theaters first, but that would be good too.
Let's not get crazy here lol even if Samurai Jack got a theatrical run I imagine it'd be limited the way most anime films are
I dunno, Genndy's last movie was Hotel Transylvania. That got a pretty big run.
There's a difference between generic cg meant to sell toys to idiot kids movie and an action 2d anime esque film aimed at teens and young adults lol
For all the SAO fans. NSFW
It's actually pretty creepy... lol.
Lazybones will be happy
Speedwagon is alive in part 2 ads an old man and plays arguably a bigger role in the story
I feel if the Smurai Jack movie was ever going to happen, it would have happened by nowI'm not hopeful (though I'd love to be proved wrong).
Next you're going to be telling me that his ghost shows up in Part III or something :/
oh and cool about Samurai Jack coming back. Never watched the entire thing
Neither has anyone else!
Trust me I wasn't happy about it either
Neither has anyone else!
I've caught a number of Samurai Jack episodes here and there, but never in any pattern or order.