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Toonami |Sep14| This is our Final Dandy, baby

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Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Good morning everyone. That was some night huh?
Great work as usual SAB

Attack on Titan:
Another crazy episode. The FemTitan continues to be an absolute beast.
As for her identity, I'll just say it was harder to figure out in the manga since the manga's art is crap.

More Facebook trolling, more Kamen Rider Ichigo, and the stupid scene where Facebook is inserted into all of the past moments of Bleach. ... Yep...
Only 7 episodes left.

Space Dandy
That episode was amazing. Loved the 2D aspect, and the insanity of a 4D woman. I do wonder if she was meant to mock the Otakus that claim "2D is better".

NOTHING FUCKING HAPPENED! How did this show not get cancelled? Much less last 377 episodes at this point?

One Piece
And thus we learn the giants have a connection with a past arc, one of the many great aspects of One Piece is connecting to the past no matter how old. It's also why you NEVER skip anything when reading the manga or watching the canon episodes. It's also why people decry the 4Kids dub outside of the overzealous editing and poor voice acting, the plot holes they created by skipping Little Garden.

Gurren Lagann
Yikes... I can see why people call this the worst episode. It's not just that the animation looks completely off and lazy, but the plot itself was bland. I mean, the villains were Tribbles with legs. Well, if this is the lowest point, then I'm glad we're past it.

Beware the Batman
In case you missed my post, this episode was written by Adam Beechen. He wrote a controversial storyline where Cassandra Cain turned evil.
Jeez this episode was dumb. Seriously, "everyone" did it? What kind of crap was that?
Maybe it could have worked if it had the Riddler, and the riddles weren't dumb, and we actually cared about the characters.

Hellsing Ultimate
Fuck yeah! Now that's the kind of action we need.
This part sets up our main cast, the rival character, and showing how OP Alucard is. Also, mountains and mountains of blood!


Hellsing was as fun and silly as I remembered. I can't think of a better person to ham it up as Alucard than Crispin Freeman. The person they got for Alexander Anderson was also wonderful.

I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of the dub, I enjoyed the first episode all around.
I also gotta say that I really like the character designs.

And now that Gurren Lagann's worst episode is behind us, Toonami is looking great. This is a nice turnaround from when we had awful things like SAO and Blue Exorcist.
Now if only we could get rid of BtB.


Great work as always SAB CA.


Good morning peeps.




Absolutely fantastic.


Sorry I wasnt there with you guys, ended up staying up and playing Destiny during the bad shows and watching the good shows

I dvr'd hellsing ultimate because I could not get past Beware the Batman

Is Humpty Dumpth an actual villain in the Batman universe, and why would you use him in a cartoon with all the great Batman villains

Beware the Batman might be worse then SAO, it's actually really sad


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Sorry I wasnt there with you guys, ended up staying up and playing Destiny during the bad shows and watching the good shows

I dvr'd hellsing ultimate because I could not get past Beware the Batman

Is Humpty Dumpth an actual villain in the Batman universe, and why would you use him in a cartoon with all the great Batman villains

Beware the Batman might be worse then SAO, it's actually really sad

http://batman.wikia.com/wiki/Humpty_Dumpty Yes, he's real.

Early in Beware's production, they were dead set on "obscure as fuck villains only". Which is why we got Professor Pyg, Mr. Toad, Magpie, Anarky and Tobais Whale. The most recognizable they wanted to get was Ra's al Ghul.
You could tell they made a mistake as after Ra's was defeated, more well known characters started appearing like Harvey Dent,
Killer Croc and Deathstroke
I didn't really hate this Batman episode since the "game" stuff was more entertaining than what we usually get. But they didn't go far enough with it and the mystery solution was laughably bad

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Samurai Jack is a great show that has zero business being at 5:30 am as its impossible to watch in any kind of comfortable position and not fall asleep

Welcome to my position on the matter months ago when it started in its original time slot. Hell its so relaxing they could put it up at 11:30 and I'd have a chance of falling asleep.


Sketchbook Picasso
I fun with that dump, even though I probably wanted to stop drawing and just DRAW more in this night than most normal nights before.


Hey Mr. SPACE DANCY: I love how well Dandy avoids spoiling key points of their plots in previews. We had an entire 2D Is Superior world, and not one hint of this dropped throughout anything.

I actually found the secret to warping easy to understand. The only odd part is that the carrying of memories should help her get a bit over her feeling of losing the one she loved, y'know?

IN the next Episode of Black J., Bleach: Digging out those old "cels" in order to insert Tsukishima must have been quite a trip down memory lane for the production staff. I actually liked getting to see an extended view of what the other's memories looks like. It would have been nice to see him go through some costume changes and progression, however. He's so static, it should give away the suspect nature of the memories.

I root for the AoTITANS: Female T. has such piercing eyes still. So odd to see something that large look at you so calmly and calculated. Female titan also has a large disdain for redshirts.

I see no problem with leading enemies into a place where Omni-directional gear can shine, BTW.

Guren Lagaaaahhheh?: Hehe, the style is kinda bad for the show, but I don't mind it as much as I could. Look, we have another Hinata / Orihime on the block! More Sheh charactersss... Black Siblings are an interesting little subgroup, though it feel so weird to meet so many people who could survive beatmen attacks aso fast... (I guess it fits the show in the end, though).

I swear Simon is the one that looks worse in this style. The Mecha and Yoko actually turn out fairly well, though not perfect at all. The worse of GL is still entertaining, so cool beans.

HELLSING CHAMPIONSHIP EDITION!: Man, 80's ultraviolence messed me up. This doesn't feel nearly as "gore porn" as those old shows that specifically drew detailed eyes, entrails, etc. It's like everything explodes into Dust, and blood obstructs a lot of the actual impact areas.

And then as an OVA... I really like the designs and the "mature" feeling of it all, that does feel pretty classically old anime, like a Ninja Scroll of Vampire Hunter D....

... But at the same time, I'm surprised at some of the "cheap" moments that get repeated. You normally don't see too many of those in a classic OVA... :-/

Crispin makes the show, THANKS FOR BEING HERE MR. FREEMAN! What a character for him. I was happy to hear "Old Ape Face"'s VA in there too. I like the voice and script so far. So far, it's a lot more dark gothic-y and dramatic than sweary-to-fit-ultra-violence, as Black Lagoon (and the little I've seen of old Hellsing) would lead me to expect. This might change, but it was an interest feel for western dubs.

Seras feel like watching Excel Excel fall into a gory anime at times. Kinda weird. I appreciate it though. Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing is pretty interesting so far, feels nice to see someone kinda Chill like her, after the B*tchfest of quickly violent personalities that was BL.

Could Priest Anderson STOP WITH THE EVIL LOOK in his intro moments? He just kept GOING and GOING more and more with it... FMA handles the piercing look better than that scene, where it happened so much, it was kinda comical, rather than creepy.

Overall, I think I'll enjoy having this show on the block. It's sure to get better and better as it goes on, And it's nice to have a show where even the jokey characters are still drawn like fully adult, sleek characters. I'm not instantly ULTRA SOLD on it or anything, but I feel like I haven't seen anything that looks like this on "Adult Swim action" since... Trinity Blood?!

Beware the GREAT FALL: I liked this more than most episodes. It didn't force things as much, and kinda let things flow a bit more naturally than some other times. "Batman's Card is blank because HE DOESN'T NEED ANY HELP, HE'S AWESOME!" ... how does the city's police commissioner feel to have that said when he's in attendance? Heh.


Junior Member
Xillia 2's Loincloth attachment has the description "Adult supervision recommended!" And i instantly thought of you guys :V
How far are you in?

I'm not liking Xillia 2 as much as Xillia, unfortunately. They made some poor decisions with a lot of aspects that were much better in the first.

This will probably be my last Tales of for a while since I haven't seen a single thing other than the battle system from Zesteria that has piqued my interest.


How far are you in?

I'm not liking Xillia 2 as much as Xillia, unfortunately. They made some poor decisions with a lot of aspects that were much better in the first.

This will probably be my last Tales of for a while since I haven't seen a single thing other than the battle system from Zesteria that has piqued my interest.
Just finished chapter 7. This is my side game playthrough (er at my dads soo) so it could take me a month lol


Gives all the fucks
I still need to start on Xillia that I got last year from Black Friday.

.....& Symphonia Chronicles....

.........& Graces f........

...............& finish Vesperia...........

.......also, I gotta work on Resonance of Fate, Star Ocean 4 (PS3), Kingdom Hearts HD, and start FF X/X2 HD.....


I have both of the Symphonia games just taking up space on my PS3, just waiting to be played... I'm also neglecting Xillia 2 because of them...
So how edited was Hellsing last night? I own all of Ultimate but have the first half on DVD. If it's not chopped I'll watch the (presumably) HD Toonami version I DVR'd.


not going to lie, I dozed off a couple times during Hellsing

not because there was anything wrong with the show, but because it was on too late. I usually dozed off after Black Lagoon, but this show is an hour long. I missed a bit of the fights between Alucard and Alexander


Rankings from what I watched

1. Space Dandy
2. One Piece
3. Shippuden (only due to the :dtl stuff)
4. Bleach
5. Flash artist's interpretation of TTGL


Junior Member
So how edited was Hellsing last night? I own all of Ultimate but have the first half on DVD. If it's not chopped I'll watch the (presumably) HD Toonami version I DVR'd.
There didn't seem to be any edited violence. We got dismemberments of all sorts of body parts, holes blasted in bodies, and enough blood to fill the Pacific Ocean.


By the way, Netflix Deadman Wonderland appears to be uncensored.

Still got to watch all of last night's Toonami. Sorry, I wasn't really up to watching last night.


Great work SAB! A little confusing at first with the ordering but I figured it out.

Love the blood theme by the way SAB

Oh wow! I totally did not see that. Thanks! I feel really dumb now. Lol.

Attack on Titan - Female titan is best titan. Such a complete, badass, ruthless killing machine that's (sorta) easy on the eyes. The more I watch Armin be the center of attention the more I wished he was the protagonist. Unfortunately, Eren will be back as the focus next week. I didn't remember much about this episode but that moment when FemTitan is swinging that dude's corpse around a 100rpm is as shocking as the first time I saw it.

Bleach - Ichigo's world continues to be rocked. I like to watch him freak out. If he simply explained to his friends that their memories were altered things might go better for the moron. Ichigo is basically just a big dumb jock, isn't he? On the plus side, it looks like we might get a Riruka battle next week. :)

Space Dandy - I mostly liked this episode for the sci-fi extra/lesser dimensional stuff. The comedy was alright but the emotional moments felt forced and didn't really work. As someone who's actually read the book Flatland, it bugged me that Dr. Gel and Bea didn't completely conform to 2D space. They could still move over backgrounds and such. That's a nerdy complaint, though. My favorite thing about the episode was that Honey was in on the adventure too!

Naruto: Shippuden - I was 100% surprised to see Sakura pawnch Sai in a ruthless way. Woah, a modicum of character development? I was even more surprised the bathhouse parts weren't done to be more pervy. Sai needs to stop staring at Naruto's balls, though. By the way, did anyone else notice that Sai's skin tone was normal when he left the bath? I guess he wears white body paint or something. That Cage Jutsu move looked dumb and I was no way impressed but I do like Yamato. He's a cool dude. A mostly forgettable episode but it wasn't bad.

One Piece - The parts with Sniper King talking to the giant fell flat with me. I'm sure I was supposed to feel nostalgia but as I never saw that arc the scene was pointless. Maybe Sniper King will get the giants to help, I guess? I really expected Blueno to put up more of a fight but that was probably more of a tease for next episode.

Gurren Lagann - Aside from introducing Kittan and his sisters (Kiyoh , Kinon and Kiyal) really nothing happened. That's okay because your brain will eventually block out the memory of this episode due to its awkward animation. The rest of the series goes back to the original style. For anyone who might be getting a "baddie of the week" vibe, don't worry. Team Gurren's current goal is locating where the Beastmen are coming from and stop them. This and the next couple of episodes are just roadblocks in their way they must overcome in order to introduce more key characters. This show has a very large cast.

Beware the Batman - I was only half paying attention but as stupid as it was, there have been worse episodes. It was certainly more interesting than watching Bats be some lowly scrub's punching bag like usual. Having the mayor look and sound exactly like Amanda Waller is so dumb and a big FU to any fans of DCU animation. Also, why does Batman say, "I'm not Bruce Wayne," like it's some kind of justification to be an asshole? I can't wait for this series to end.

Hellsing Ultimate - I came into this with tepid reservations but came away a fan! This was great! The pacing was good, the animation smooth and the accents a pleasure to listen to. It doesn't really seem all that gory but maybe that's just this episode? It's not even really what I would consider "horror". It's more like an action show with supernatural stuff. Police Girl is fantastic and I actually enjoyed her little comedic moments. It makes me like the show more because it's not 100% doom and gloom. When she has that moment of badassery, I started to swoon. ^.^ Alucard is pretty awesome and so is that "regenerator" priest guy, Anderson? It's weird to see vampires using guns but why not? Nazis should make for good villains. Overall, I can't wait for next week's episode!

I fell asleep after that. Everything else on the block was re-runs of stuff I've seen before. A good week of shows from what I saw. A couple of missteps (GL and BtB, mostly) but the rest were solid.
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