Mikasa, you dumb bitch.
get hype2:30 - One Piece - 317 - The Girl in Search of Her Yagara! Great Search in the City of Water!
I wonder how well Studio WIT will handle the second season of AOT.
While we may debate the quality of their shows, what can't be debated is that their shows have all had productions issues, where they are just not finished.
I wonder how well Studio WIT will handle the second season of AOT.
While we may debate the quality of their shows, what can't be debated is that their shows have all had productions issues, where they are just not finished upon their broadcast.
get hype
It's good. The other two are even better.
can't fool me, Non-Canon Member
I really don't like the Filler Arc that comes after it. It doesn't even get my Non-Canon blessing.
Come to think of it, Naruto will also have not great filler to end the year with...
Yeah I checked a One Piece filler list and I gather there are a few episodes of filler here, some canon, and then a filler arc.
Naruto also has a filler arc coming up in several weeks and Toonami will end with an hour of filler running into a Kill La Kill rerun for a few months.
I wonder how well Studio WIT will handle the second season of AOT.
While we may debate the quality of their shows, what can't be debated is that their shows have all had productions issues, where they are just not finished upon their broadcast.
I'm going to guess this has been asked for a while to DeMarco but has not responded.They did. But for some reason Toonami isn't airing the new versions. We should be getting new versions of the OP song with different singers too.
We are a broken record now.The guy behind the anti-smoking ads:
Keep doing this.Here comes EDGE!
The fuck DVD cover is that?Time for
I'm noticing a trend of SMT avys and "dunce".What the hell is this
It's the most influential post-apocalyptic fiction in the last 30 years.Let's be honest. Did people actually care about the Mad Max series before Fury Road?
MM1 was originally suppose to be just a isolated situation.I see. I stand corrected then.
I thought the movie series wasn't post-apocalyptic until Road Warrior though.
Could have been something about being a survivor of mass murder but nope.this is stupid. They should have never dropped the first concept of being trapped in a game.
Metal Gear is always the better choice.I was playing MGS during all that. Didn't really pay much attention. I made the better choice.
Gotham Central, man. But that was gone the moment kid Joker entered the show.Sounds like a yes.
Seriously, a Batman show without Batman is just... wrong.
At least Bill Finger is finally getting credit.
Wut?This is the best episode of shippuden, maybe of all of Naruto
And it's not considered his Phantom Pain."Oh yeah, I just lost this to a random sea king that beginning-of-the-series Luffy one-shot."
Oh, so more revelations.We only knew that Shanks and Buggy used to be crewmates. We didn't know what flag they worked under.
This was the first time it was mentioned to be Gol D. Roger's crew.
Is it a spoiler on who is the strongest non-Devil Fruit user at this point?Yep, Hawkeye is the strongest swordsman in the world. He cut a goddamned galleon in two with his sword and wrecked Zorro with a tiny tiny dagger.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQzgI6xJEH0Heavens divided? Pros
I'm at 52% and just reached chapter 2; a certain point forced me to play story missions consecuvatly but...Toonami was super fun tonight besides SAO.
Can't wait till I finish my paper tomorrow so I can get back to 100% Metal Gear. Night.
This guy was the animation director for tonight's Naruto episode. Quite a lot of impressive stuff under his belt. He also does another Shippuden episode coming up in a couple weeks. One of the best fights in the series for sure.
edit: Here's the episode director. He does the same upcoming episode as well.
...heheh.Plus, it has a shower scene involving Revy. And Roberta.
And they're glorious.
She's the modern OG.No love for Faye valentine?
Death Ghoul School, etc. All these recent anime names are starting to blur to me.Speaking of anime that everyone should check out. I hope nobody forgets Death Parade too soon. It is a shame it is just weird enough to not find a niche and was forgotten so quickly apparently.
If award events payed attention to Nintendo games, Fallout 4 would be shaking.
It's a shame because they show a lot of potential. Regardless of what you think of AoT, some of those 3D maneuver gear scenes are sick. I watched Rolling Girls and that show might have been a bigger mess than AoT production wise. I hear vampire AoT wasn't much better either.
Sometimes I wonder if Shirobako wasn't so much an anime but moreso a warning about an anime industry about to collapse in on itself.Seraph of the End was pretty solid for most of season 1, but 2-3 episodes near the end became bad including one (10 or 11) that was so unfinished large chunks of it are still shots of the ground or of the characters doing action scenes over a still shot of a face or two.
The feels of this episode...
Where is Cornbread Kappa
Sup bitches
That's a face I haven't seen in a whileSup bitches
I went through a time portal!
But seriously, after about 3 months of boot camp I'm now a member of the United States Marine Corps. Yay
I went through a time portal!
But seriously, after about 3 months of boot camp I'm now a member of the United States Marine Corps. Yay
That's fucking awesome, man! Do you know the basics of CQC?
One Piece - Confusing but interesting. As someone who's seen very little One Piece White Beard and Red Hair's conversation left me bewildered. Maybe MetatronM could give a little backstory on these two. It's obvious they are both very important people in this world but I was left just scratching my head while they talked. Meanwhile, I liked that everyone is now joining Franky to build the Straw Hat's boat. I'll be happy once they finally leave Water 7 for new adventures but it looks like we'll be here a bit longer. Rating: Pass the sake
Should I click those spoilers or not? I was more hoping someone could give non-spoilery backstory for episodes that would have already aired (just not on Toonami).
Should I click those spoilers or not? I was more hoping someone could give non-spoilery backstory for episodes that would have already aired (just not on Toonami).
It's the most influential post-apocalyptic fiction in the last 30 years.
I went through a time portal!
But seriously, after about 3 months of boot camp I'm now a member of the United States Marine Corps. Yay
Totally. Brother and I both said "this is just Earthworm Jim now!", and started to hum the cartoons OP.Anyone had that "Peter Puppy" vibe when you saw that Koro dog bulk up?
They even nailed down the red color.
Fell asleep playing Tales of Symphonia last night, long day, lol. Catching up on the hate fest now.