A Pretty Panda
fuckin' called it, man
Man 10 dvds sound like a pain. Are blu rays too expensive to produce for Shout?
So it seems that a Dairanger box set is going to be released in America after Zyuranger. Apparently they included a promo for it in the Zyuranger box set.
Some proof.
Pretty excited since I haven't seen Dairanger yet.
I think that's just the "Brand New Show Dairanger 1993" promo that aired with the final episode of Zyuranger, rather than proof that it will be sold in the US.
I think that's just the "Brand New Show Dairanger 1993" promo that aired with the final episode of Zyuranger, rather than proof that it will be sold in the US.
Good point...
Another screenshot has the subtitle say "Gosei Sentai Dairanger" instead of a translation. As placeholder. I imagine if Shout Factory got the rights, it would be "FIve-Star Squadron Dairanger"
Some FAQ suggestions for the Dino Charge OP
"What makes this season special?"
"Former head writer Judd Lynn is returning as showrunner. His previous credits include In Space, Lost Galaxy, Time Force, and RPM, all fan favorite seasons."
"Dinosaurs again?"
"Blame Toei, and look up the 'Fleeting Demographic Rule'"
"I saw promos for a big epic battle. Was that awesome?"
"Let's not talk about Megaforce... please."
"What about Go-Busters?"
"Go-Busters was a financial flop in Japan. Plus, Bandai sees dinosaurs as more profitable"
"Will they bring in MMPR and Dino Thunder and do a crossover like Kyoryuger?"
"We don't know yet."
"Is Tommy going to be in it?!"
"Go away"
"Don't be a Genwunner"
Noted. Anyone else want to help out with the FAQ? FIgured I'd just post the Synopsis and the ranger bios for the OT.
I dunno, a link to TokuGAF and maybe the Drive and (eventual) Ninninger OTs if they want to see more shows like it?
No Kyoryuger thread is complete without Kyoryuger gifs.
Sweep through the TokuGAF 2013 thread for the boatloads of amazing gifs the show made during its run. If anything can make people interested in the show (and Toku in general), it's Sakamoto stunts in gif form.
I'm still kinda surprised they nixed the footage we saw in Troys dream.And now the realization that there's lost Sakamoto footage on the Power Rangers cutting room floor.
Surely they filmed more for the Legend War then what the series had. I mean, the whole thing was 2 minutes, and only a minute of it was new footage.
I'm still kinda surprised they nixed the footage we saw in Troys dream.
Hell yeah.
Confession... I watched Dairanger through TV-Nihon. The quality didn't bother me as it was a 90s Sentai, compared to their later releases which look like shit.
It's nice to have a better translation now.
Just got back from the ToQ vs Kyoryuger movie:
1. In general the movie was pretty meh. Last year's Kyoryu\Aba\Jyuranger crossover movie was better. This is mostly because the action scenes kinda sucked. Neither team really gets enough time to do cool stuff because ToQ is a bunch of kids for a fight, Ucchi turns into a baby (for the same fight), and the last fight was just bad. You get to see a helmetless role call but thats about it. The spirit rangers show up towards the end, but in suits only (Cyan was Blue's sister Yukoand I assume Grey was Grey's ancestor from the end of the series). And on the ToQ side for some reason the Shadow line folks showed up to help with the last boss (which amounted to them just standing there, really).
I know I shouldn't go into these movies with any sort of expectation they will be any good, they all pretty much universally suck, but I at least i kinda dug last years VS, this one just kinda dragged on without any stand-out scenes. There's a lot more I could talk about (like ToQ becoming kids and how the child actor for green looks hilarious) but honestly I'd rather just talk about NinNinja
2. Ninninja is going to be cool. The impression I got from them in this movie was much better than what I got from last year's VS. Only suit actors as per usual, but we got to see a little bit of each members personality. Red is a cocky\confident type (not hot blooded like Daigo, but not totally cool like Shinken Red, kind of an inbetween maybe? Or maybe the actor was just terrible). Blue is also pretty "cool", he uses magic, didn't really get much of a personality from him. Yellow is a trickster, he used a move where it looks like he was getting beat only it turning out to be a fake. Strikes me as the Michaelangelo of the group (tuned down). Not much I could glean about Pink and White other than they have a very stereotypical "oh you boys" kind of thing going on.
Action scenes were very active, lots of flipping around climbing on things, very effortless and cool. The swords were neat (the henshin sound is the song you hear in the latest trailer ("nanja nanja", very Japanese festival). One interesting thing about them is they had a shuriken that turned big monsters back down to little ones. I'm sure we'll only see that like 2 times in the whole series, but kind of a neat idea. The Gamagama Gun didn't really seem special, just a regular old sentai gun. They also did their final attack, some tornado move where Red stands on the others hands (think cheerleaders) and they kinda spin themselves up into a tornado.
They show up at the beginning of the movie, which I thought was weird, but honestly they were kind of the highlight of the whole thing :/
They did their roll call complete with graphics, and it was pretty neat (read: better than ToQ). They brought back intro lines (something I always hated about ToQ) and all the poses and what not are all very cool.
3. There's a scene where a lawn chair gets smashed. Surely they put that in there for us?
That's it! I still don't like ToQ, and I'm bummed Kyoryuger didn't stand out more (or at least weren't as cool as GoBus last year) but whatever. Bring on the Ninjas.
Keeper, you say?
I wonder if we'll get a new Torin, Doggie Kruger style.
Takaharu Igasaki/RedNinja is the act first, think later type. Always acting like a big brother, hes the center that pulls the group together. Hes extremely caring and is forever an optimist even in the poorest situations, thinking everything will work itself out.
Fuuka Igasaki/WhiteNinja is a pure, positive girl and a very hard worker. The sister of Takaharu, her level-headed nature was influenced by her older brother and she can be swayed by him. It seems that she gets a bit angry/violent when shes depressed.
Nagi Matsuo/YellowNinja has a friendly personality featuring all the hallmarks of youth. It may seem like he isnt paying attention, but hes actually calmly observing his surroundings. Hes a qualification maniac who has acquired a variety of skills and credentials for the future. Hes even got qualifications for a ninja!?
How was King's hair?
worse than movie Tsukasa?
Yep. Bed-head Tsukasa.Which version? The SHT version with "fiery" hair?
All that throat slicing, compact throwing and binaries "hitsparks"... nggghh.man... rewatching some gobuster reminds me of how much I enjoyed the fight choreography. Everything is just feels fast and efficient... which is what youd' want from 'special agent dudes'.
Yep. Bed-head Tsukasa.
Wtf?! How does that happen?Kinda related to Shinkenger: ShinkenRed's actor talks about being paid in peanuts while working on Shinkenger.
Wtf?! How does that happen?
I read that earlier on /m/. I always knew that these kind of jobs weren't exactly a wellspring of dosh but not being able to feed himself is just insane.
Reminds me of Kento Handa when he was shirtless in one of the Faiz episodes.no wonder sentai actors all look so skinny, its not some fancy dieting... just how it is.
Kinda related to Shinkenger: ShinkenRed's actor talks about being paid in peanuts while working on Shinkenger.
And here I thought Power Ranger actors were underpaid...
Yeah, it's pretty bad, but they do it because it's a step-stone to bigger stardom due to the "older mom" audience. Basically, many male actors jump from Sentai/Rider into Jdrama. The line tends to be Musicals (Prince of Tennis) > Toku > Jdrama.
Big winners in this area tend to be Riders, including Hiro Mizushima (Kabuto), Takeru Sato (Den-O), and recently Sota Fukushi (Fourze).
Jump from super sentai is prettttty rare, its almost all riders, with this guy being the rare exception (you can include gaims sano gaku too, and you forgot the big one, odagiri joe)
Kabuto and Den-O was in a jdrama together pretty much playing Kabuto and Den-o sans super powers
Is Sano taking off? I'm expecting big things from him, especially because he seems far more athletic than past Rider actors. Fukushi came out swinging stronger than I've seen in a while. Say I Love You, Kami-sama no Iu Toori, and Kyou wa Kaisha Yasumimasu all in a short period of time.
He was in a drama recently, and actually now that I'm thinking about it, this season there's a crime drama where Takatora plays a nerdy lab tech. Kinda weird.