Edag Plata
so i just acquired ZERO- black blood. it says its related to GARO. can i watch it without knowing anything about GARO??
Yes, but I'd still watch Garo and Makai Senki first...you need to experience those.
so i just acquired ZERO- black blood. it says its related to GARO. can i watch it without knowing anything about GARO??
i want to watch GARO but i want to test this series also.
i want to watch GARO but i want to test this series also.
After Kyoryujin's gattai sequence I was massively disappointed in ToQ-Oh's bleh CG use.
I usually prefer combination sequences with practical effects, but Kyoryujin's was just poor. They didn't even attempt to disguise that it was a toy combining. The miniatures that they used there had lock/dock parts basically identical to the toy's and the way it was shot didn't even try to hide that. Even CG combos are better than that.
odds of kabuto being a scrub in the movie?
Clocked up. Stronger stopped him. He kicked Stronger's ass. SUDDENLY SKYRIDER.
The fuck?
There definitely was a good amount of original footage. Still...
Dairanger would have been explainable along the lines of something with the MMPR white ranger powers. Maskman and Flashman.... not so. I can't say I'm happy about it, but I can't say I'm angry about it, either. I just wish they added some canon to them somehow. Give them a name or something, especially since the Alien rangers are still... well, Alien rangers and not named something else.
The only thing I want explained, is how these people only own one set of clothes.
I like they change and announce every team except for the sentai ones. And what the hell was that nonsense about sensing attacks?
That's the funny part. Just dead silence when they pop those sentai keys.
I'm kinda curious how they are gonna explain rpm. Unless there's an rpm team in this dimension as well.
Super Megaforce 05
It's official, Saban has given up.
From what I've read...
Gosei explained that his "power grid" or something encompasses all time, space, and dimensions. Hence the appearances of Aquitar Rangers, In Space, Lost Galaxy, Time Force, SPD and RPM.
That does NOT explain Flashman, Maskman, or Dairanger.
That's the funny part. Just dead silence when they pop those sentai keys.
I'm kinda curious how they are gonna explain rpm. Unless there's an rpm team in this dimension as well.
Question. Jayden can still morph right?
He hasn't lost his Samurai powers unless something happened between the two shows right?
Well, then that just presents a missed opportunity for some original footage. Having Jayden show up morphed and helping out. It's not like Gokaiger where the former Rangers can't morph due to the Legend War and the Gokaigers holding the keys.
Was jayden listed in the rangers that were supposed to return? I knew green and one of the female rangers was supposed to, but I don't remember hearing about him
He... he showed up in today's episode.
Was jayden listed in the rangers that were supposed to return? I knew green and one of the female rangers was supposed to, but I don't remember hearing about him