If only sakamoto did the show and not just the w movies.
Easily some of the weakest fights of recent riders.
Easily some of the weakest fights of recent riders.
Watch W.
If only sakamoto did the show and not just the w movies.
Easily some of the weakest fights of recent riders.
Still waiting for the rest of the bd re-releases...
Have you seen Gaim?
Actually, Sakamoto did Fourze too and I don't really remember much from the fights except that I wish they were better because I knew Sakamoto was doing it.
Apparently the OT guys are working with that guy to redo some of the subs.
"Watch W"Watch W.
Why did Kouta's despair feel 123212421 times more real than the gates in Wizard? Dude was beyond broken
OH! ALSO! I bought my first S.H. Figuart today! My local comic book shop just randomly had figuarts for Black, Shadow, X, GX, and Kuuga Mighty Form. Liking the Kuuga design the most, I totally hopped up on it. I also talked to the manager there and made some requests. SO HYPE!
Welcome to the black hole. Kuuga is actually one of the older Figuarts, so he's somewhat skinny compared to others (compare it with Ultimate Form, even). Wouldn't be surprised if he gets a renewal like Kabuto, somewhere around next year, but he's still worth it for the design.
Actually, Sakamoto did Fourze too and I don't really remember much from the fights except that I wish they were better because I knew Sakamoto was doing it.
The thing about Fourze was that he fought with tools, which were mostly CGI. Sakamoto is more of a martial arts director, so his strengths were mostly wasted outside of the big budget episodes and movies, where there was enough money for his wire-fu.
i still think Kabuto is a good rider to start with. Sure its up its own ass all the time, but it has its charm, and tendou's badass level is still top for core heisei riders imo.
I started with Kiva, not many people seem to like it but I thought it was good, it had some pretty cool characters and designs and I loved that the story was equally split between 1986 and 2008, it was a unique storytelling device that I had never seen in that form over an entire year.By "entry", I meant "entry level". As in I haven't seen a single Kamen Rider series before.
I want Kaito to rock a new form already!
The 3 minute preview of Kamen Rider Wars felt like it's All Riders vs Dai Shocker again. Nonsense, but pretty fun!
New scan of Battride War 2 showing OOO Burakawani and a character model of the samurai good guy from that particular movie.
Watch W.
Gaim.....just....Gaim. I finally decided to give this show a second chance and god damn is it good! I don't know how I only gave this thing two episodes last time smh. I just finished the episode where Baron comes in and I have to say I think I'm going to like his character. I have a huge thing for graceful characters so this is a huge treat. Although, I would have preferred if it were a girl, this will have to do.
I love how Kurokage and Acorn (?) double crossed Baron without any hesitation whatsoever. Dude is a huge dick and deserves everything he has coming to him. I feel like this season has too many "cool" riders though. Someone's got to give eventually.
I do hope Gaim isn't gonna be the only one getting all the forms.
Forgive me, but... who is that?
Kei Hosogai. He played Basco in Gokaiger.
He grew up in America so he knows all about Power Rangers (and speaks perfect English).
I'm thinking he'll be disappointed since there's no counterpart to Basco, and confused when Dairanger, Maskman and Flashman show up.
basco isn't in it?
some of the more interesting fights involved him :/
The only way I can see Basco showing up is if his armored form ends up being a generic MotW.
All the episode synopsis indicate that he's not going to appear (though the last few are still a mystery but I doubt he'll appear).
Such a wasted opportunity too. Kei Hosogai speaks English, they could have easily shot new footage. But that would require spending money to fly him over, give him accommodations, and pay him overall. And Saban would rather not do that.
Hell, there's a lot of screwed up stuff about Super Megaforce. They could have shot original footage of new Legendary Morphs (more Mighty Morphin for one thing) instead of just holding onto the Megaforce costumes and doing new footage of that. I mean, you have access to every single power ever, and you waste your original footage budget on the Megaforce powers.
Also, Jake & Noah needed to switch places.
I really can't tell what faction the final boss will be from.
Say, what are patches for in OT subs? Been seeing them.
I like this kid.
Also, I like how Gaim frequently changes who the bad guys are and is very ambiguous over it. I really can't tell what faction the final boss will be from.
Like, in release posts? They're for people that already have the raw, convert it into the translated file.
Mega Silver is barely in the show.
Like I've said before, if you are interested in the premise of Megaranger, you might as well watch Fourze instead. It's like Megaranger, but good.
It's a shame, because the Megaranger suits and designs are all awesome. Power Rangers in Space is worth watching since it takes the footage and adds a lot of extra context to it that makes it better, in my opinion.
Carranger vs. Megaranger was fun though.
By "entry", I meant "entry level". As in I haven't seen a single Kamen Rider series before.
Though it seems everyone loves Gaim.
I could see the Gokaigers putting up quite a show fighting against the Shadow Line.
Exactly. It's being done to promote the Rider War movie by airing when it opens. As much as I would've loved some sort of Shadow Inves, giving them an enemy unrelated to either party puts them on an equal playing field.The crossover is unrelated to the ongoing Gaim and ToQger storyline